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The river of plenty: uncovering the secrets of the amazing Mekong. Home to giant catfish and stingrays, feeding over 60 million people, and with the largest abundance of freshwater fish in the world, the Mekong River, and its numerous tributaries, brings food, culture, and life to much of Southeast Asia.

The river of plenty: uncovering the secrets of the amazing Mekong

Samburu's lions: how the big cats could make a comeback in Kenya. Shivani Bhalla will be speaking at the Wildlife Conservation Network Expo in San Francisco on October 12th, 2013.

Samburu's lions: how the big cats could make a comeback in Kenya

In 2009 conservationists estimated that less than 2,000 lions survive in Kenya, a drop of 26 percent in just seven years. In addition, the East Africa country continues to hemorrhage lions: around a hundred a year. En Alsace, les cigognes vont devoir voler de leurs propres ailes. Wildlife drones could revolutionize aerial surveys of animal populations. Jeremy September 30, 2013 In open areas, like the African savannah, scientists often estimate wildlife populations through manned aerial surveys.

Wildlife drones could revolutionize aerial surveys of animal populations

However a new study in's open access journal Tropical Conservation Science argues that using small drones may be more cost-effective, safer, and capable of reaching more remote areas. Researchers tested the accuracy of drone counts in Bazinga Game Ranch (NGR) in Burkina Faso. Manned aerial surveys "are quite expensive for most African wildlife managers, and it is therefore difficult to plan long-term and regular surveys," the paper's authors write. Moscou créé une banque de chants d'oiseaux. Elephant Heroes - Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan Current Home: Seattle, Washington Occupation: Professor and Director, Center for Conservation Biology, University of Washington.

Elephant Heroes -

Rescued Dogs Sniff Out Wildlife Crime. Viper, Butter, Lancer, and Locket aren't your ordinary customs dogs on the lookout for that half sandwich you bought in London or some brick of cocaine.

Rescued Dogs Sniff Out Wildlife Crime

These four beautiful retrievers are the U.S. Brésil: sauver un jaguar sauvage dans la savane. Abeilles:Bruxelles veut un vote sur son moratoire contre les pesticides. Abeilles: trois pesticides interdits dans l'UE à compter du 1er décembre. Façade de l'immeuble de la Commission européenne, le 6 février 2012 © AFP/Archives John Thys. L'Union européenne va interdire trois pesticides tueurs d'abeilles. Google prié par une ONG d'enlever les pubs pour l'ivoire et la baleine. The Endangered Species Act. The people of the United States have one of the world's most powerful and successful legal tools for protecting species at risk of extinction: the Endangered Species Act, or ESA.

The Endangered Species Act

Passed by Congress in 1973 on the heels of a precursor law from 1967, the Act is the best and possibly the last chance Americans have of securing a future for diverse native wildlife and the natural environments that wildlife depends on. The Act’s vital citizen-suit and critical-habitat provisions give it its “teeth”: the former allows public-interest groups and individuals to petition and sue the government to make sure the Act protects species as it was intended to, while the latter provides a crucial tool through direct legal protection of lands or waters that species need to survive and recover. More than 1,000 species are listed as endangered or threatened in the United States, but there remain almost 200 candidate species languishing in the Act’s bureaucratic “waiting room” in urgent need of protection. 110 Success Stories for Endangered Species Day 2012. 7 milliards d’Autres. En 2003, après La Terre vue du ciel, Yann Arthus-Bertrand a lancé avec Sibylle d’Orgeval et Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire le projet 7 milliards d’Autres. 6 000 interviews ont été filmées dans 84 pays par une vingtaine de réalisateurs partis à la rencontre des Autres.

7 milliards d’Autres

Du pêcheur brésilien à la boutiquière chinoise, de l’artiste allemande à l’agriculteur afghan, tous ont répondu aux mêmes questions sur leurs peurs, leurs rêves, leurs épreuves, leurs espoirs: Qu’avez-vous appris de vos parents ? Que souhaitez-vous transmettre à vos enfants ? Yellowstone Bison Revitalize Prairie on Fort Peck Reservation in One Year. From Wildlife Promise Robbie Magnan, Manager of the Fort Peck Tribes Game and Fish Department, picks us up from our hotel in Wolf Point, Montana right a noon.

