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Évolution:anthropologie,biologie,archéologie,psychologie. Sciences de l'info.:collecte,organisation et publication du savoir,modèles ouverts.Technos libres.

MorphoSource. The Anatomical Record - Volume 298, Issue 6 - June 2015. Sociality, Hierarchy, Health: Comparative Biodemography: Papers from a Workshop. ShakePeers. Fourteen for ’14: get your free Mosaic ebook. As 2014 rapidly approaches its end we wanted to give a little something to our readers - and what more appropriate than a book?

Fourteen for ’14: get your free Mosaic ebook

We’ve taken 14 of the most popular stories from Mosaic’s first year and compiled them into a single anthology, which – in keeping with our ethos – we’re giving away free to download to your favourite ereader. Download .epubDownload .mobi (Kindle) The books are compatible with a Kindle or any other ereader of choice as well as iBooks and other ebook apps. There is a table of contents in each book (just click ‘contents’ in your ereader to view), but here is what’s included: Arrested development, by Virginia HughesBlood speaks, by Rose GeorgeCan you supercharge your brain? Infographic: How to Start an Open Access Journal › Hybrid Publishing Lab Notepad. Starting your own journal is not rocket science.

Infographic: How to Start an Open Access Journal › Hybrid Publishing Lab Notepad

To illustrate this, we boiled down our research on the topic and added some insights from David Solomon, Martin Eve, and other experts. And there it is: a poster that allows you to get an idea of the various aspects of Open Access journal publishing at a glance. For the poster, we identified seven different issues covering the stages of planning, setting up, running, and sustaining your journal: Scope and Content StrategyPeople and WorkflowsJournal ManagementDesignMarketing and DistributionFinancingLicenses Each of these areas is provided with basic information, advice, illustrations, or key questions to ask yourself. Mattering Press - Home. eBooks@Adelaide: Free Web Books, Online.

Open Access and the Humanities Contexts, Controversies and the Future. If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years.

Open Access and the Humanities Contexts, Controversies and the Future

You may also have heard either that it is the utopian answer to all the problems of research dissemination or perhaps that it marks the beginning of an apocalyptic new era of 'pay-to-say' publishing. In this book, Martin Paul Eve sets out the histories, contexts and controversies for open access, specifically in the humanities. Broaching practical elements alongside economic histories, open licensing, monographs and funder policies, this book is a must-read for both those new to ideas about open-access scholarly communications and those with an already keen interest in the latest developments for the humanities. "Open access for scholarly communication in the Humanities faces some longstanding cultural/social and economic challenges. Open Book Publishers - Open Book Publishers.

Internet Archive "Save a Page" Plug-In for Chrome. Une base de données recensant les logiciels libres et gratuits par discipline. Dominic Leblanc, publié le 15 mai 2014 Le réseau des répondants TIC des cégeps a dévoilé le 5 mai dernier une base de données recensant des logiciels libres et/ou gratuits, fort utile pour tous les ordres d’enseignement.

Une base de données recensant les logiciels libres et gratuits par discipline

Greenstone Digital Library Software. DEBUTER SOUS LINUX : GUIDE COMPLET. Visualising Urban Geographies. Visualising Urban Geographies is a project that provides mapping tools for historians.

Visualising Urban Geographies

It enables them to use digitized and geo-referenced maps in conjunction with historical information based on either addresses or districts. This spatial dimension enriches historical understanding and analysis, and can also be applied to other subject areas. The focus on Edinburgh is deliberate: to explore the potential of the mapping tools where there is available data and a wide range of suitable maps. The project operates on several levels. About our Map images. In our 'Map images' resource you can access and view over 86,000 maps as high-resolution, colour, zoomable images.

About our Map images

The maps date between 1560 and 1961 and relate primarily to Scotland. We also have maps of areas beyond Scotland, including maps of England and Great Britain, Ireland, and Belgium. LOCATING LONDON'S PAST. En quelques mots. Easily turn web documents into a semantic knowledge network. Share your annotations with friends and colleagues. Reuse annotations to visualize information.

Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Maps - Standard. The “standard” Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Map is the simplest of the maps we have designed: It’s an easy to navigate map and it is constantly updated.

Digitized Medieval Manuscripts Maps - Standard

About. About Ancient History Encyclopedia is a non-profit educational website with a global vision: to provide the best ancient history information on the internet for free.


