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Free HTML5 Flip Book Maker Online; Interactive HTML5 Digital Publishing Platform for Magazines, Catalogs, and more. Sketchnotes Lesson Google Slides & PowerPoint Template. There’s an increasing trend in education regarding visual techniques to help students learn concepts, and it’s called sketchnotes.

Sketchnotes Lesson Google Slides & PowerPoint Template

This free presentation template focuses on this design, so you can turn a lesson into an easy teaching experience. Paying attention to a lesson is very important, and our template makes it easy for your students to keep their eyes on the screen. Our included illustrations remind of hand-made drawings, like the ones anybody would do on a notebook. The backgrounds look like paper, ready for you to use it as your canvas for the content you want to teach. The elements present on the different layouts also have a hand-drawn treatment, and the use of pastel colors could work as if they were sharpie marks. Features of this template. Desmosteacher - Recherche Google. - Login. TestOnline™ Onlitest. Middle & High School Teachers Tour. Google for Education: Teacher Center. La classe on line - Wakelet. Mystery Skype: classi di tutto il mondo si sfidano a colpi di geografia!

Mystery Skype è una nuova opportunità offerta da Microsoft alle scuole per collegare classi di tutto il mondo, attraverso un gioco a quiz sulla geografia.

Mystery Skype: classi di tutto il mondo si sfidano a colpi di geografia!

Obiettivo del quiz è approfondire contenuti della geografia e far scoprire la cultura e le somiglianze e le differenze relative ai bambini in tutto il mondo. In pratica, attraverso questa proposta potrete mettere in collegamento la vostra classe con un'altra classe in qualsiasi parte del mondo, comunicando via Skype. Insegnare l'inglese: consigli e risorse per le vostre lezioni. Se siete alla ricerca di spunti per le vostre lezioni di inglese, questo post fa al caso vostro: abbiamo raccolto per voi idee, materiali e strumenti che possono essere d’ispirazione per la programmazione didattica.

Insegnare l'inglese: consigli e risorse per le vostre lezioni

Date un’occhiata! Come insegnare la grammatica in modo divertente I vostri studenti sono convinti che le lezioni di grammatica siano noiose? Stimolateli a partecipare attivamente! Potete affrontare alcuni argomenti grammaticali affiancando all’approccio tradizionale delle attività più creative, specialmente nelle classi dei più piccoli. Edpuzzle. Panopto. – Strumenti online essenziali per PDF. Lunedì digitali - Dea Formazione. Phrasal verbs: GIVE.

The verb GIVE can combine with different prepositions to form phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs: GIVE

Give something away = reveal something secret, usually unintentionally We told him to be discreet, but he just gave us away. He kept looking at smiling at us. We had no other choice but to confess. Actively Learn. 36 Applicazioni e strumenti utili per studenti e insegnanti - Scuolainsoffitta. Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. Unlike most artists, Caspar David Friedrich took less inspiration for the great masters of art before him and paid more attention to the teachers of his formal education.

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

Consequently, Friedrich had a truly unique style; he could transform landscapes from a mere forest to a wooded wonderland where each branch symbolized something greater, something deeper. The trees were no longer just trees, but beautiful wooden creatures that represented the unwavering strength of Christ. The rays of the sun didn't just serve to illuminate the ground but to show the light of the Holy Father. Romanticism was an art period lasting approximately form the early 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Romantic artists flirted with themes of man's self glorification, man's part in nature, divinity found in nature, and emotion.

Caspar David Friedrich fits in ideally with the characteristics of Romanticism as he displayed individualism, subjectivity, spirituality and the love of nature. - Find and sell teaching resources. Registration - Graphic Design Software - Create Awesome Designs Online. Cerca. Modal Verbs Obligation Prohibition ESL Activities Games Worksheets.

ESL Obligation and Prohibition Board Game - Reading, Listening and Speaking Activity - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes In this obligation and prohibition board game, students review how to express past and present obligation, lack of obligation, and prohibition.

Modal Verbs Obligation Prohibition ESL Activities Games Worksheets

Give each group of three or four a copy of the game board, a dice and counters. Students take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. When a student lands on a square, they make a sentence with the underlined language from the prompt, expressing past or present obligation, lack of obligation or prohibition. For example, if the square read 'Three things you mustn't do in class', the student might say 'You mustn't eat snacks, talk loudly or use your mobile phone in class'. Emaze - Create & Share Amazing Presentations, Websites and More.

Animated video and online presentation for education. Be part of the school of the future Education’s revolution has already started.

Animated video and online presentation for education

New Technologies development, MOOC’s success and cross device solutions now better match students’ expectations. This brings us to online presentation, which enables teachers to better communicate with their pupils and draw their attention. Explee takes part to the revolution of education helping teachers to introduce online presentation to their classrooms. Read more Fight boredom in class thanks to animated video It is sometimes hard to wake up bored students with traditional presentations. What if your students made their own videos? Let your pupils produce their own animated video! A secure space to share your online presentations and good practices. Explee: creare animazioni online in video scribing. 50 applicazioni per registrare video dallo schermo. Risorse online per registrare tutto ciò che appare nel monitor. In un precedente articolo mi sono occupato di Screenjelly, una delle tante applicazioni online per creare video tutorials al computer, pratica conosciuta come screencasting.

Risorse online per registrare tutto ciò che appare nel monitor

Oggi aggiungo una serie di altri tools per registrare operazioni svolte al computer. Camstudio Programma libero e open source di streaming video per Windows che permette di registrare quanto appare nello schermo, audio compreso, e creare file video AVI, con possibilità di esportare in SWF. CamStudio è dotato di un'interfaccia facile da usare e include una funzione di video annotazione. Apowersoft - Programmi e Applicazioni Web, Idee per Vita e Lavoro. Educaplay: Free educational games generator. Learning tools and flashcards - for free!

Quizizz – Free Quizzes for Every Student. H5P – Create and Share Rich HTML5 Content and Applications. Zeetings. Interactive presentation software. H5P – Create and Share Rich HTML5 Content and Applications. Video Puppet. Insegna da casa. English Teaching Resources: International Holidays - part 1.

Educaplay: Free educational games generator. Senza titolo - Explain Everything Drive. 6 web quest. 4 presentazioni. 5 grafici infografiche. Technology in the classroom. Kaizena - Fast, Personal Feedback on Student Work. - Got a picture? Blabberize it! Online voice recorder. Sweden Coronavirus: 3,447 Cases and 105 Deaths - Worldometer. La SCUOLA VIRTUALE con Office 365 Education.

Didattica a distanza - Nuovo Coronavirus. 11 best online whiteboards for team collaboration. There's something valuable about physically writing something down—or drawing it on a whiteboard.

11 best online whiteboards for team collaboration

In fact, a study from Indiana University indicates that writing things down can help our brains function better in a whole host of ways, including "idea composition and expression. " It's one reason why you might find you think best when you're writing something out, why writing seems to improve memory, and why the best collaboration often happens around a whiteboard.

As more of our daily tasks move from physical to digital spaces, everything you'd normally do on a whiteboard has taken the digital leap, so you can pair the benefits of visual thinking and collaboration with the convenience of technology. We tested dozens of online whiteboards, and here we'll present the 11 best for a variety of use cases, so you can pick the one that's right for you.

Some of our picks integrate with Zapier, so you can connect them to thousands of other apps. Libri gratuiti per il Coronavirus: l'elenco degli editori aderenti - Scuolainsoffitta. HyperDocs. Gli HyperDocs sono degli strumenti didattici che consistono in documenti di testo da condividere con i propri studenti.


Favorite Tools. AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience. AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience.