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Videos to start the class

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Jungle Book Baloo bear and Mowgli sing The Bare Necessities. DEAF MAN´S NEIGHBOURHOOD LEARNED SIGN LANGUAGE youtube. Inspirational Video- Be a Mr. Jensen- MUST WATCH!! UNICEF. KIDS INTERVIEW PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA youtube. Classroom Rules. Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students! My philosophy for a happy life: Sam Berns at TEDxMidAtlantic 2013. Youtube. REACTION AGAINST RACISM youtube. HUMAN - clip #13: Love from the most unlikely place. Youtube. Emma Watson HeForShe Speech【SUBTITLES】【EN】【日本語】【Руский】

A Valuable Lesson For A Happier Life. Video that will change your life. I have no words left. "What did you do to my sign?" - The Power Of Words, Motivation. Youtube. Youtube. The Greatest Showman - Never Enough (Vídeo con letra)


How children and elderly people come together in UK's first intergenerational care home. Life of Privilege Explained in a $100 Race. Youtube. VIDEOS TO START THE CLASS WITH.