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Infographies. Infographics & Data Visualizations. Plus de 700 infographies sur ! En une seule minute, une quantité monstrueuse de données est échangée sur le web. Chaque minute de chaque heure de chaque journée. L’agence... Lorsque l’on parle de Google, Samsung ou encore Apple, on ne peut qu’avoir les yeux qui brillent quand aux montants qu’ils annoncent.... Le cloud computing est annoncé comme la technologie de demain pour tous les avantages qu’on lui connait.

Mais qui utilise réellement cette technologie?... Vous êtes une entreprise et vous souhaitez vous lancer comme vos amis dans les réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux sont addictifs et personne ne peut dire le contraire. Nous lisons de plus en plus et notamment en ligne. Foursquare est sans contest le réseau social de géolocalisation, leader sur son marché. Cette infographie présente les éléments composant un design de site web sur lesquelles jouent les web designer pour créer un site au design inédit....

Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce à quoi ressemble ou ressemblait une chambre de geek? 2012: The End Of The World? Edutechification. Being a huge fan of visualization techniques, tools, and apps; it comes as no surprise that I fell in love with infographics from the start. Infographics—when designed well, can be an incredibly powerful way to quickly communicate a lot of information quickly in a small space using visualization techniques. Combine that with the social media sharing potential that can take it viral and you can reach a much broader audience range than you would via publishing in the traditional text-based article alone.

Although I will admit that I have yet to come up with a topic that hasn’t already been done, to make an attempt at designing my own infographic. Well, there is that and the fact that I’m too terrified it will turn up in the "Infographics Hall of Ultimate Fail". (Which, btw, I don’t know if that really exists… but it should!) Follow the link above for a quick guide on creating your own infographics using TechSmith’s Snagit. Infografías. 4 Simple Tools for Creating an Infographic Resume. Infographics. Inforgraphics. Infographics & Data Visualizations. Infographic. Malofiej 20 · Infographic World Summit · Infographic awards. Infographics and charts - interactive data visualization |

Infographic pearlers

La buena prensa: Infografía: 77 definiciones. Martes, 27 de marzo de 2012 Infografía: 77 definiciones La semana pasada se celebró en Pamplona Malofiej20. Posiblemente, la más importante cumbre mundial de la Infografía. Para celebrar una edición tan "redonda", los asistentes pudimos contemplar una preciosa exposición: los mejores infografistas del mundo prepararon un infográfico en el que plasmaron su "definición" de la infografía. Publicado por Miguel Ángel Jimeno a las 7:00 Enviar por correo electrónicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con FacebookCompartir en Pinterest Etiquetas: Buenas ideas 2 comentarios: Pepa Badell dijo... Bravo! 27 de marzo de 2012, 10:11 Alets Klamroth dijo... Porqué es que al final, los infografistas fallaron (o fallamos) en dar a entender lo que hacemos... 27 de marzo de 2012, 14:28 Publicar un comentario en la entrada Entrada más recienteEntrada antiguaPágina principal Suscribirse a: Enviar comentarios (Atom) Te puede interesar... | create and share visual ideas online. Infographics Toolbox : plantillas de Google Docs. Create interactive charts and infographics - Infographies. Infographic of the Day: How Color Affects Purchases | Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork. Infographic of the Day: Is Bottled Water Really That Bad? Yes. 20 Great Visualizations of 2011. As the popularity of visualizations grows, so does their range and quality. Here’s a list of 20 of the best Static Visualizations, Interactive Visualizations, and Information Videos from 2011. (Note: while they are numbered for your convenience, the entries are not ranked.) Static Visualizations Often, static infographics are created without much thought, just as fodder to get clicks on the web.

These eight, however, are well-considered visualizations that do a fantastic job of conveying information.1. Language Communities of Twitter shows a map of the world with tweets represented by points on the map. Each point is color coded by language. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Interactive Visualizations Interactives are in a different league from static infographics. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Information Videos Information Videos are a great way to tell a story. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Drew Skau is a PhD Computer Science Visualization student at UNCC, with an undergraduate degree in Architecture. 100 Infographic Tools and Resources. This post is #6 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category.