We combine different media, subjects and periods in interactive ways that will help readers understand both the "big picture" and the detail. Editorial review is a key component in our process to ensure highest quality. De Imperatoribus Romanis Roman History Roman Roman Empire Imperator Basileus De Imperatoribus Romanis Encyclopedia Byzantine. De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and Their Families Pull-down menus in frames: vertical click here; horizontal click here; full scrolling menu click here;scroll down the page for non-frames access.

De Imperatoribus Romanis Roman History Roman Roman Empire Imperator Basileus De Imperatoribus Romanis Encyclopedia Byzantine

Welcome to De Imperatoribus Romanis ("On the Rulers of Rome")! DIR is an on-line encyclopedia on the rulers of the Roman empire from Augustus (27 BC-AD 14) to Constantine XI Palaeologus (1449-1453). The encyclopedia consists of (1) an index of all the emperors who ruled during the empire's 1500 years, (2) a growing number of biographical essays on the individual emperors, (3) family trees ("stemmata") of important imperial dynasties, (4) an index of significant battles in the empire's history, (5) a growing number of capsule descriptions and maps of these battles, and (6) maps of the empire at different times.

Wherever possible, these materials are cross-referenced by live links. Currently the text of the DIR is frozen. Qui sommes-nous ? Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Qui sommes-nous ?

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For those who already use Docear 1.0 RC4, there are not many changes (just a few bug fixes). Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management that helps you to organize, create, and discover academic literature. Aside from Docear’s unique approach, Docear offers many features more. Numerical Data Search. You are seeing the early beta version of Zanran. We will be delighted for any comment. or suggestions. Gushing and excessive praise is always welcome. Browse by author - Anthropology: A searchable database of anthropological texts. National Anthropological Archives / Home Page. How It Works - Science Exchange.

Feedspot - Générateur de flux RSS personnalisés, outil de veille sur internet, et plus encore... BioNames. Read/Write Book 2. Qu’est-ce que les humanités numériques ? Apparue en 2006, l’expression connaît depuis un véritable succès. Mais au-delà du slogan à la mode, quelle est la réalité des pratiques qu’il désigne ? Si tout le monde s’accorde sur une définition minimale à l’intersection des technologies numériques et des sciences humaines et sociales, les vues divergent lorsqu’on entre dans le vif du sujet. Les humanités numériques représentent-elles une véritable révolution des pratiques de recherche et des paradigmes intellectuels qui les fondent ou, plus simplement, une optimisation des méthodes existantes ? Qu’est-ce que l’identité numérique ? Qu’est-ce que l’identité numérique et l’e-réputation ?

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Crowdcrafting. Biological Imaging - Morphbank. Morphbank :: Biological Imaging is a continuously growing database of images that scientists use for international collaboration, research and education. Images deposited in Morphbank :: Biological Imaging document a wide variety of research including: specimen-based research in comparative anatomy, morphological phylogenetics, taxonomy and related fields focused on increasing our knowledge about biodiversity.

The project receives its main funding from the Biological Databases and Informatics program of the National Science Foundation (Grant DBI-0446224). Morphbank :: Biological Imaging was established in 1998 by a Swedish-Spanish-American group of entomologists and is currently housed at the School of Computational Science (SCS) at Florida State University. The project has grown immensely since its beginnings and presently includes a team of 15 biologists, computer scientists and information scientists who are working on developing the software. OpenRefine. Tabula. LaTeX appliqué aux sciences humaines. La réputation de LaTeX n’est plus à faire pour ses nombreuses applications dans les domaines scientifiques. HootSuite. Crowdfunding Platform for Science Research Grants.

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As defined in FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records), one of a set of characteristics enabling users of information to formulate queries and evaluate responses when searching for information about a specific entity. Attributes can be inherent in the entity (physical characteristics, labeling information, etc.) or supplied by an external agent (assigned identifiers, contextual information, etc.). About. Introduction - Codex canadensis. Archived Content This archived Web page remains online for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes.

This page will not be altered or updated. Web pages that are archived on the Internet are not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards. As per the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, you can request alternate formats of this page on the Contact Us page. Introduction Library and Archives Canada (LAC), in partnership with the Gilcrease Museum and the Gail and Stephen A. Nonsense. The Reason Stick. Haricot. Linux 101 Hacks eBook, by Ramesh Natarajan. I’m happy to announce the release of the 2nd Edition of my Linux 101 Hacks eBook. This eBook is totally free. There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. All the hacks in this book are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow. In the 2nd edition of the book, several small hacks from the 1st edition are consolidated, and several new hacks were added.

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