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ESL speaking activities: Say Nothing - a game to practise fillers ⋆ TEFL UP. Tutustumisharjoituksia (päivitetty lisää harjoituksia 16.4.2018) - My CMS. Olen kerännyt tälle sivulle erilaisia tutustumisharjoituksia.

Tutustumisharjoituksia (päivitetty lisää harjoituksia 16.4.2018) - My CMS

Ne ovat merkittävässä roolissa, kun halutaan lisätä ryhmän positiivista riippuvuutta. Uuden ryhmän perusteellinen tutustuttaminen lisää turvallisuutta ryhmän jäsenten keskuuteen ja vapauttaa jännityksistä ja peloista. Tutustumisharjoitukset kannattaa ottaa säännölliseksi osaksi ryhmän/tiimin kehittämistä. Niitä on hyvä jatkaa mahdollisimman pitkään, pieninä osina koulutusta/opetusta. Näiden positiivista riippuvuutta lisäävien harjoitusten merkitystä ei voi liikaa korostaa. Näitä harjoituksia kannattaa tehdä aluksi päivittäin/viikoittain ja antaa myöhemmin osallistujien keksiä niitä itse (ks. harjoitus 13). BBC Radio 4 - Book at Bedtime, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, Mummy Time. Cool Words Millennials Use, New Slang Dictionary Terms. BBC Radio 4 - Radio 4 in Four - 10 Things Finland Has Given Us. English conversation activities for adults: ESL Activities. Many of our students say they want to practice their English conversation skills.

English conversation activities for adults: ESL Activities

You can use these English conversation activities to help them do just that and to work on speaking more fluently at the same time. Keep in mind that these activities are not meant to replace a coursebook or textbook, but can be used to supplement it, such as in the last 15 or 20 minutes of class, or as a quick warm-up at the beginning. ESL Discussions: Conversation Questions: Speaking Lesson: DISTRACTED DRIVING. North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts. Prospective immigrants were lined up through a maze of metal fences in the Great Hall at Ellis Island.

North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts

During busy periods, as many as 5,000 people each day would be checked. Each, in turn, had to undergo both physical inspection and extensive questioning before they were released. For the majority of people, the procedure took between three and five hours. Those two percent denied entry were sent back across the ocean at the steamship line's expense. TeacherTube - A Virtual Voyage to Ellis Island. Tim Minchin Occasional Address and Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters.

Top 10 ESL Speaking Activities. Need some ESL Conversation Activities for Adults Awesome in your Life?

Top 10 ESL Speaking Activities

I know that my readers are all about the ESL teaching awesome and want to make their classes as interactive, engaging and fun as possible. Who wouldn’t? And I also know that you’re busy doing a ton of stuff and probably don’t have as much time to plan your lessons as you might like. Jackie is here to help you with these top 10 ESL speaking activities for adults, all things that I use in my own university classes in South Korea.

Most of them can be used for just about any topic, so just adapt and go. Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks. Koepankki - Etusivu. Conversation 3: M1 and F5 – FUSE. 9 TED Talks recommended by students, for students. Which TED Talks do students love?

9 TED Talks recommended by students, for students

We asked TED-Ed Club Members around the world to share their favorites. Below, check out 9 great talks recommended by and for young people: 1. Cameron Russell: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model This talk is a great reminder that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes. Icebreakers that Rock. Conversation Starters for Adults- ESL Speaking. Top 10 Conversation Starters for Adults If you’re looking for a quick warm-up or perhaps a more in-depth discussion, check out these 10 conversation starters for adults–perfect for your ESL speaking classes.

Conversation Starters for Adults- ESL Speaking

They are appropriate for students in almost any country. If you want to start your ESL class off in style, with the students talking, sharing ideas and having fun, then you’ll need to consider using these Top 10 Conversation Starters for Adults. Have fun! If I won the lottery Have students describe what they would do or what they would buy if they won the lotto. 10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams.

So what do you do to practise listening for exams?