Yellowstone Bison Revitalize Prairie on Fort Peck Reservation in One Year

His smile and good mood are infectious. To him, any day he gets to take people out to see the Yellowstone Bison is a good day. Bison on Fort Peck Reservation. Au pays du Petit Chaperon rouge, le loup ne fait plus peur. La protection quasi militaire des éléphants tchadiens. PARC NATIONAL DE ZAKOUMA (Tchad) – (AFP) – Pour tenter de sauver les derniers éléphants du Tchad décimés par des bandes organisées de trafiquants d’ivoire venues du Soudan voisin, les défenseurs de l’environnement se sont résolus à adopter des méthodes paramilitaires, alliant réseaux de renseignements et techniques de combat modernes.

La protection quasi militaire des éléphants tchadiens

C’est au parc national de Zakouma que la guerre aux braconniers à été déclarée. $24.5 million deal to protect 20,000-acre Sonoma County forest. Press Democrat, February 28, 2013 $24.5 million deal to protect 20,000-acre Sonoma County forest Bill Wilkison A national conservation group has reached an agreement to buy nearly 20,000 acres of timberland in northwestern Sonoma County, a move that derails the long-disputed, forest-to-vineyards conversion project pushed by CalPERS, the giant state workers pension fund.

$24.5 million deal to protect 20,000-acre Sonoma County forest

The $24.5 million purchase of the so-called Preservation Ranch, to be completed by the end of May, is led by The Conservation Fund, based in Virginia. It would contribute up to $6 million toward the purchase. Funding partners include the California Coastal Conservancy, which could contribute up to $10 million, Sonoma County’s Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, which could add up to $4 million to the deal, and the Sonoma Land Trust. It would be the largest conservation purchase by acreage in county history and one of the largest along the North Coast in years. Legislation would ban trapping of bobcats for commercial purposes. Los Angeles Times, March 4, 2013 Legislation would ban trapping of bobcats for commercial purposes By Louis Sahagun Environmental groups and wildlife lovers near Joshua Tree National Park on Monday applauded a proposed state law that would ban trapping of bobcats for commercial purposes. Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced AB 1213 in response to the fury of thousands of people angered by the recent discovery of bobcat traps set along the boundaries of the national park.

Accord international pour protéger des requins décimés pour leurs ailerons. Bumblebees take off with a special fungus weapon to save strawberries. Squadrons of bumblebees are being deployed in a novel attempt to prevent grey mould turning the summer's strawberries into fluffy mush. The bees are routed via a one-way system in their hive through a tray of harmless fungus spores which, when delivered to flowers, ensure that the grey mould cannot take hold as the fruit grows. New flowers on a strawberry crop open every day, which means that spraying with pesticides only protects those that are open at the time. "But the bees visit the flowers at the perfect moment for that flower," said Harriet Roberts of Adas, an agricultural consultancy testing the use of bees as delivery systems in the UK.

More than 50,000 tonnes of strawberries are sold through UK supermarkets alone each year, but more than half can suffer from grey mould (Botrytis cinerea), which only manifests itself after the fruit has been picked and causes major damage to crops around the world. The damp summer of 2012 saw a particularly high incidence of the mould. Inde : la justice ordonne à la province de Gujarat de partager ses lions. Giant Tortoise rescue in Ethiopia. Russian Refuge - Photo Gallery. Pacifique: Palau, sanctuaire de requins, veut bannir la pêche commerciale. L'homme qui vole avec les oiseaux - 21/04. Basking sharks shoaling in large numbers off Scotland. National Geographic Magazine. About the Project Enter the world of the Vumbi pride.

