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10 Major Blunders in Doctor Who. 50 years and nearly 800 stories... we can't blame them for not getting everything right.

10 Major Blunders in Doctor Who

Over 50 years and nearly 800 stories, Doctor Who has consistently delivered some of the best science fiction on television, and is currently the most popular sci-fi TV show on the planet. Let that sink in, people like me who have loved the series since back in the olden days. 8 Things We Know About The Next Three Episodes. Info about the Doctor's adventures on the moon, the Orient Express, and...

8 Things We Know About The Next Three Episodes

Shoreditch. Warning: This article will contain spoilers for episodes that have not yet been broadcast. We’re now nearly halfway into Series 8 of Doctor Who and things are about to change. As of the coming Saturday, Doctor Who gets a new later timeslot and The Caretaker looks to be the last light episode we’ll get for a while; with a trio of particularly bleak episodes following in its wake and then just one more episode before the Cybermen descend for the finale. And while footage from the second half of Series 8 has been all but non-existent, the BBC has still been cranking up its publicity machine; including previews of Time Heist, The Caretaker, Kill The Moon, and Mummy On The Orient Express in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine along with interviews with Kill The Moon’s writer Peter Harness and comedian Frank Skinner who will guest star in Mummy On The Orient Express. 6 Reasons Why An American Doctor Who Would Be Terrible - Page 6 of 6.

When any American drama is made, an absolute bumload of cash is pumped into it.

6 Reasons Why An American Doctor Who Would Be Terrible - Page 6 of 6

So when it comes to casting their leading man or woman, the networks usually tend to play it safe by casting a big name into at least one of the lead roles such as Alan Dale (Neighbours) and Ashley Jensen (Extras) in Ugly Betty, Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Harvey Keitel (Reservoir Dogs) in the 2008 Life On Mars remake. Meanwhile, the BBC is perfectly happy to take a punt on putting relatively unknown actors in lead roles as Doctor Who itself shows. 6 Reasons Why An American Doctor Who Would Be Terrible. Doctor Who’s popularity across the pond is growing rapidly.

6 Reasons Why An American Doctor Who Would Be Terrible

So rapidly in fact that it’s a surprise that one of... Doctor Who’s popularity across the pond is growing rapidly. So rapidly in fact that it’s a surprise that one of the big American networks hasn’t snapped up the rights and tried to remake it. Then again, given the embarrassing debacle of the Fox co-produced TV film of 1996, perhaps the Americans have learnt that Doctor Who actually has eerie powers and that anybody who tries to remake it will end up embarrassing themselves and failing to make any serious money off it. The Doctor Who Movie (1996) 7 Amazing Works of Pop Culture That Have Been Lost Forever.

It's easy to think that, with the Internet existing and all, we should have access to pretty much every movie, TV show, and book ever made.

7 Amazing Works of Pop Culture That Have Been Lost Forever

But that's not remotely true -- for various (usually stupid) reasons, there are huge holes in our cultural history. Nobody bothered to keep copies of certain things, in any format. So, we can only be wildly curious about ... #7. An Infamous Sesame Street Episode That Traumatized Children Sesame Workshop After decades of successfully teaching kids about the elementary facts of life -- shapes, letters, and ... uuuhm, death -- in 1992, Sesame Street decided to teach kids about divorce. The fact that their divorce episode, unofficially titled "Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce," ended up traumatizing their impressionable audience is really of secondary importance here. Sesame WorkshopThe Count teaches kids how to add gifts from two birthdays and Christmases.

So as you may have guessed from its title, the episode in question dealt with Mr. . #6. 'Doctor Who' Review - Episode 2 'Into The Dalek' Felt Like A Throwback To Tom Baker Days. How on earth (or elsewhere) is the 'Doctor Who' crew going to maintain this level of excitement?

'Doctor Who' Review - Episode 2 'Into The Dalek' Felt Like A Throwback To Tom Baker Days

It was only his second full-length outing, and Peter Capaldi was already face to face with the Doctor's ultimate enemy, a certain Dalek. Except, this particular Nemesis didn't seem to be on-message, and instead on a mission to destroy his kin. Which meant Clara - naturally - had to head inside HIS head, on a journey with more than a few knowing grins at 'Fantastic Voyage'. The in-depth military advice given to her by The Doctor for such a mission, "Don't be lasagne. " A meeting of two old friends It all went a bit wrong, as the Doctor and Co succeeded in helping the Dalek right itself, or wrong itself, depending on your perspective. 'Doctor Who' Lesbian/Lizard Kiss Scene Sparks Ofcom Complaints.

'Doctor Who' Review - 'Deep Breath' Peter Capaldi's Debut Episode Finds Tardis In Safe Hands. Matt Smith’s surprise appearance, despite handing over the baton to a new but old Doctor Who, was just one of the sweet delights in Peter Capaldi’s debut full-length episode.

'Doctor Who' Review - 'Deep Breath' Peter Capaldi's Debut Episode Finds Tardis In Safe Hands

Except there was so much more besides, with show runner and this episode’s writer Steven Moffat seizing every opportunity to indulge himself, his new leading man and the audience. Peter Capaldi proved a multi-layered delight in his debut episode as Doctor Who When he wasn’t making jokes about Scotland – “my eyebrows are so angry, they want to cede from rest of my face,” announced the Doctor a propos of nothing – he was tipping big winks to the stalls - “I need clothes… a big long scarf… no, it’d look stupid” was one aside – and finally a sweet treatise on how important it is, crucial for the planet’s future even, to put aside the beauty and charm of youth for the wisdom and wit of age.

Push to ordain Mormon women leads to excommunication. 25 August 2014Last updated at 21:00 ET By Jane Little BBC News, Washington Kate Kelly shows a digital copy of the letter which informed her of her excommunication Kate Kelly stands frozen at an empty intersection in Salt Lake City.

Push to ordain Mormon women leads to excommunication

There is no traffic coming in either direction. "I need to wait for the signal," she says, "I'm obedient, I'm a Mormon. " She laughs, her eyes twinkling behind her thick, retro-style glasses. Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds. Doctor Who Season 8 Has The Highest Rated Season Premiere Ever.

Get th(I)ese bastards!

‘Doctor Who' New Series: Peter Capaldi Will Cause A Fright In First Episode, According To Steven Moffat. Steven Moffat has teased ‘Doctor Who’ fans with a few snippets of information about the upcoming new series’ first episode, which will be titled ‘Deep Breath’.

‘Doctor Who' New Series: Peter Capaldi Will Cause A Fright In First Episode, According To Steven Moffat

While he’s been keen to keep the plot under wraps ahead of the show’s premiere later this month, Steven has given a few clues for fans wondering how Clara will take the news of the regeneration. Peter Capaldi Speaking to TV Line, he asks: "What would it be like if you were Matt Smith one moment and Peter Capaldi the next? "