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Family.scss. Sly. Introduction Sly is a JavaScript library for advanced one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support.


It can be used as a simple scrollbar replacement, as an advanced item based navigation tool, or as a great navigation and animation interface for parallax websites. This is achieved by a powerful & developer friendly API that provides a bunch of very useful methods giving you control over everything. Dependencies jQuery 1.7+ And that's it.

Compatibility Sly works in every desktop browser, and due to some divine intervention, even in IE6+, but that is a complete accident. Mobile Sly does touch events, and I'm generally trying to make it work everywhere, but the fact is that mobile is not tested. Changelog Sly upholds the Semantic Versioning Specification. Support Reward the developer And make him happy for maintaining this library! I don't want to go the Isotope & family route and monetize my libraries. Performance Examples Documentation Forum. Popper.js. Vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library. Force.js. Push.js. Progress.js - Themeable progress bar library. SweetAlert2 - an awesome and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes.

Normal alert alert('You clicked the button! ') swal( 'Good job! ', 'You clicked the button! ', 'success' ) Pretty cool huh? More examples Download & install $ npm install sweetalert2 Or $ bower install sweetalert2 Or download from CDN: Imagehover.css - A Pure CSS Image Hover Effect Library. Particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles. Javascript Animation Engine. KUTE.js Download Github CDN 1 CDN 2 At A Glance Badass Performance KUTE.js is crazy fast with it's outstanding performance and super fast code execution, it's also memory efficient.

Javascript Animation Engine

I made a cool demo to showcase how KUTE.js really scales on performance. Hammer.JS - Hammer.js. HTML Div Table - Online Tools. PaymentFont — A sleek Payment Webfont. Hide your header on scroll - Headroom.js. Downloads Note: the sizes shown are after gzipping.

Hide your header on scroll - Headroom.js

What's it all about? Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet PDF With Examples and All Classes 2017. Bootstrap 4 All Classes List v4.4.1 Complete list of all Bootstrap 4 classes with description, examples, and links to documentation.

Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet PDF With Examples and All Classes 2017

Other cheat sheets available: Bootstrap 3 Cheat Sheet | Flexbox Cheat Sheet | CSS Cheat Sheet | Bootstrap Icons Cheat Sheet | More Resources. Loud Links - A simple tiny Javascript library to add interaction sounds to your website. Modaal is a WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessible modal plugin. Fetches content from an existing element (using an ID) in the page and loads it into the content.

Modaal is a WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessible modal plugin

If you would prefer your trigger element is not an <a href="#">, you can define a `content_source` value like so: Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. AbsurdJS - JavaScript library with superpowers. - Custom and Instagram like photo filters for CSS. AOS - Animate on scroll library. Easy Fullscreen HTML5 Background Video. Untitled. Einer der einfachsten Wege, deiner Website tolle Funktionen hinzuzufügen, ist, ein gutes Plugin zu finden und zu verwenden.


Etwa gibt es eine Menge Seiten, die dynamische Effekte nutzen. Um ebenfalls so ein Ergebnis zu erzielen, kannst du ein AOS-Plugin wählen, was für “Animation On Scrolling” steht. Es hat einen Haufen kleiner Effekte in seinem Arsenal. Füge dem gewünschten „div“ einfach die nötigen Klassen hinzu und deine Oberfläche bekommt einen Hauch von Dynamik und die Nutzererfahrung wirkt innovativ. Wenn du ein Parallax brauchst, gibt es tolle Lösungen namens Parallax.js oder Jump.js. Um dir dieses Suchen zu ersparen, erstellen wir jedes Jahr eine Liste mit 100 nützlichen Plugins aus verschiedenen Bereichen. AniJS Entwickler: dariel_noel.Lizenz: frei verwendbar unter der liberalen MIT-Lizenz Bideo Entwickler: RishabhLizenz: frei verwendbar unter der liberalen MIT-Lizenz Entwickler: Michal SajnógLizenz: frei verwendbar unter der liberalen MIT-Lizenz. Force.js.