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How Do I Know We’re Going to Make It? - Datebox. Lots of couples over the years have asked me really great questions about how to have a great relationship:

How Do I Know We’re Going to Make It? - Datebox

10 Ways To Ruin Your Marriage Right Before Bed. Five Ways Science Says to Handle Difficult Times. A mentor of mine recently passed away, and I was heartbroken — so I tried my best to avoid thinking about it.

Five Ways Science Says to Handle Difficult Times

I didn’t even mention it to my family because I didn’t want those sad feelings to resurface. In other words, I took the very enlightened approach of pretend it didn’t happen — one that’s about as effective as other common responses, such as get angry, push people away, blame myself, or wallow in the pain. SuperBabies Don’t Cry. When I was pregnant, I tried to make a SuperBaby.

SuperBabies Don’t Cry

I did not realize I was doing this. I believed I’d long ago shed the theory that a body could be made perfect. But looking back, my goal was clear. Swinton & Associates Counseling. My husband and I had the opportunity this past week to speak at the Share Parents support meeting in Cache Valley about grieving as a couple.

Swinton & Associates Counseling

Share is a national support group with local chapters who consist of mothers and fathers who have experienced infant and pregnancy loss. Together, my husband and I have lost two babies. This is What Happened When I Gave Up Venting About My Problems. A Better Kind of Happiness. Nearly two and a half millennia ago, Aristotle triggered a revolution in happiness.

A Better Kind of Happiness

At the time, Greek philosophers were trying hard to define precisely what this state of being was. Some contended that it sprang from hedonism, the pursuit of sensual pleasure. Others argued from the perspective of tragedy, believing happiness to be a goal, a final destination that made the drudge of life worthwhile. These ideas are still with us today, of course, in the decadence of Instagram and gourmet-burger culture or the Christian notion of heaven. But Aristotle proposed a third option. The finding is the latest in a series of related discoveries in the field of social genomics. In early 2010, Cole spoke about his work at a conference in Las Vegas.

How to Hygge: 20 ways to feel good over autumn and winter - Wholeheartedly Healthy. As the darker autumn and winter days approach, it’s natural to feel a bit glum at the thought of a lack of brightness, cold grey weather and dark mornings and evenings.

How to Hygge: 20 ways to feel good over autumn and winter - Wholeheartedly Healthy

If that sounds familiar, you need to know how to Hygge! Did you know that Scotland and most of northern England only sees a couple of extra hours of light a day as they do in countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark over the autumn and winter months? Those cultures have created ways to sustain themselves through the darkness where as we certainly haven’t, and unfortunately we pay the price. Even if you don’t live up north, the change in the seasons can have a negative effect. The Danish word Hygge (pronounced Hoo-ga) does not have an equivalent word in english, but represents a whole culture of cosiness and wellbeing that may just be behind what makes Danes the happiest people on the planet.

Four Ways to Be More Assertive - UST. What We Don’t Talk About Enough. [April 2016] I think people are surprised when they hear I work full time and Ben stays home with our daughter (and soon to be son).

What We Don’t Talk About Enough

Ben is a hard working, multitasking, full time student who choose to finish his degree online when our first child was born to be home with her and have the freedom of more time together as a family. Though I know he is anxious for the day that those roles are reversed, it wont be quite yet, he embraces and loves how things are now, too. I think it’s awesome in our culture there is so much, and well deserving, praise for motherhood and absolutely everything that comes with it for the rest of their lives. What it Really Means to Hold Space for Someone. When my Mom was dying, my siblings and I gathered to be with her in her final days.

What it Really Means to Hold Space for Someone

None of us knew anything about supporting someone in her transition out of this life into the next, but we were pretty sure we wanted to keep her at home, so we did. While we supported Mom, we were, in turn, supported by a gifted palliative care nurse, Ann, who came every few days to care for Mom and to talk to us about what we could expect in the coming days. She taught us how to inject Mom with morphine when she became restless, she offered to do the difficult tasks (like giving Mom a bath), and she gave us only as much information as we needed about what to do with Mom’s body after her spirit had passed.

The author with her mother. Give Me Gratitude or Give Me Debt. The #1 Thing Couples Fight About - The Gottman Institute. Do you know Angelina Jolie?

The #1 Thing Couples Fight About - The Gottman Institute

She’s that beautiful actor who adopts Asian babies, and married the world’s most gorgeous man. They even had their own movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Well, I’ve never met her. This Is Why We Attract People Who Don't Actually Suit Us (And Why It's Okay) 8 Printable Mantras for Moms. I really believe in the power of the words we tell ourselves.

8 Printable Mantras for Moms

Our inner monologues have so much influence over how we feel and what we’re projecting to the people closest to us. I’m often scrawling sayings or quotes on our family chalkboard, and usually, without me even realizing it, the words I write are a direct effort to stifle the ugly voice that sometimes intrudes. I hope these printable mantras will help you and me both develop a kinder inner monologue and live more wholeheartedly every day. Print as many copies as you’d like, cut them out and stick them around the house, in your purse, on the sun visor of your car—wherever! Mantra-attack your house, or slow it down a bit and choose one per week.

