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Etudes, théories e-learning

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Education 3.0 and the Pedagogy (Andragogy, Heutagogy) of Mobile Learning. The evolution of the web from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now to Web 3.0 can be used a metaphor of how education should also be evolving, as a movement based on the evolution from Education 1.0 to Education 3.0.

Education 3.0 and the Pedagogy (Andragogy, Heutagogy) of Mobile Learning

I discussed this in Schools are doing Education 1.0; talking about doing Education 2.0; when they should be planning and implementing Education 3.0. Many educators are doing Education 1.0; talking about doing Education 2.0; when they should be planning and implementing Education 3.0. This post compares the developments of the Internet-Web to those of education. The Internet has become an integral thread of the tapestries of most societies throughout the globe. The web influences people’s way of thinking, doing and being; and people influence the development and content of the web. Learningtheories-full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1614 × 1145 pixels) - Scaled (57%) Formation aux TICE des formateurs d’enseignants : un tissage entre formation et autoformation. Cette recherche exploratoire rend compte des modalités de formation des formateurs d’enseignants dans deux établissements d’enseignement du canton de Fribourg, en Suisse.

Formation aux TICE des formateurs d’enseignants : un tissage entre formation et autoformation

Neuf formateurs d’enseignants ont été interrogés sur leurs parcours de formation et d’autoformation en matière de compétences technologiques et d’intégration des TICE. Les résultats montrent que, même si ces formateurs ont acquis des compétences technologiques, les dispositifs d’enseignement-apprentissage qu’ils mettent en place pour former de futurs enseignants intègrent relativement peu les TICE. En outre, les propos tenus montrent que les formateurs déploient des stratégies d’autoformation plus ou moins efficaces et coûteuses en temps pour les aspects techniques, mais n’usent presque jamais de ce type de procédé pour développer une intégration pédagogique des TICE dans leurs cours. PROJET RH-ENTREPRISES. Personnaliser l'apprentissage: Blended Learning est pas la seule façon de personnaliser l'apprentissage.

Des découvertes du cerveau à la formation à distance des adultes. Best Practices « SHSUOnline Blog. Welcome to the Best Practices for Teaching online or as we like to call it: Strategies for Success in your Online Course page.

Best Practices « SHSUOnline Blog

No matter what tool you use or technological journey you embark upon, is the method and not the medium that will help you ensure success in the online, face-to-face and hybrid courses you are teaching. These best practices/strategies will help you with organization, communication, time saving, assessment as well as many other areas. Just looking at this list of best practices, it is easy to understand how you might feel overwhelmed. The Power Of Interactive Learning. Sharebar Interactions in learning represent far more than the act of clicking a button or a hyperlink.

The Power Of Interactive Learning

Our physical bodies are intricately tied up with shaping our experience of the world and it’s time for learning experience designers to take advantage of new research that promotes this line of thinking. How We Think About Thinking For several decades, cognitive science regarded the mind as an abstract information processor, fairly analogous to a computer. There is growing evidence, however, that we think not just with our brains, but in collaboration with our bodies too. These close ties between mind and body arise from the theories of Embodied Cognition, which is concerned with the many ways in which cognition is grounded in the body and its interaction with the environment. Apparently, there is much more to cognition than mental representation. The Evidence is Compelling Evidence that the mind-body connection is stronger than previously thought is compelling.

References: Michael L. Innovations in eLearning 2012 Backchannel: Collected Resources #IEL12. I am a huge proponent of backchannel learning.

Innovations in eLearning 2012 Backchannel: Collected Resources #IEL12

There are many conferences people can choose to attend, but most budgets can only accommodate one or two each year. The backchannel is an excellent resource for learning from a conference or event that you are unable to attend in-person. I find collecting and reviewing backchannel resources to be a valuable learning experience for me, even when I am attending a conference in person. Sharing these collections on this blog has shown that others find value in the collections as well. This post collects the resources shared via the backchannel of the 8th Annual Innovations in eLearning Symposium, being held June 5-7 at George Mason University in Virginia.. Nine Steps to Online Learning: Step 4: Build on existing resources. Revue

Archive-EduTice. E-Schools Put Specific Measures for Success in Place. Published Online: March 12, 2012 Published in Print: March 15, 2012, as Measuring Success The devil is in the details when evaluating the educational effectiveness of virtual schools When high school students attending the full-time online WOLF school in Reno, Nev., take midterms and finals, they find themselves in an atmosphere very different from a routine school day at home. Instead of working from the privacy of their homes—where a majority of their academic time may be spent—those students must go to a testing center, show identification, and take exams under the watchful eye of a proctor.

The goal is to make sure students are doing the work and demonstrating knowledge without inappropriate assistance, says Sandi Foster, the coordinator for WOLF, which stands for Washoe School District Online Learning for the Future and is run by the 62,300-student Washoe County public school district. "I think we're flying blind on a lot of this," says Kevin G. Checking the Data Accountability on Hold? Je me forme à distance avec l’eLearning. Ressources theory and pratice of online learning.