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams

Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. The teachers had an old tape player that sometimes stopped and started on its own and old tapes that ended up sounding distorted and most of the times unlistenable so if you wanted to get better at listening, you just listened to the radio and struggled to understand the lyrics and sing along. Not that I ever complained. Podcasts to help English learners practise listening.

Do your students want more listening practice?

Podcasts to help English learners practise listening

Aoife McLoughlin, blogger with and latest winner of the British Council's Teaching English blog award, recommends five podcasts to get them started. Do you spend enough time working on listening skills with your students? Is there ever enough time? In my experience, I would say no. Often, when we ask students what part of their English they most want to improve, they will say listening and speaking. BBC World Service - BBC Trending - Downloads. How to Write a Speech - step by step help. - step-by-step speech writing help Learning how to write a speech needn't be a nail biting experience!

How to Write a Speech - step by step help

108Save Unsure? Don't be. You may have lived with the idea you were never good with words for a long time. Or perhaps writing speeches at school brought you out in cold sweats but this is different. Notting Hill (1/10) Movie CLIP - Can I Have Your Autograph? (1999) HD. TEDTalks (audio) 250 Quality Conversation Starters: The Only List You'll Need. Here are some great questions for starting a conversation.

250 Quality Conversation Starters: The Only List You'll Need

There are a lot of random conversation starters to get you started and then conversation questions listed by topic. You can start with the random questions or find a topic that interests you. There’s no right place to start, just scroll down to wherever you want and get started! There are tons of ways to use these questions. I find that the most rewarding way is for everyone to pull up this list of conversation starters on a phone or tablet, and then take turns letting everyone choose a question to ask the group. The title would have you believe that there are 250 questions, but there are actually more.

Random Conversation Starters. 3122 pronunciations of 'courage' in English. ESL discussion material based on TED talks. UN Women - Find your inner womens right activist. Unity Dow Unity Dow was the first female High Court judge in Botswana. She was a plaintiff in a historic case that allowed children of Botswanan women and foreign men to be considered Botswanan. Unity was also one of three judges who decided on the internationally known Kgalandi court decision, concerning the rights of the San people of Botswana to return to their ancestral lands. Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is an Indian environmental activist and author.

Wangari Muta Maathai Wangari Muta Maathai is the founder of the Green Belt Movement, an indigenous grass-roots organization that focuses on planting trees to replenish the environment and improve the quality of life for women. Podcasts. 15 phrases for speaking polite English. Businesss English Course You already know to say “Please”, “Thank you,” and “Excuse me” – but here are 15 more ways to make your English sound more polite! Don’t say: I want a hamburger. Say: I’d like a hamburger. Or: I’ll have a hamburger, please. “I want” sounds like a demand, as if you are commanding the other person to fulfill your desires. 7 Things NOT to Do When Speaking English. I’ve spent the last few years traveling and living abroad, and during that time I’ve talked to a lot of people who spoke English as a foreign language.

After talking to thousands of foreigners in English I’ve noticed several things that they do that hurt their progress as a language learner. Here are the top 7: FREE RealLife English E-book: 101 Words You’ll Never Learn at School 1. Learn English With Movies Using This Movie Technique. YO-kuunteluita netissä. How to Record Streaming Audio, System Sound, or What You Hear Using Audacity - Free Software. Useful%20Phrases%20for%20Debating. Debating%20phrasas. Expressions for debate. Free Teleprompter Online - Autocue QTV. Free online teleprompter. EFL/ESL speaking lessons - Expressions for Shopping. WaveSurfer. Controversial statements: do you agree or disagree? What we believe, and why do we believe that? This lesson confronts advanced speakers and high school students with controversial statements which they must consider and agree or disagree.