5 Polite Ways To Respond To a Rude Comment - You're Never Stuck. I know a lot of people are entertained by snark but I happen to find it super rude. And funny? Not so much. That said, there will always be a time in our lives that we will encounter such rudeness and the Holidays are no exception. In fact, it just happened to be a few months ago. 4 Ways What You Think Is Humility Could Actually Be Pride. Pride is often referred to as the universal sin. From the perspective of LDS theology, this seems pretty accurate; pride caused Satan to rebel against heaven, pride led to the downfall of ancient civilizations, pride is the driving factor that has caused evil individuals throughout history to come to power, and anyone who has studied the Book of Mormon has probably heard of the pride cycle. However, for this discussion, I’d like to move away from the archetypal, “big picture” idea of pride to focus on the perspective of it as an individual characteristic, that is, of personal pride.

One Half of the Soul. I glance over at my husband as he starts another video game, then turn back to my laptop where I’ve been cruising through articles from my Facebook feed for the past hour. Another typical Friday night. A couple months ago it would not bother me as much as it does now. I figure that we’re in a holding pattern right now — I’ve been plugging away at a grad program while Chad finishes his undergraduate degree.

Homework, school clubs, part-time work, and recruiting activities occupy the majority of my waking hours. Choose Happiness by Larry R. Lawrence. Can You Choose Love? Interview with Dr. Finlayson-Fife. A Study on True Love. When we're Triggered: How to Stop Reacting Defensively. Get elephant's newsletter Every single moment you live—awake and aware inside your life—is another tiny (or huge) opportunity for healing, even your moments on Facebook. I recently opened up a discussion about this topic in one of my favorite healing groups on Facebook. In a virtual room full of healers and people doing healing work, you’re bound to get a treasure chest of ideas, information, opinion and experience.

Coping with Traumatic Events: Dr. Lili Anderson - November 20, 2015. To Anyone Who Thinks They're Falling Behind In Life. Zeigarnik Effect. 15 Surprising Things Productive People Do Differently. I recently interviewed over 200 ultra-productive people including seven billionaires, 13 Olympians, 20 straight-A students and over 200 successful entrepreneurs. I asked a simple, open-ended question, “What is your number one secret to productivity?” After analyzing all of their responses, I coded their answers into 15 unique ideas. Secret #1: They focus on minutes, not hours. Average performers default to hours and half-hour blocks on their calendar. Highly successful people know there are 1,440 minutes in every day and there is nothing more valuable than time.

Secret #2: They focus only on one thing. My Husband is an Idiot and I Can't Stand My Kids. Fighting Fair: How to Have a Good Money Fight. From on 11 Feb 2016. Satan's Hidden Arsenal Against Women — INSIDE-OUT MINDS. The four words you should say to end every fight. This simple sentence can change you, your spouse, and most importantly, your marriage. I went to a wedding for a young, happy couple who were free spirited and ready for the next step in their journey. Life Is Good founders say this question inspired their business. 25 Ways to Save Your Marriage (And Your Life)

21 Surprising Statistics That Reveal How Much Stuff We Actually Own. Clutter and Depression. Dishes in the sink, toys throughout the house, stuff covering every flat surface; this clutter not only makes our homes look bad, it makes us feel bad, too. How the Brain Changes When You Meditate. Mia Freedman: "Why I've become a morning person." What To Do When Everything Sucks. A neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you a happier person. 9 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed. Creating an Intentional Marriage - Swinton Counseling. My Friend Teresa Studios.

Avoiding Mormon Burnout: Why It's Okay to Say "No" Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Ideas To Overcome Four Challenges. Exercises by Dr. Kristin Neff. Little Offenses: Are They Worth It? To Our Daughter about to Marry: 7 Ways of Happiness. Give Up Now—You Will NEVER Stay Married to the Same Person. Tales of a Mountain Mama. Cecilie Ott Marriage & Family Therapist, counseling, St. George, therapy, mental health, depression, anxiety, happiness,

Understanding the Benefits of Marriage and Family Therapy. Why Generation Y is unhappy. Warning Signs of Infidelity - Ensign Jan. 1975. Find Your Marigold: The One Essential Rule for New Teachers. She Tells Her Grandma That She’s Just Been Cheated On So Grandma Tells Her To Do This. How To Say No & Set Boundaries Without Feeling Guilty. How Successful People Work Less and Get More Done. 11 Tips and Tricks for Turning Your Life into a Disney Movie. Why patients don't follow doctors' orders — and what doctors could do about it. Find Your Marigold: The One Essential Rule for New Teachers. There’s More For You. Three Daily Rituals That Stop Spouses from Taking Each Other for Granted - Verily. What Screen Addiction Is Doing To Your Children. Parents Who Fight Change Children's Brains - New Study About Conflicts' Emotional Effects on Children.

10 Reasons Why This Generation Is Losing The Ability To Be In Love. It Doesn't Matter How You Feel. 10 Behaviors of Genuine People. Local sex columnist: 5 reasons marriage just doesn't work anymore. 6 Phrases People Facing Serious Illnesses Would Rather Hear You Say. Apparently some married couples kiss for upwards of 6 seconds!?! SunWolf - Home. 27 Life-Changing Habits All Twentysomethings Should Adopt.

More Ways to Simplify Your Life - March 24, 2015. Blog — Cedar & Soul.