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AI and Ethics/Privacy

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Dan Wu on LinkedIn: #dataethics #privacy #security. How to make algorithms fair when you don't know what they're doing. Life-changing decisions are happening in the dark. Machine-learning algorithms now determine decisions from loan applications to cancer diagnoses. In France, they place children in schools. In the US, they determine prison sentences. They can set credit scores and insurance rates, and decide the fate of job candidates and university applicants. But these programs are often unaccountable. The AI researcher Sandra Wachter is working to drag them into the light. Now Wachter works on the legal and ethical implications of AI, machine learning and robotics. Wachter believes we should have the legal right to know why algorithms come to specific decisions about us. Counterfactuals are statements of how the world would need to be different in order for a different outcome to occur: if you earned £10,000 a year more, you would have got the mortgage; if you had a slightly better degree, you would have got the job.

“If I don’t get a loan, I don’t necessarily care so much how the algorithm works.


Robots/AI killing jobs. CNIL. Should the EU embrace artificial intelligence, or fear it? As Ursula von der Leyen took office as the new President of the European Commission this week, she said her administration will prioritise two issues above all: guiding Europe through the energy transition in response to climate change, and guiding it through the digital transition in response to new technologies.

Should the EU embrace artificial intelligence, or fear it?

On the latter, she has her work cut out. “Digitalisation is making things possible that were unthinkable even a generation ago,” she told the European Parliament ahead of her approval last week. “To grasp the opportunities and to address the dangers that are out there, we must be able to strike a smart balance where the market cannot. We must protect our European well‑being and our European values. In the digital age, we must continue on our European path.”

Many MEPs understand that the European path wants to be in contrast to that of America, which has had a light-touch approach to regulating the internet and digital technology. Sleepwalkers Podcast: Artificial Intelligence Is Watching Us and Judging Us. The Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence. 10 Principles for Ethical AI. Ethics as an Escape from Regulation: From ethics-washing to ethics-shopping? – The Privacy & Sustainable Computing Lab. I recently had the pleasure of attending a fantastic seminar on 10 Years of Profiling the European Citizen at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) which was organised by Mireille Hildebrand, Emre Bayamlıoğlu and her team there.

Ethics as an Escape from Regulation: From ethics-washing to ethics-shopping? – The Privacy & Sustainable Computing Lab

As a result of this seminar I was asked to developed a short provocative article to present among scholars there. As there have been numerous requests for the article that I have received over the last few weeks, I decided to publish it here to ensure that it is accessible to a wider audience sooner rather than later. It will be published as part of an edited volume developed from the seminar with Amsterdam University Press later this year. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me: - AI: Decoded. AI: Worries about the dangers of facial recognition growing in China. A display for facial recognition and artificial intelligence is seen on monitors at Huawei’s Bantian campus on April 26, 2019 in Shenzhen, China.

AI: Worries about the dangers of facial recognition growing in China

Kevin Frayer | Getty Images China’s seemingly unfettered push into facial recognition is getting some high-level pushback. Face-swapping app Zao went viral last weekend, but it subsequently triggered a backlash from media — both state-run and private — over the apparent lack of data privacy protections. The app also stirred controversy as it allows users to upload photos of themselves and superimpose their faces on clips of celebrities or anyone else. Its capability raised concerns that people could manipulate videos to spread disinformation. Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics. Table of Contents Introduction Appendix 1: Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence: an Open Letter Appendix 2: Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence.

Machine Ethics and Robot Ethics

China-surveillance-artificial-intelligence-racial-profiling.amp. Michael barbaro From The New York Times, I’m Michael Barbaro.


This is “The Daily.” Today: Under Xi Jinping, China is pioneering a new form of governance by surveillance. In the first of a two-part series, my colleague Paul Mozur on how China piloted that system on one minority group in the country. Conclusions_Groupes_Travail_France_IA. Industry Connections. The purpose of this Initiative is to ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems.

Industry Connections

Ethically Aligned Design, Version 1 - Request For Input Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems represents the collective input of over one hundred global thought leaders from academia, science, government and corporate sectors in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, ethics, philosophy, and policy. Details on how to submit comments and feedback regarding Version 1 of the Ethically Aligned Design (EAD) can be found via the Submission Guidelines. Individuals interested in specific content within the EAD can submit feedback on the following sections relevant to their particular interests: Feisty jenn - Machine Learning with Personal Data by Dimitra... How to settle any “is this real AI?” debate — Measuring Artificial Intelligence. Our Machines Now Have Knowledge We’ll Never Understand.

The new availability of huge amounts of data, along with the statistical tools to crunch these numbers, offers a whole new way of understanding the world. Correlation supersedes causation, and science can advance even without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic explanation at all. So wrote Wired’s Chris Anderson in 2008. It kicked up a little storm at the time, as Anderson, the magazine’s editor, undoubtedly intended. Automatic for the people: How Germany’s Otto uses artificial intelligence. A GLIMPSE into the future of retailing is available in a smallish office in Hamburg.

