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L'Arnaque de la dette et les Banksters (videos) When Your Boss Steals Your Wages: The Invisible Trend That's Sweeping America. (Image: Money in hand via Shutterstock)Truthout doesn’t take corporate funding - this lets us do the brave, independent reporting that makes us unique.

When Your Boss Steals Your Wages: The Invisible Trend That's Sweeping America

Please support this work by making a tax-deductible donation today - just click here to donate. Wage theft is fast becoming a top trend of the 21st-century labor market. Imagine you’ve just landed a job with a big-time retailer. Your task is to load and unload boxes from trucks and containers. It’s back-breaking work. Everardo Carrillo says that's just what happened to him and other low-wage employees who worked at a Southern California warehouse run by a Walmart contractor.

What happened to Carrillo happens every day in America. How big is the problem? Americans like to think that a fair day’s work brings a fair day’s pay. The laws protecting workers are grossly inadequate, and wage thieves go punished.

...des hauts salaires / ...of high salaries

Positive balance. Effondrement du système bancaire : le compte à rebours vient de commencer. A moins de ne plus jamais avoir besoin de crédit ou de découvert ou se faire un capital (retraite etc ;..) et donc de revenir aux vieilles méthodes (« bas de laine ») et donc d’accepter de différer ses achats (maison, voiture etc...) d’accepter aussi que son argent ainsi économisé se dévalue (quoique maintenant, les taux d’intérêts versés aux épargnants ne sont vraiment plus indexés sur le coût réel de la vie) que, même dans une banque éthique, tout placement comporte un risque.

Effondrement du système bancaire : le compte à rebours vient de commencer

(il suffit pour cela que les emprunteurs ne soient plus en mesure de rembourser) Nous ne sommes pas au bout de nos peines.. car la plupart des banques en plus d’investissements dans des entreprises, de prêts aux particuliers, rachètent de la dette à très haut risque... A certaines, elle est imposée... The Wealth of Business Connections for Obama's Energy Pick. Ernest Moniz.

The Wealth of Business Connections for Obama's Energy Pick

(Photo: Jean-Baptiste LABRUNE / Flickr)When President Obama nominated Ernest Moniz to be energy secretary earlier this month, he hailed the nuclear physicist as a “brilliant scientist” who, among his many talents, had effectively brought together “prominent thinkers and energy companies” in the continuing effort to figure out a safe and economically sound energy future for the country. Indeed, Moniz’s collaborative work – best captured in the industry-backed research program he oversaw at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology – is well known. So, too, is his support for Obama’s “all of the above” energy strategy – one that embraces, fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewable energy sources. But beyond his job in academia, Moniz has also spent the last decade serving on a range of boards and advisory councils for energy industry heavyweights, including some that do business with the Department of Energy. Comprendre la dette publique (en quelques minutes)

L'accroissement de la dette. For Real Economic Recovery, Government Must Stop Favoring Banks Over Homeowners. Truthout is able to confront the forces of greed and regression only because we don’t take corporate funding.

For Real Economic Recovery, Government Must Stop Favoring Banks Over Homeowners

Support us in this fight: make a tax-deductible donation today by clicking here. Delta Hawkeye Security guard Darien Wilson patrols a vandalized foreclosed home in Stockton, Calif., July 11, 2012. (Photo: Max Whittaker / The New York Times)We're now in the sixth year of the economic collapse and the home foreclosure crisis persists. It continues to drag down families, destroy wealth, weaken communities and prevent economic recovery. Inadequate government response has led to a long-term economic crisis that could have been avoided. The crisis of foreclosure and lost wealth is not over. This crisis could have been averted through government policy that placed the needs of people, rather than those of the bankers, first.

The Foreclosure Crisis and Fake Recovery Hurt Everyone Homes are the most valuable asset of American workers. Protect Yourself. L'inégale répartition des richesses. Foreclosure Victims Protesting Wall Street Impunity Outside DOJ Arrested, Tasered. Protesters gather at Freedom Plaza in preparation for a march to the Justice Department.Hundreds of foreclosed homeowners and housing rights activists rallied outside the Justice Department on Monday, May 20, to demand that Attorney General Eric Holder prosecute the Wall Street bankers responsible for the financial collapse and foreclosure crisis.

Foreclosure Victims Protesting Wall Street Impunity Outside DOJ Arrested, Tasered

The protest lasted overnight and into Tuesday morning. Overall, 27 peaceful protesters were violently arrested - 17 on Monday and ten on Tuesday morning - and at least two of them were Tasered by officers from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Video footage taken Tuesday morning shows three police officers subduing and then Tasering Carmen Pittman, an Atlanta homeowner who fought tirelessly to save her grandmother's house from foreclosure in 2011. When asked for their names, those who were arrested identified themselves with the names of Wall Street bankers who, they believe, should be arrested. Some Bailouts Taxpayers Seldom Ever Notice. (Photo: Ford Asia Pacific / Flickr)All across Corporate America, top execs are feathering their own nests at the expense of their employees.

Some Bailouts Taxpayers Seldom Ever Notice

The French have a better idea. The founder of modern management science, Peter Drucker, considered excessive executive pay an assault on good enterprise management practice. Peter Drucker, the analyst who founded modern management science, died in 2005 at age 95. Big Bank Immunity: When Do We Crack Down on Wall Street? Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at a news conference at the Justice Department in Washington, Oct. 9, 2012.

Big Bank Immunity: When Do We Crack Down on Wall Street?

Holder has told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Justice Department may have to restrain its prosecutors in dealing with the big banks.