Total items listed: 112. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! Update: Be sure to check out our latest post on infographics: Infographics Are Everywhere – Here’s How to Make Yours Go Viral. I love a good infographic! You might also like: Post Navigation The Best Blogs and Websites about Infographics Back to top Data Visualization Tools and Software Piktochart – Transforms your information into memorable - Create interactive charts and infographics.Gephi – Like Photoshop for data. Data Sources Infographic Articles and Tutorials Other / Miscellaneous / Overflow. Alltop - Top Infographics News. Exclusive Infographics: Fictional Character Birthday Calendars.

[Editor’s note: In celebration of the holidays, we’re counting down the top 12 Flavorwire features of 2012. This post, at #6, was originally published April 11.] Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a good, old-fashioned SAT-style analogy. Ready? Creed from The Office is to Hello Kitty as Don Draper is to ________? If you answered “Oscar the Grouch,” you win! Cómo crear bellas infografías sin saber diseño gráfico. Las infografías son representaciones visuales de información, datos o conocimientos. Se han hecho muy populares en Internet ya que estos gráficos nos permiten captar y comprender rápidamente conceptos difíciles. Nuestro cerebro está especialmente diseñado para el análisis visual combinando imágenes con datos. Las visualizaciones ayudan a transmitir conocimientos de una forma más eficaz que si utilizáramos simplemente texto y números, con lo que pueden ser de gran utilidad en el aula.

Hace unos años, la creación de infografías estaba limitada a académicos, empresas e instituciones gubernamentales, quienes tenían acceso a gran cantidad de datos y a diseñadores gráficos. Con ellas los alumnos pueden aprender a presentar una gran cantidad de datos de una forma creativa y divertida, más allá del típico powerpoint. 1. Piktochart es una aplicación web que permite crear bellas infografías a partir de unas plantillas y objetos que se añaden con un simple arrastrar y soltar. 3. 4. 5. Infographic of the Day. Infographics & Data Visualizations. Cool Infographics - Blog.

Infografía: éxitos y retos en el uso de las redes sociales en las universidades. Hace unos días publicaba una infografía que refleja los éxitos y los retos en el uso de las redes sociales en las universidades de los EEUU. Según el estudio, el 100% de las universidades estadounidenses estarían usando las redes sociales en alguna medida. Como publiqué en esta investigación, 15 maneras en que las universidades españolas están usando Facebook, también es el caso de España.

Las universidades españolas han creado sus páginas dedicadas en Facebook y Twitter, variando en su éxito en el número de seguidores e interacciones. El objetivo principal en todas ellas es dar a conocer sus programas de estudio y atraer a nuevos estudiantes. Pero en EEUU, el uso de las redes sociales también se ha introducido dentro del aula. ¿Qué podemos aprender de su experiencia? Éxitos Se incentiva la colaboración: Los estudiantes debaten y comentan entre ellos sus trabajos.

Retos Via: Online Universities Blog Entradas Relacionadas: [Infographies] Les propositions numériques des candidats à la présidentielle. [infographie] 97% des marketeurs croient aux ROI des médias sociaux. Le retour sur investissement (ROI) a souvent été LA question avant de se lancer sur les médias sociaux. Pourquoi y aller ? A quel prix ? Pour avoir quoi en retour ? Peut-on gagner de l’argent en y étant présent ?

Autant de questions qui semblent à ce jour être une évidence pour 97% des marketeurs. Une enquête réalisée (sur 700 spécialistes du marketing) par Wildfire Interactive, nous apprends que, dans l’utilisation marketing des médias sociaux (à des fins ROIstes), Facebook est en tête. En effet, 94% des répondants déclarent utiliser le réseau de Palo Alto. Plus loin derrière arrivent les blogs (41%), LinkedIn (32%), Youtube (30%). Le recrutement de nouveaux clients (44%)Taux de conversion supérieur (18%)Des achats plus fréquents (18%) Pour aller plus loin dans les données de cette enquête, il vous faut prendre connaissance de l’infographie ci-dessous.

Articles similaires: Tech Boom or Bubble? Take a Look at the Data! By Josh Rampant speculation. Overvaluation. Unrealistic growth expectations. With such language being used to describe current market conditions we can’t help but wonder – are we headed for another Dot-Com bubble? FeeFighters teamed up with our buddies at Kissmetrics to produce the infographic to help you decide whether we’re in a bubble or just a boom.