Automatic for the people: How Germany’s Otto uses artificial intelligence

From there, Otto, a German e-commerce merchant, is using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve its activities. The firm is already deploying the technology to make decisions at a scale, speed and accuracy that surpass the capabilities of its human employees. Courts Are Using AI to Sentence Criminals. That Must Stop Now. There is a stretch of highway through the Ozark Mountains where being data-driven is a hazard.

Courts Are Using AI to Sentence Criminals. That Must Stop Now

About Jason Tashea (@justicecodes), a writer and technologist based in Baltimore, is the founder of Justice Codes, a criminal justice and technology consultancy. Heading from Springfield, Missouri, to Clarksville, Arkansas, navigation apps recommend the Arkansas 43. While this can be the fastest route, the GPS’s algorithm does not concern itself with factors important to truckers carrying a heavy load, such as the 43’s 1,300-foot elevation drop over four miles with two sharp turns.

The road once hosted few 18-wheelers, but the last two and half years have seen a noticeable increase in truck traffic—and wrecks. AI Open Letter - Future of Life Institute. Artificial intelligence (AI) research has explored a variety of problems and approaches since its inception, but for the last 20 years or so has been focused on the problems surrounding the construction of intelligent agents – systems that perceive and act in some environment.

AI Open Letter - Future of Life Institute

In this context, “intelligence” is related to statistical and economic notions of rationality – colloquially, the ability to make good decisions, plans, or inferences. The adoption of probabilistic and decision-theoretic representations and statistical learning methods has led to a large degree of integration and cross-fertilization among AI, machine learning, statistics, control theory, neuroscience, and other fields.

As capabilities in these areas and others cross the threshold from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies, a virtuous cycle takes hold whereby even small improvements in performance are worth large sums of money, prompting greater investments in research. Open Letter on Autonomous Weapons - Future of Life Institute. AI/Robotics Researchers : Stuart Russell Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, and co-author of the standard textbook “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach"Nils J.

Open Letter on Autonomous Weapons - Future of Life Institute

Nilsson, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Kumagai Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, past president of AAAIBarbara J. Grosz Harvard University, Higgins Professor of Natural Sciences, former president AAAI, former chair of IJCAI Board of TrusteesTom Mitchell CMU, past president of AAAI, Fredkin University Professor and Head of the Machine Learning DepartmentEric Horvitz, Microsoft Research, Managing director, Microsoft Research, past president of AAAI, co-chair of AAAI Presidential Panel on Long-term AI Futures, member of ACM, IEEE CISMartha E. Le fil. What if your ‘doctor’ were a robot? How AI is challenging our ethics. Imagine you are about to receive a diagnosis for what is suspected to be some form of leukemia.

Your doctor tells you she needs a few minutes to consult with Dr. Watson before your appointment. It has been a difficult and unusual case, which is why Watson was brought in to help. En 2017, le début de la révolte contre la technologie (Laurent Alexandre) En 2016, le monde a connu une nouvelle accélération technologique, avec les débuts de la voiture autonome, la victoire de Google face au champion du monde de go, l'arrivée de l'intelligence artificielle dans les smartphones.

Cette mondialisation par la science engendre de nouvelles guerres économiques, où la Californie et la Chine font la course en tête. Deep Mind : l'outil d'analyse des data santé de Google est-il en passe de mettre à bas toutes les lois sur la protection des données personnelles ? Neuralink, la start-up d'Elon Musk qui veut mettre des implants dans votre cerveau pour le rendre surpuissant.

CERVEAU - Alors que sort cette semaine le film "Ghost in the Shell", la réalité rejoint presque la fiction. European Parliament. European Parliament raises ethical questions on robots and artificial intelligence - EuroparlTV. Can a robot be held responsible for its actions? Concerned by liability risks and security issues, European legislators say it's time to take a closer look at the civilian use of robots. Transcript: <! -- Si no hay js activado llamamos a este metodo --> Whether it's driving cars, feeding and milking cows, or performing surgery, robots are stepping up to the task and cracking into a range of markets.

Their ranks have swelled to 1.7 million in the world. Robots: Legal Affairs Committee calls for EU-wide rules. EU rules for the fast-evolving field of robotics, to settle issues such as compliance with ethical standards and liability for accidents involving driverless cars, should be put forward by the EU Commission, urged the Legal Affairs Committee on Thursday. Rapporteur Mady Delvaux (S&D, LU) said: “A growing number of areas of our daily lives are increasingly affected by robotics. In order to address this reality and to ensure that robots are and will remain in the service of humans, we urgently need to create a robust European legal framework”. Her report, approved by 17 votes to 2, with 2 abstentions, looks at robotics-related issues such as liability, safety and changes in the labour market. MEPs stress that EU-wide rules are needed to fully exploit the economic potential of robotics and artificial intelligence and guarantee a standard level of safety and security.

