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Waseem Saeed is determined that doesn't happen on his watch. The 46-year-old plastic surgeon from northern England is here in the Haitian capital to salvage limbs. He wants to avoid the quick but life-altering amputations that were the standard -- although not universal -- treatment for severe limb wounds 150 years ago. His mission is difficult, he acknowledges. He and other surgeons only now arriving in this devastated city face the certainty that most crushed and broken limbs are starting to get infected. Saeed spent Wednesday morning inspecting cuts and changing dressings. "You shouldn't amputate every complex injury you see in an earthquake zone," said Saeed, who has done surgical relief work at the sites of four earthquakes in recent years.

"The tissue outside the injury may be healthy, especially in children," he said. News Front Page. BBC News Home Top Stories Trump to drop Iran deal, Macron says France's leader admits he may have failed to persuade his US counterpart to stick to the 2015 accord.

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Technology Connects, Protects Seniors

Technology emerged as a major theme in the 2010 Aging in America conference in Chicago from March 15-18, the largest annual national gathering of senior service providers. Products displayed at this year's event, and at the follow up Boomer Business Summit on March 19, reflect advancements in the fields of brain fitness, social networking, home monitoring, and caregiving.

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