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Are We Addicted to the Internet? (infographic) Great new infographic from, Are We Addicted to the Internet?

Are We Addicted to the Internet? (infographic)

While the American Medical Association has yet to officially classify internet addiction as a recognized mental health disorder, the statistics show that this issue is indeed serious – with potentially dangerous side affects. Betweeen 5 % and 10% of web surfers surfers suffer from some form of web dependency.The graphic below illustrates the state of internet addiction, as well as the rapid increase of Internet use in recent year.

Why internet addiction is a controversial diagnosis - Technology & Science. Isaac Vaisberg describes himself as a recovering internet addict.

Why internet addiction is a controversial diagnosis - Technology & Science

The U.S. law student says World of Warcraft, a popular multiplayer online roleplaying game, transformed him from a scholarship recipient to a recluse who spent hours in front of the computer. "I stopped even going out to get food at one point," he said. "It would be painstaking for me to tear myself away from the computer just to go downstairs and pick up my delivery order. " The upcoming issue of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5), a widely used mental health manual, will identify similar behaviours as an area that warrants further investigation. That recognition is the latest victory for the growing number of mental health professionals who are calling for internet use disorder to be classified as an official mental health disorder. However, not everyone thinks internet use disorder belongs in the mental health manual.

Vacations: Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Hot Springs, Corporate & Creative Wellness, Vacations. The Problem With Multitasking. At 10 P.M. on September 22, 1912, Franz Kafka, then a twenty-nine-year-old lawyer, sat down at his typewriter in Prague and began to write.

The Problem With Multitasking

He wrote and wrote, and eight hours later he had finished “Das Urteil” (“The Judgment”). Kafka wrote in his diary, “I was hardly able to pull my legs out from under the desk, they had got so stiff from sitting. The fearful strain and joy, how the story developed before me, as if I were advancing over water.” He later described the one-sitting method as his preferred means of writing. Comment Internet (et les smartphones) a changé notre degré d'attention. Atlantico : Une étude de Business Insider révèle que 88% des téléspectateurs américains utiliseraient leur smartphone tout en regardant la télévision.

Comment Internet (et les smartphones) a changé notre degré d'attention

Les technologies de plus en plus intrusives nous ont-elles transformés en des êtres multitâches incapables de faire une seule chose à la fois ? Base_dv_facture_intervenant. Portrait-robot d'un salarié hyper-connecté. Warriors of the Net HD. Broadcast Yourself. Les Chroniques de l'éco : Réseaux Sociaux, par Fabrice Cavarretta. Comment la technologie et Internet développent nos esprits. Temps de lecture: 10 min Si vous répondu «46,1519», «8.000» et «Quantas», deux possibilités.

Comment la technologie et Internet développent nos esprits

La première, vous êtes Rain Man. New Sunglasses Let You See Another's Emotions...Really. Fox News car chase suicide video: Was BuzzFeed wrong to post it on YouTube? Live coverage of a car chase on Fox News turned into a grisly spectacle Friday afternoon when the suspect got out of his car, stumbled down a hillside, pulled a gun, and shot himself in the head. As the scene unfolded, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith grew increasingly apprehensive, then yelled “get off it, get off it!” , belatedly urging the show’s producers to stop the live feed as it became obvious the man was going to do something rash. The station cut awkwardly to a commercial just after showing his death. The danger of data: Not the information, but the interpretation - Opinion. "We're spies," my six-year-old daughter told me.

The danger of data: Not the information, but the interpretation - Opinion

"You live in our spy house. " "Who are you spying on? " I asked. The Decline of Eye Contact. You're having a conversation with someone and suddenly his eyes drop to his smartphone or drift over your shoulder toward someone else.

The Decline of Eye Contact

It feels like this is happening more than ever—in meetings, at the dinner table, even at intimate cocktail parties—and there are signs that the decline of eye contact is a growing problem. Adults make eye contact between 30% and 60% of the time in an average conversation, says the communications-analytics company Quantified Impressions. Hot-Dog Legs. Faut-il-interdire-fb-aux-mineurs. Introducing Google Nose. Renew, les poubelles londoniennes qui scannent vos smartphones. Minority Report, souvenez-vous.

Renew, les poubelles londoniennes qui scannent vos smartphones

John "Tom Cruise" Anderton, qui vient de se faire remplacer les yeux (normal), entre dans une boutique. Aussitôt sa rétine est détectée, identifiée, ses habitudes de consommation transférées à une intelligence artificielle capable de lui proposer des produits à son goût. Fiction ? Pour les piétons londoniens, grâce/à cause des poubelles de l'entreprise Renew London, à une période où l'espionnage de la vie privée est pointé du doigt, ce rêve est devenu réalité. À moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'un cauchemar...

Renew London (littéralement "renouveler Londres") est une jeune entreprise créée en 2008, spécialisée dans les poubelles. Watch_Dogs WeareData. Constats. Obama. Infographie_ROOMn_DEF. The Mobile Phone: A History in Pictures. Motorola's DynaTAC 8000X wasn't commercially available until 1983, but its beginnings can be tracked back to 1973 when the company showed off a prototype of what would become the world's first mobile phone.

The Mobile Phone: A History in Pictures

The DynaTAC weighed almost a kilogram, provided one hour of battery life and stored 30 phone numbers in its phonebook. The Motorola DynaTAC is best known for bring used in the 1987 movie Wall Street, starring Michael Douglas as corporate raider Gordon Gecko. See related stories:The 50 Greatest Gadgets of the Past 50 YearsA Brief History of Computers, As Seen in Old TV AdsThe Ugliest Products in Tech HistoryFrom Palm Pilot to Palm Pre: A Brief History of Palm's Handhelds.

Le système de la connectivité au service de la société.