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5 idei de mancaruri rapide servite pe paine | Cele mai tari ponturi studentesti! In perioada studentiei timpul e mereu o problema cand vine vorba de gatit si de cele mai multe ori micul dejun poate fi si pranz iar uneori si cina. Avand in vedere ca de sandwich-uri cam toata lumea s-a saturat, ne-am gandit sa va prezentam o alternativa la fel de usor de preparat: bruschette. Ce-i drept, este nevoie de un cuptor pentru a le prepara, insa acum mai toate caminele studentesti au bucatarii utilate iar pentru cei care stau cu chirie, cuptorul nu are cum sa lipseasca. Asadar, iata 5 retete de bruschette pe care vi le recomandam cu placere: 1. Bruschette cu unt, busuioc si rosii Pregatiti feliile de paine(de preferat paine la tava) ungandu-le cu unt si presarati sare. 2.

La fel, ca si la cele cu busuioc si rosii, ungeti feliile de paine cu unt. 3. Procedeul ungerii feliilor il stiti deja, doar ca de data asta folositi usturoi granulat sa presarati peste ele si adaugati felii de sunca si cascaval peste. 4. Acest tip de bruschette este o combinatie intre cele de la pct. 2 si 3. A LA GRAHAM: CHOCOLATE BOWLS WITH CHAMBORD WHIPPED CREAM & BERRIES. This is the perfect dessert for Valentine's Day. It is fun, unique and tastes amazing! You can substitute any kind of liquor: Southern Comfort = Peach, Chambord/Framboise = Raspberry, Grand Marnier/Triple Sec = Orange.

(I happen to LOVE Chambord and use it on/in everything. You also could substitute any flavor extract if you want it to be alcohol free. Just remember use 1/2 the amount of extract than you would alcohol. Chocolate Bowls with Chambord Whipped Cream and Berries Serves 8 For Chocolate Bowls: 8 balloons 10 ounces good dark chocolate, chopped fineFor Whipped Cream: Pint heavy cream 1 1/2 Tablespoons Chambord (Raspberry Liquor) 1/4 cup powdered sugarFor Garnishment: Fresh Berries Chocolate Syrup (optional) Mint (optional) *Make sure you use latex-free balloons if you or those who are eating the chocolate bowls have allergies.Make Chocolate Bowls: Blow up the balloons (you want them small and round, like little bowls).

Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. Help and tutorials. Pinterest. Pinterest. Drawing ARCHITECTURE. Sketch Swap. The Moses Bridge is Invisible to The Eye. A series of moats and fortresses were built over the West Brabant Water Line region of the Netherlands during the 17th century in order to provide protection from invasion by France and Spain. Fort de Roovere was surrounded with a shallow moat that was too deep to march across, and too shallow for boats. In turn the earthen fort had remained protected –until now. From afar, the Moses Bridge is invisible to the eye. The flow of the moat appears continuous, as the water level remains at the same level, reflecting the surrounding foliage. As visitors approach the fort, the bridge appears as a break in the water with its sloping walls containing it. First lying flush with the earth, the bridge then descends deeper into the ground. The bridge can’t be seen from a distance because the ground and the water come all the way up to its edge.

Ro&Ad-Architects Ad Kil & Ro Koster Via RO&AD Architecten. How to Read Body Language to Reveal the Underlying Truth in Almost Any Situation. The Mountain on Vimeo. Enjoy a moment of calm. Laurie McCanna's complete list of Photoshop tutorials. 28 Interesting General Facts. Most favorited all-time. The Cook Abides.

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