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Ancient History Encyclopedia. Hitler Speaking Normally (Subtitles) Cabo Carvoeiro Memorias: SABIA QUE JOSEFA DE ÓBIDOS POR AMIUDADAS VEZES VIVEU EM PENICHE. Thucydides. Opening of the work "Thucydides the Athenian wrote the history of the war fought between Athens and Sparta, beginning the account at the very outbreak of the war, in the belief that it was going to be a great war and more worth writing about than any of those which had taken place in the past.


You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia  BEIRUT — The dramatic arrival of Da’ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the West.

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia 

Many have been perplexed — and horrified — by its violence and its evident magnetism for Sunni youth. But more than this, they find Saudi Arabia’s ambivalence in the face of this manifestation both troubling and inexplicable, wondering, “Don’t the Saudis understand that ISIS threatens them, too?” It appears — even now — that Saudi Arabia’s ruling elite is divided. Some applaud that ISIS is fighting Iranian Shiite “fire” with Sunni “fire”; that a new Sunni state is taking shape at the very heart of what they regard as a historical Sunni patrimony; and they are drawn by Da’ish’s strict Salafist ideology.

Many Saudis are deeply disturbed by the radical doctrines of Da’ish (ISIS) — and are beginning to question some aspects of Saudi Arabia’s direction and discourse. But this “cultural revolution” was no docile reformism. All this behavior, Abd al-Wahhab denounced as bida — forbidden by God. Middle East Time Bomb: The Real Aim of ISIS Is to Replace the Saud Family as the New Emirs of Arabia  This article is Part II of Alastair Crooke's historical analysis of the roots of ISIS and its impact on the future of the Middle East.

Middle East Time Bomb: The Real Aim of ISIS Is to Replace the Saud Family as the New Emirs of Arabia 

BEIRUT -- ISIS is indeed a veritable time bomb inserted into the heart of the Middle East. But its destructive power is not as commonly understood. It is not with the "March of the Beheaders"; it is not with the killings; the seizure of towns and villages; the harshest of "justice" -- terrible though they are -- that its true explosive power lies. It is yet more potent than its exponential pull on young Muslims, its huge arsenal of weapons and its hundreds of millions of dollars. "We should understand that there is really almost nothing that the West can now do about it but sit and watch. " Its real potential for destruction lies elsewhere -- in the implosion of Saudi Arabia as a foundation stone of the modern Middle East. And what is this "forgotten" tradition of "loyalty and disavowal? " THE SAUDI TAIL HAS WAGGED BRITAIN AND U.S. The War You Don't See. 1808: Um péssimo livro. Por Arthur de Lacerda, historiador português, para o História Lecionada* Da autoria de Laurentino Gomes, “1808″ (editora Planeta, 2008) é um mau livro, pela sua inclinação, pelo seu apelo comercial e pelo amadorismo com que foi concebido.

1808: Um péssimo livro

A sua inclinação é negativista, detratora de Portugal e fomentadora da muito famigerada lusofobia, desprezo e ódio de muitos brasileiros pelo nosso passado colonial e pela nossa origem portuguesa. Todo historiador é livre nos seus juízos, com que avalia personagens, considera-lhes a atuação, julga-lhes o papel, descreve conjunturas, enfatiza aspectos.

Diante da massa de informações de que dispôs, na farta bibliografia relativa ao Brasil colonial, a D. Assinala-se, neste livro, um empenho pela difamação ou, quando menos, uma animadversão anti-lusitana que se intensificam nos capítulos 11, “Uma carta”, e 21, “Os viajantes”. 1808: Contestado no Brasil e em Portugal A lusofobia, infelizmente, existe e mantém-se: “1808″ mantém-na e a veicula. Curtir isso: The graffiti of Pompeii was downright raunchy, and absolutely hilarious. Why I Am an Anarcho-Capitalist - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. A great many people — more than ever, probably — describe themselves as supporters of the free market today, in spite of the unrelenting propaganda against it.

Why I Am an Anarcho-Capitalist - Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

And that’s great. Those statements of support, however, are followed by the inevitable but: but we need government to provide physical security and dispute resolution, the most critical services of all. Almost without a thought, people who otherwise support the market want to assign to government the production of the most important goods and services. Many favor a government or government-delegated monopoly on the production of money, and all support a government monopoly on the production of law and protection services.

This isn’t to say these folks are stupid or doltish. To begin with, a few basic economic principles ought to give us pause before we assume government activity is advisable: Monopolies (of which government itself is a prime example) lead to higher prices and poorer service over time. Murray N. Llewellyn H. 02 - F. Correia - C. Baptista - Anos-60-viragem.pdf. 02 - F. Correia - C. Baptista - Anos-60-viragem.pdf.