Objectives: Students will be active throughout the entire lesson.Students will lead discussion and debate.All students will present a personal opinion to the rest of the class.Students will be able to clearly state and define their personal opinions on controversial topics.Students will work in teams to establish a clear, defined presentation. Time: One 50-minute class period. Material requirements: blackboard; the list of controversial statements below. - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues. Free online voice recorder - SpeakPipe. Allow access to your microphone Click "Allow" in the Firefox permission dialog. It usually appears in the left upper side of the window. We respect your privacy. Click "Allow" in the Chrome permission dialog. It usually appears under the address bar in the upper left side of the window. Click "Allow" in the permission dialog in order to allow access to your microphone. Trello - Outil collaboratif. A few discussion activities for English language students. What discussion activities work in class? Tekhnologic, winner of the British Council’s Teaching English blog award for a post on setting discussion goals, shares a few ideas.

A discussion can bring out your students’ interests and motivate them; it’s a chance for them to talk about the things they really care about. Giving and justifying opinions in English can also bring students a sense of accomplishment, as they are using the language to express complex ideas. Discussion activities encourage critical thinking, and are therefore excellent preparation for speaking tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, which partly examine the ability to express and justify opinions in English. – one click video conversations. Video Based ENGLISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION for ESL Students - Page 1. S 100 YEARS...100 MOVIE QUOTES. AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes is a list of the 100 top film quotes of all time.

A jury of over 1,500 leaders from the creative community, including film artists, critics and historians. Selection criteria included choosing quotes from American films which circulate through popular culture, become part of the national lexicon and evoke the memory of a treasured film, thus ensuring and enlivening its historical legacy. The television special AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes originally aired on CBS on June 21, 2005.

AFI distributed a ballot with 400 nominated movie quotes to a jury of over 1,500 leaders from the creative community, including film artists (directors, screenwriters, actors, editors, cinematographers), critics and historians. Free Pictionary Words - Play Pictionary. You'll need: a pencil, some paper, a timer, and at least four players. Bridge of Spies : Learn English Through Movies. How to Become a More Confident English Speaker (AJ #9) Hello. This is Jack from and welcome to Episode 9 of Ask Jack, the free series where I answer your questions about learning English and the English language. BBC World Service - The Documentary, The Polonium Trail. Online voice recorder. Creating Narrated Slideshows with Google Tools.

This week I am hosting some guest bloggers. This is a guest post from Mike Petty. Last fall our high school purchased Chromebooks and the new principal set high expectations for more project-based learning and technology integration in all subjects. Useful Debate Vocabulary. SPEAK ENGLISH - Practice Speaking - Free Course - Lessons - Conversations. Free English Listening Comprehension and Speaking exercises. Speaking lesson plans. Free English Listening Comprehension and Speaking exercises. Free text to speech software with Naturally Sounding Voices. Want to speak better than 90% of native English speakers? Then learn to pronounce every word here! 24 ESL Conversation Questions and Topics for Adults. [Download This Guide] Learn Conversational English by Watching Vlogs.

(Note: If you want to reach a high level of English, click here.) As I talk about in The To Fluency Program and in my videos on YouTube, getting more input will help you progress at a faster rate. And in this video, I talk about one of the best ways to get more conversational input, helping your speaking skills. Debates, discussion & speaking activity lessons for esl teachers: eslflow webguide. Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom. Randall's Video Snapshots: For ESL/EFL Students. Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder. Skype in the classroom - Skype in the classroom.

Listening and Speaking exercises in English. 10 Ted Talks Every English Student Should Watch. How teachers can best use TED Talks in class. What happens when a teacher mixes Madame Bovary and a TED Talk? Good things, actually. Watch. Learn. Speak. A truly unique way to learn English. List of Conversation Topics. Questions to make you think, conversation starters, mind games.

101 Conversation Starters. - Learn Languages Online - Exercises Listening - Fill in the gaps. Learn Languages for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Learn English Through Movies.

8 Classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations. Presenting & Public Speaking Tips - How to improve skills & confidence. Online voice recorder. English Shadowing Training - Sarah Jenkins's Diary 1. Icebreakers, Warmups, Energerizers, & Deinhibitizers: Activities for getting groups going. Speaking Tips 1. Speaking Tips 2. Speaking tips 3.