Les requins triomphent à Bangkok, les éléphants en demi-teinte. La Nouvelle-Calédonie interdit la pêche aux requins. Des requins pèlerins en masse au large de l’Ecosse. William and Charles join forces to oppose rhino poaching. Des scientifiques lancent une initiative radicale pour sauver les rhinocéros. Éduquer pour protéger. Rendre justice à la terre. Le chacal doré continue sa progression en Europe. Le chacal doré photographié en Suisse © KORA Cliquez sur l’image pour l’agrandir L’information n’est pas récente mais maintenant, il ne doit plus être très loin de la frontière française… En décembre 2011, un spécimen de chacal doré (Canis aureus) a été photographié à 5 reprises en Suisse dans les cantons de Berne, Vaud et Fribourg. Rien d’étonnant quand on sait qu’il avait déjà été photographié non loin, dans le Trentin, en Italie.Depuis de nombreuses années, le chacal doré étend continuellement son aire de répartition depuis le Sud-Est des Balkans vers l’Europe centrale.

Depuis 2007, des indices de reproduction ont été décelés en Autriche et au Nord-Est de l’Italie. Pour les spécialistes, il est étonnant que le canidé soit apparu pour la première fois au Nord-Ouest des Alpes et non à l’est du pays. Depuis de nombreuses années, il étend continuellement son aire de répartition depuis le Sud-Est des Balkans vers l’Europe centrale. . + d’actus Les commentaires sont fermés. Tougher trade rules to protect turtles win support of nearly 200 nations. An endangered alligator snapping turtle such as this can be bought in Beijing for around $2,000. Photograph: Diego Azubel/EPA Nearly 200 countries on Friday voted for tougher trade rules to protect dozens of species of turtles, in a day that saw the US and China joining forces for the first time ever, at an international wildlife summit in Thailand.

Millions of turtles are targeted by obsessive western collectors, seekers of tonics for long life and as food for diners across Asia. Lawsuit Filed to Protect Border-crossing Wolves Entering Arizona, New Mexico From Government Traps. For Immediate Release, March 28, 2013 Contact: Michael Robinson, (575) 534-0360 Lawsuit Filed to Protect Border-crossing Wolves Entering Arizona, New Mexico From Government Traps SILVER CITY, N.M.— The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit today challenging a permit issued by the U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service that will allow federal and state agencies to capture wolves that enter Arizona and New Mexico from either the north or the south and keep them in captivity indefinitely. Mexico has an ongoing program to reintroduce endangered Mexican gray wolves in the Sierra Madre, and wolves from the northern Rockies could move into the Southwest at any time. African Elephant Kills His Poacher and People Aren't Exactly Sad. Noluck Tafuruka may not sound like a lucky man, but he's lucky to be alive. Les réservoirs de biodiversité en question. 14Mar2013. Brazilian supermarkets ban beef linked to Amazon deforestation.

A group representing 2,800 Brazilian supermarkets has signed an agreement barring beef linked to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest from their shelves. The Brazilian Association of Supermarkets signed the pact Monday with the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office, whose actions in 2009 — namely the threat of multi-billion dollar fines — helped pressure grocery chains into demanding deforestation-free beef from the world's largest cattle producers. That pressure, which came at the same time as an intense Greenpeace campaign against major leather and beef buyers, eventually led the biggest players in the Brazilian cattle industry to sign a landmark accord to phase Amazon forest destruction out of their supply chains. The new agreement obliges Brazilian supermarkets to reject meat from unknown origins, lending support to Brazil's certification system for cattle production. Related articles. Thailand Pledges to End Ivory Trade. It has been almost a quarter of a century since cross-border trade in ivory was outlawed by the Convention on International Trade in Species (CITES).

Bill Passed To Ban Shark Fin Trading. Working to save the mystery antelope that's little bigger than a pet cat (photos) Pink Poison, the Surprising New Trend That’s Saving Rhinos. Cohbaitation possible entre les tigres et les hommes au Népal.

WWF's Jason Clay at TED: How big brands can help save biodiversity. Ivory And Rhino Horn Demand In Asia Prompts UN Calls For Stiffer Penalties For Traffickers. Le vautour, nouvel auxiliaire de nettoyage des éleveurs pyrénéens. Orphelinat des paresseux à Costa Rico - Vidéo Autres animaux. Environmental Group Fights Delay In Marbled Murrelet Habitat Protections. A Peek at Pandas in Their Remote Mountain Habitat. Botanique: Patrick Blanc, ou quand la nature fait le mur. PROJETS DE COMPENSATION CARBONE. PROJETS ALTERNATIVE CARBONE. Action Alerts. Le Costa-Rica interdit la chasse.