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TeacherTube - A Virtual Voyage to Ellis Island

TeacherTube - A Virtual Voyage to Ellis Island
Related:  ENA4 Yhteiskunta ja ympäröivä maailma

itled Prospective immigrants were lined up through a maze of metal fences in the Great Hall at Ellis Island. During busy periods, as many as 5,000 people each day would be checked. Each, in turn, had to undergo both physical inspection and extensive questioning before they were released. For the majority of people, the procedure took between three and five hours. Those two percent denied entry were sent back across the ocean at the steamship line's expense. What is your name? hs Washington Yhdysvaltojen presidentin Barack Obaman puolisosta Michelle Obamasta on tullut Hillary Clintonin julkinen ase vaalitaistelun loppusuoralla. Michelle Obama piti 13. lokakuuta New Hampshiressa säkenöivän puheen, jota on kutsuttu ”eeppiseksi puheeksi” ja koko vaalikampanjan parhaaksi esiintymiseksi. Ensimmäinen nainen hyökkäsi Donald Trumpin naisten kourintapuheita vastaan sellaisella taidolla, että kuulijat pyyhkivät kyyneliä ja sosiaalinen media villiintyi. Olemme koonneet tämän jutun lomassa oleviin videoihin parhaita paloja Michelle Obaman puheista. Teksti jatkuu videon jälkeen. Michelle Obamalta täystyrmäys Trumpin selityksille Yhdysvaltain presidentin Barack Obaman puoliso Michelle Obama tyrmäsi republikaanien presidenttiehdokkaan Donald Trumpin selitykset "pukukoppipuheista". 52-vuotiasta Michelle Obamaa kannustetaan pyrkimään politiikkaan tai jopa presidentiksi. Michelle Obaman puhelahjat on kyllä tiedetty. Michelle Obama piikitteli Trumpia puheessaan

Food aid in Finland: Learning from a Nordic Welfare State | Making Change Happen Mary Anne MacLeod, Research Officer at the Poverty Alliance and PhD student at Glasgow University. In Scotland we often look to Scandinavian countries to learn how we might do things better. World-leading education systems; the highest levels of gender equality; among the happiest places to live in the world – in many ways our Nordic neighbours serve as important role models on how to organise ourselves. And yet this impression of a progressive, inclusive society stands in sharp contrast to scenes I encountered on my recent visit to Finland. Helsinki’s ‘breadlines’ have become the ubiquitous symbol for poverty in Finland. During my visit I interviewed a number of individuals who had been key players in the initial establishment of food aid provision in Finland. Like this: Like Loading...

Presidential Election Vocabulary Overview We cannot take it for granted that our students understand what they hear relating to an upcoming election, especially our ELL students. Vocabulary is acquired though both exposure and explicit instruction. Vocabulary instruction involves review, repetition, and word-learning strategies. It also involves getting students actively engaged in using and thinking about basic election word meanings. By using formative assessments (teacher observation, classroom discussion, analysis of student work, etc), teachers can see if they need to make any instructional adjustments such as re-teaching, giving students more opportunities to practice, or holding more classroom discussions. Objective Formative assessment is achieved by observing students as they respond to questions, ask questions, and interact with other students during activities. Lesson Plans for this Unit Culminating Activity Students will campaign for one of the presidential candidates. Supporting Books

EA4 the US presidential election Man's complaint about dead worm in his cucumber escalated hilariously LONDON — The world of Facebook-based customer complaints can sometimes be a strange, wonderful place. Wes Metcalfe's recent post on British supermarket Tesco's wall is a perfect example of this — it started with a dead worm in a cucumber, and somehow ended with Tesco adapting a famous Oasis song to act as tribute for the worm's funeral. But let's back up a step. The whole thing started on Saturday, with the following post. Luckily, Tesco were sympathetic. Then, things escalated. Tesco then took things one step further, with a fittingly adapted Oasis song. Metcalfe swiftly contributed his own song. After the music, it was time for some final reflection. It's not every customer complaint that ends in a virtual funeral for a deceased worm. RIP, William.

