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By the Word. Ministries International: Ankerberg Theological Research Institute, John Ankerberg Show - Christian Apologetics, Jesus, Bible&Christ <link href="jasstyle1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Bible Questions Answered. Biblios. Star Bible wholesale specials. Standard Publishing - Full Color Bible.

Kirkbride Bible- Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bibles. Riled Up! Debate and Discuss - The Bible is a Nice Piece of Twisted Fiction. To understand any religious document, you must know the reason for it's existence. The origin of ALL religions can be traced back to the beginning days of kingdoms and empires. Agreed! As those who thought it necessary to rule masses of people discovered the magnitude of the job before them, they began to figure ways to allow the populace to govern themselves. This was accomplished by creating a religion.

By presenting rules to abide by, and making the consequences of not following those rules very serious, a ruler could now expect the general populace to govern themselves. Friends of William Tyndale ... History of the English Bible. United Bible Societies home page.