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śĦeℓℓỴ :] on we heart it / visual bookmark #5103823

We encourage users to report abusive images and help us moderate the content on We Heart It. If you want to un-heart an image to remove it from your gallery, don't report it. Why are you reporting this entry? Blogs humour. Camisetas Be Friki. Robot Chicken. Japan Talk - Pocky Madness. 101 Things To Do In Tokyo 14 Jobs in Japan for Foreigners 102 Things to do in Japan.

Japan Talk - Pocky Madness

Google Fail. Google Fails. Monoface. 1LOOP - It's all about fun! PCL Link Dump. Dear Girls Above Me. Bon Cosplay. Snorg Tees - New Funny T-Shirts Every Week (Vintage T-Shirt, Cool Graphic Tee Shirts) - StumbleUpon. Thebroline -thebroline. Insolite - Le sol s'effondre… - Elle gagne deux… - De 0 à 12 ans en 3… - Il vit dans une… - Un homme payé à ne… - Morte parce qu'elle… - Il bousille sa… - Exaspéré par les… - Un bébé né avec six…

The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things. Stuff no one told you: Simple truths of life - Fun Stuff Cafe. Cartoon Voices. You may KNOW some of these members. Our members could be your teacher, a college student, your librarian, or even a neighbor in your city. Members post photos and videos of themselves performing sexual acts with partners or masturbating by themselves. These real, amateur images are high resolution and may be shocking to you. Before your registration is complete, you must agree to the following guidelines: What happens on Adult FriendFinder, stays on Adult FriendFinder. If you have read and understand the above guidelines, please click below: Bound By Tradition. On 20 October 1998, the Zhiqiang Shoe Factory in Harbin, China sent out a press release stating that they were officially halting production of a curious variety of footwear known as “lotus shoes.”

Bound By Tradition

This announcement may appear pedestrian to Western eyes, but in a way it was a symbolic epitaph for a bizarre custom which had been in practice in parts of China for about a thousand years: a process known as foot binding. Until the mid-twentieth century, a girl born into an affluent family in China was almost certain to be taken aside sometime in her first few years to begin a process of sculpting her feet into tiny, pointed “lotus” feet. This body modification was intended to attract suitors and flaunt one's upper-crusty status. Generations of trial and error led practitioners of foot binding to master the craft of twisting and reshaping a young girl's sole. Complete Nerdom. Universal Wrapping Paper. I waste so much time. Fork Party. Frikipandi - Lo más friki de la red. Inicio - Lo más Friki de la red. Futility Closet.

Personal Space Bubble, or Lack Thereof. Even though I am living in the biggest country in the world, most of the time it feels like I’m living in the smallest.

Personal Space Bubble, or Lack Thereof

I have nothing but fondness for Kazan and all of its people, but sometimes at the end of a long day, I start to feel crowded. Buses brimming with students, men with mustaches and tattooed fingers, and old fat ladies wrapped in fur lumber down narrow streets behind masses of Ladas and old Ford models. Everyone is in a rush to get to where they should have been an hour ago, and no one is getting anywhere. In addition to this physical crowdedness, getting used to a social “crowding” that I have never experienced before has been even more exciting, overwhelming, and sometimes frustrating. In my experience thus far, Russians are much more straightforward than Americans. How to annoy facebook. Keyboard: S - next A - previous R - random how to annoy facebook Share on FB 2064 Below Random Pics poor humanity.

How to annoy facebook

WTF Japan Seriously. WTF, Pinterest? Ras le bol : Accueil. Vie de merde : Vos histoires de la vie quotidienne. Ras Le Cul : Partagez vos coups de gueule, vos ras le bol. Demotivational Posters. The Human Calendar: A Calendar of Humans. The Restart Page - Free unlimited rebooting experience from vintage operating systems.

THEY'RE HERE! 2010 DARWIN AWARDS - You've been waiting for them with bated breath, so without further ado, here are the 2010 Darwin Awards. Tofugu. Random funny pictures. Star Trek. Funny Picdump #24: 50 Photos. Great Ideas. Dinner time.

Meanwhile, In Switzerland. How to Totally Troll someones Computer [pic] Email If you have ever wanted to carry out the ultimate practical joke using someone’s computer as your tool then this guide on how to troll a persons computer is something that you must read. For more hints, tips, news and all things technology and geek related please follow us on Facebook or Twitter or subscribe to our feed. Monday Thru Friday: Here’s hoping that they accepted his refusal of his denial. Give Up Internet. AdiTone. Allcomments-We Know whats Funny. Funny Anti Jokes - StumbleUpon. What are Antijokes?

Funny Anti Jokes - StumbleUpon

Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline. We’ve just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! Burning my time .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2011. Deep, Hipsterish “Words on Pictures” Parody. DOGHOUSE. Humor pages. Humor from the net... - StumbleUpon. To: Subject: Trivia Who collects this stuff??

Humor pages. Humor from the net... - StumbleUpon

----- Begin Included Message ----- Bank robber John Dillinger played professional baseball. If you toss a penny 10000 times, it will not be heads 5000 times, but more like 4950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher. The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F. Humor, humor en nog eens humor! - Thy King. Jup, ik heb weer een lading grappige plaatjes voor je.

Humor, humor en nog eens humor! - Thy King

Het is wel mijn humor, maar hopelijk zit er wat leuks tussen.. Laugh IT Out. Random funny pictures. Los 20 vídeos más largos y absurdos de Youtube. Hoy en día, en Internet, es absolutamente normal encontrarnos con todo tipo de cosas, y cada día que pasa estamos más acostumbrados a ello.

Los 20 vídeos más largos y absurdos de Youtube

Sin embargo, no hay que olvidar que gran parte de «culpa» la tienen las personas que están detrás de las pantallas, con su particular y curioso sentido del humor. Una buena muestra de ello, son este listado de 32 cuentas de Twitter absurdas y divertidas o este otro con varios memes recurrentes. A continuación, veremos una selección de los 20 vídeos más largos (¡10 horas!) Y absurdos (100% humor absurdo garantizado) de todo Youtube, la mayoría (por no decir todos) basados en memes de Internet.

Obviamente, los vídeos son muy cortos, simplemente se repiten varias veces durante 10 horas, formando un hipnótico bucle infinito que puede llegar a atraparnos virtualmente. 1. Mother of god... My Collection of Funny Emails. Send funny emails to your friends! Why didn’t I think of that? You’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems... some you never knew you had!

Hull strawberries easily using a straw. Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV or computer screen with WD40. The Meta Picture. Top 20 funny animated gifs.