When this man complained using Eminem lyrics Asos let him down awfully When your item hasn't been delivered, any old Facebook user can rattle off a clear and concise message of complaint. Jay Whalley from Preston went one better when his blazer wasn't delivered. The complaint, crafted in line to the lyrics of Eminem's Stan, has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook, as has the response that Jay received and subsequently posted. We have no idea what this is from. 2/10 response, if we're honest. HT Mashable

This shocking video shows the huge difference in how strangers treat a rich or poor child A video by UNICEF has revealed people's bias against children in poverty when they were presented with the same girl, in different clothes, left unaccompanied on the street. The experiment was carried out in Tbilisi, Georgia. Child actor Anano stood unaccompanied on a main road. For the first half she was dressed in expensive clothing and appeared neat and clean. Picture: UNICEF/Youtube The video shows multiple adults stopping to help her and generally check she is all right. Then UNICEF changed Anano's appearance. When she returned to the street in her new attire, the video shows pedestrians walking by Anano, and most of them pretend not to see her. UNICEF repeated the experiment in a restaurant. When she was dressed like someone living in poverty, people moved their bags closer to them and she was dismissed by customers. The way people treated Anano in the restaurant was so upsetting for her that UNICEFstopped the experiment early. Watch the full video of the experiment here:

A tale of two brothers | LearnEnglish Teens | British Council Lesbos, Greece Ali, 17 years old: I’m on my own except for my brother. I worry about him a lot. If I didn’t care so much about him, I wouldn’t have brought him with me. Our parents raised him and took care of him but now I’m the one who has to look after him. In the region where we are from there is the conflict in Syria, there is ISIS, there are many conflicts. Two weeks later Ali and Ahmed reached Germany. Ali: Germany is very beautiful … safe … organised … Braunschweig Children’s Home Ali: I’m not looking for a lot here.

UN Women - Find your inner womens right activist Unity Dow Unity Dow was the first female High Court judge in Botswana. She was a plaintiff in a historic case that allowed children of Botswanan women and foreign men to be considered Botswanan. Unity was also one of three judges who decided on the internationally known Kgalandi court decision, concerning the rights of the San people of Botswana to return to their ancestral lands. Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is an Indian environmental activist and author. Wangari Muta Maathai Wangari Muta Maathai is the founder of the Green Belt Movement, an indigenous grass-roots organization that focuses on planting trees to replenish the environment and improve the quality of life for women. Shirin Ebadi Shirin Ebadi is a former judge and human rights activist, and is also the founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran, which focuses on the rights of women, children and refugees. Tawakkol Karman Tawakkol Karman is a journalist, politician and human rights activist. Simone de Beauvoir Mafalda

If It Were My Home The Syrian Refugee Crisis Explained Perfectly With a Simple Animation & Video In September 2015, the body of a three-year-old Syrian boy was found floating on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Photographs of the boy were quick to get circulated world over, and the world responded with a massive outcry over the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis. This was the first time the Syrian crisis was globally recognised as a burning issue, and one that needs to be addressed with utmost urgency. This video, by In a Nutshell , speaks about how the Syrian crisis is an international issue, and how it all started with countrywide unrest and the civil war in Syria. Apart from the succinct explanation of the overarching issue, the video also explains the role of the neighbouring countries in aiding and giving asylum to refugees in their greatest hour of need. Watch this video to get a better understanding of the larger Syrian issue and learn about what measures we can take to offer help to the affected people. Video created by In a Nutshell .

Reported Speech Exercises on Reported Speech If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request. Statements When transforming statements, check whether you have to change: pronouns present tense verbs (3rd person singular) place and time expressions tenses (backshift) → more on statements in reported speech Questions When transforming questions, check whether you have to change: Also note that you have to: transform the question into an indirect question use the interrogative or if / whether → more on questions in reported speech Requests pronouns place and time expressions → more on requests in reported speech Additional Information and Exeptions → more on additional information and exeptions in reported speech Requests in Reported Speech

Infinitive and Gerund Exercises and Tests on Infinitive and Gerund There are certain words in English that are usually followed by an infinitive or gerund. If you are not sure whether to use the infinitive or gerund, check out our lists or look the words up in a dictionary. Infinitive Use Certain words are followed by an infinite verb with or without ‘to’. Gerund Form ing form of the verb Exceptions in Spelling See → Present Progressive – Exceptions Certain words are followed by an Ing-Form. Words followed either by Infinitive or Ing-Form Exercises and Tests Infinitive Gerund Infinitive / Gerund Tests on Infinitive and Gerund Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3 • Level 4
