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Gender Sentencing Disparity

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Men Are Now Second Class Citizens. Over the years, men have been subject to relentless propaganda that women are the oppressed class.

Men Are Now Second Class Citizens

We have been taught to buy into the “gender pay gap” myth, to believe that “toxic masculinity” is a scourge on society, and that men are responsible for all domestic violence and sex crimes. Politicians, mainstream media, courts, and the “permanent bureaucracy” composed of a few elites with self-serving interests have permitted legislation and policies to “level the playing field” for women. But the playing field is anything but level. The result? Equal rights for women does not translate into equal treatment for men. Men are 14x more likely to be incarcerated and spend time in prison than women. So what do men do about this dismal state of affairs? Here are some concrete steps we can take in our everyday lives to call out the injustice against men and attempt to level the playing field: Do not allow women to use their sexual powers to dominate you.

Like this: Like Loading... Incarceration rate for men in OECD countries is mind-boggling. Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says. If you're a convicted criminal, the best thing you can have going for you might be your gender.

Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says

A new study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan, found that men are given much higher sentences than women convicted of the same crimes in federal court. The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts. Starr also found that females arrested for a crime are also significantly more likely to avoid charges and convictions entirely, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted. Other research has found evidence of the same gender gap, though Starr asserts that the disparity is actually larger than previously suspected because other studies haven't looked at the role of plea bargains and other pre-sentencing steps in the criminal justice system. Past studies have also found that minority men are, on average, given longer prison sentences than white men convicted of the same crimes.

Study finds large gender disparities in federal criminal cases. Nov. 16, 2012 If you're a criminal defendant, it may help—a lot—to be a woman.

Study finds large gender disparities in federal criminal cases

At least, that's what Prof. Sonja Starr's research on federal criminal cases suggests. Prof. Starr's recent paper, "Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases," looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. There are other studies that have shown gender disparity in criminal cases, but not as pronounced as Prof.

Gender disparity in criminal court. A study by Sonja Starr, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan found that within the United States’ justice system, women generally receive much more lenient treatment over the same crimes.

Gender disparity in criminal court

This study finds dramatic unexplained gender gaps in federal criminal cases. Conditional on arrest offense, criminal history, and other pre-charge observables, men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do. Women are also significantly likelier to avoid charges and convictions, and twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted. There are large unexplained gaps across the sentence distribution, and across a wide variety of specifications, subsamples, and estimation strategies. The data cannot disentangle all possible causes of these gaps, but they do suggest that certain factors (such as childcare and offense roles) are partial but not complete explanations, even combined. Other research has confirmed Starr’s findings. That depends on which public you’re asking.