Click on the image for a larger version. How does the current bubble in early stage VC compare to the .com bubble? Copy & Paste this code to use this infographic on your website: <img src=" alt="" width="660" height="6056" /> Save 40% on your <a href=" card processing</a> in 3 minutes. Infographics & Data Visualizations. Many Eyes. Public Data Explorer. Indicadores sobre Desarrollo Humano Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2013, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Los datos empleados para calcular el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH), y los otros indicadores compuestos que se publican en el Informe Sobre Desarrollo ...

Desempleo en Europa (mensual) Eurostat armonizados de datos de desempleo de los países europeos. Este conjunto de datos ha sido elaborado por Google en función de los datos transferidos de Eurostat. Salario mínimo en Europa Salarios mínimos brutos bianuales por mes en euros o en paridades de poder adquisitivo. Penetración de la banda ancha en Europa Cantidad bianual de líneas de acceso a banda ancha en valores absolutos y por cada 100 personas.

Deuda gubernamental en Europa Estadísticas financieras gubernamentales de los países europeos. Los precios del combustible en Europa. Los precios medios de Diesel y Gasolina sin plomo 95. Población México Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) Infographics & Data Visualizations - Infographics & Data Visualizations. 5 Unbeatable Types of Infographic + Free Tools to Create Them. An infographic (information graphic) has been a very effective way to bait for links and social media votes for ages. Like anything else, it can be done right or wrong (I am sure you have seen dozens of poorly implemented infographics by now and maybe a few really good ones). How to create a good one? The secret is in days (maybe months) of brainstorming. A cool concept doesn’t even have to be too very well-designed.

All you need is a great idea and some time of putting it together. This post lists 5 unbeatable (when done right) types of infographics as well as free tools to help you put your ideas to life – enjoy! 1. As the periodic table hangs in thousands of classrooms all over the world, it has become a visual metaphor and serves now as a template for knowledge presentation in various niches and verticals.

Examples: Tools and resources: 2. Tools and resources: 3. 4. 5. Further reading: Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Online Charts Builder. Hohli Online Charts Builder New version: Try new version of Charts Builder, it based on new Google Charts API Load From Image URL: Chart Data can't equal to original, but very similar to it. Only for images on Chart Type: 3D Pie charts Lines Bar charts Pie charts For Pie Charts with labels choose 1000x300 or 800x375 size Venn diagrams Scatter plots Radar charts Chart Size: 320x240 Horizontal 1000x300 800x375 600x500 320x240 Vertical 300x1000 375x800 500x600 240x320 Square 546x546 400x400 300x300 200x200 Chart Ads: Data: Should be consists only positive numbers, use minus one (-1) for missing value, separated by coma, space or semi(,; ), e.g.: 23, 432, 456, 341 For Lines (pairs): Input data as x-axis and y-axis coordinates, e.g.: x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 Title: Use a pipe character (|) to force a line break in title.

Background: Chart is ready you can save it as image Right click on the chart Select "Save image as" Save the image to your computer © 2011 Charts Builder. Developed by Anton Shevchuk. 12 Infographics About Running to Motivate You Into Shape. There are plenty of national days and even months these days, during which we celebrate all kinds of things — not very many of them encouraging healthy living or exercise.

(Case in point: June is National Candy Month, and June 16 is Fudge Day. Enjoy.) Then there’s National Running Day, held on the first Wednesday in June and celebrated by simply lacing up and going for a run. In 2013, National Running Day is on June 5, and to encourage you to join in the festivities, we thought we’d offer up some visual motivation. Check out these 12 infographics about running, get hyped up, and run! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aleksandra Todorova is the Editorial Director at Tour at GeoCommons. GeoCommons is the public community of GeoIQ users who are building an open repository of data and maps for the world.

The GeoIQ platform includes a large number of features that empower you to easily access, visualize and analyze your data. We've highlighted just a few of these features below. You can watch any of our videos to learn more, or just sign up for free to get started building your own maps. Create Compelling Map Visualizations Easy Map Visualization You can build gorgeous maps in just minutes using GeoIQ's simple workflow and quick exploration capabilities.

Open, Accessible Data for All Data Upload & Search GeoCommons provides full data upload, sharing, and search feature to easily share data with the world. GeoIQ Enterprise and Analysis When you are ready to take it to the next level we have GeoIQ enterprise. Analysis GeoIQ Enterprise now includes spatial analysis in the cloud.

Open API For Developers Need a custom application, dashboard or workflow? Interactive maps and visualizations. Dibuja Libremente. Piktochart- Your Infographic Tool for Customized Design.