A new European Agency for robotics and a Code of Ethical Conduct. Vers un droit civil européen de l’intelligence artificielle. Conclusions Groupes Travail France IA. Stratégie nationale en intelligence artificielle. Présentation générale du projet Le Gouvernement souhaite mobiliser tous les membres de la communauté IA et fédérer les nombreuses initiatives émergentes en France pour définir une stratégie nationale concertée et mettre en avant le potentiel de la France dans ce domaine essentiel pour l’avenir. L’objectif de ce projet est de faire émerger de la part des acteurs de l’IA (chercheurs, entreprises, économistes, etc.) des recommandations de politique publique et des priorités pour tirer parti de l’intelligence artificielle en répondant aux inquiétudes qu’elle suscite. La stratégie nationale en intelligence artificielle a été lancée par le Gouvernement le 20 janvier 2017.

UK Information Commissioner Updates Paper on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Protection - Data Protection Report. The Rise of AI Makes Emotional Intelligence More Important. La place de l’homme face à l’intelligence artificielle. Stephen Hawking - will AI kill or save humankind? Image copyright Getty Images. Putting Digital Ethics on the Map - Digit. As Digital Transformation professionals, we have worked hard at the digital transformation of many industries and sectors. The early years of the digital revolution just past proves that people have embraced technology. Home - The Alan Turing Institute. Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence? Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Scientific American’s sister publication, as “Digitale Demokratie statt Datendiktatur.” “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.

Immaturity is the inability to use one’s understanding without guidance from another.” We must automate humanity - Chris Skinner's blog. Reflections on artificial intelligence and ecosystems … while wearing my “Techticism” detector hat (Part 1) – Gregory Bufithis. Réunion plénière (OPECST) Elon Musk: artificial intelligence is our biggest existential threat. Bill Gates: the robot that takes your job should pay taxes — Quartz.

Berkman Klein Center. Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence. One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100) Knight Foundation. Introducing OpenAI. Robots: Legal Affairs Committee calls for EU-wide rules. EU to vote on declaring robots to be ‘electronic persons‘ Europe mulls treating robots legally as people ... but with kill switches. Mady Delvaux : « Un cadre légal en matière de robotique est nécessaire » Robots and artificial intelligence: MEPs call for EU-wide liability rules. Robots: les députés veulent des règles européennes en matière de responsabilité. MEPs in 'urgent' call for new laws on artificial intelligence and robotics.

Do no harm, don't discriminate: official guidance issued on robot ethics. Laurent Alexandre sur L'intelligence Artificielle (JANVIER 2017 en HD) AI Ethics: Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Society. LinkedIn et eBay promettent 20 millions de dollars pour l'éthique de l'IA - Business Intelligence. Après l'intelligence artificielle, se protéger de la conscience artificielle ? Twitter hopes machine learning can save it from oblivion. Ethics for the AI Age. European Parliament. Building Public Policy To Address Artificial Intelligence’s Impact - CIO Journal. How can we address real concerns over artificial intelligence? Intelligence artificielle : recommandations IEEE pour une conception éthique - Droit-robots Blog. Les algorithmes font-ils des erreurs impensables pour l’homme ? Tech Leaders Are Just Now Getting Serious About AI Ethics. Davos 2016 - The State of Artificial Intelligence.

Obama : « l’intelligence artificielle pourrait accroître les inégalités » Table ronde Intelligence artificielle - Les matins du Sénat (20/01/2017) sur Orange Vidéos. Intelligence Artificielle, les défis actuels et l'action d'Inria. Experts on the Pros and Cons of Algorithms. Les géants du net réfléchissent à l'éthique de l'AI. Le temps des algorithmes. Le slow blog de Serge: L'intelligence artificielle au Sénat.

TransAlgo : évaluer la responsabilité et la transparence des systèmes algorithmiques. Rapport 2017 de Thales sur les menaces informatiques : les décisions liées aux dépenses de sécurité ne garantissent pas la protection des données sensibles. Les pouvoirs publics s'emparent de la question de l'intelligence artificielle - "Dans un siècle, on a Matrix" : au Sénat, Laurent Alexandre prophétise l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle. Intelligence-artificielle-personnalite-robot. Is AI Sexist? Can Machines Become Moral? L'IA doit aider l'homme, non le remplacer, affirment IBM et Microsoft.

Ethics — the next frontier for artificial intelligence. Intelligence artificielle : recommandations IEEE pour une conception éthique - Droit-robots Blog. Artificial intelligence ethical questions. Become a Speaker - Mobile World Congress.