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String Quilts. Strings..

String Quilts

I am having so much fun these days with them, I would like to invite you all to join the fun. Come along with me and see how many different ways we can make string quilts. Here are few examples of what I have done with strings in the past.. Work in Progress 2010 Inspired by the quilts of Gee's Bend. 2009 My original design "Home on the river front" 2002. A string quilt block tutorial – paper pieced method. I’m so blown away by all the wonderful comments on my string quilt, now aptly named ‘Kaleidoscope’ (many thanks to Kerri who was the first to suggest it, followed by 9 others of you who had the same thought!)

a string quilt block tutorial – paper pieced method

I think it’s just perfect. And now, a quick tutorial – I had a few requests for a tutorial on making this type of quilt, so I figured I’d oblige (it’s the least I can do, right?). This shows the paper piecing method, which is my preferred method. To start, you’ll want to decide on the size of your blocks. For the Kaleidoscope quilt, my blocks were 11″ square. Cut squares of your desired size from the copy paper and set aside. Decide on your fabrics and cut strips of a variety of widths. I wanted to have a small strip of white separate the squares in my quilt, so I cut 1″ strips of a solid white fabric.

Next we’ll temporarily attach the white strips to the paper squares. Clover & Violet — Sewing with Selvages {Tutorial} It is my month for my quilting bee in July!

Clover & Violet — Sewing with Selvages {Tutorial}

I am asking for the string version of my scrappy star, made with a few selvages. So, as a precursor, I’m going to do a bit of a tutorial on using selvages in the block, even if you’re not in my quilting bee, I hope you find this useful! First, for this specific block, there are chevrons in the center with the star points, so, on two of the 5″ x 4″ paper rectangles, draw a 45 degree angle going one direction, then draw it the other direction on the other two. I find that strips ranging from 3/4″ to 1 1/2″ and anywhere in between are the best sizes for these blocks. Adjust your stitch length to something shorter, this will make tearing the paper away much easier {I set mine at 1.5 instead of its regular 2.5}. To add a selvage, place the fabric right sides up over one of the strips, with about 1/4″ extending beyond the selvage edge. Then continue piecing the block by sewing strips right sides together and then pressing open.

Learn How to Make a String Quilt. What Is a String Quilt?

Learn How to Make a String Quilt

It's easy to learn how to make string quilts, which are assembled using a simple type of foundation piecing. The technique is also called string piecing and string quilting. If a quit pattern or description includes the word strings, it usually refers to this method. String quilting gets its name from the long strips of fabric that are used to make a quilt... the strings. Fabric strings are sewn (often very randomly) to a permanent foundation, such as muslin.

String Quilt Block Tutorial: Put Those Scraps to Good Use. If you have strips and scraps of fabric you can’t bear to part with, quilting a scrappy string quilt might be just the project for you.

String Quilt Block Tutorial: Put Those Scraps to Good Use

Photos via A Quilting Life Supplies: Start by saving strips and strings of fabric. Holidaze!! MUCH MORE sewing was accomplished at Karen’s yesterday!


I finished up and trimmed my yellow string blocks and de-papered them! And yes, that is MY "Troll Sister" right there with my blocks! Last year when I visited Sharon near KC, our antique jaunts, I found a whole BAG of trolls ((For $10.00-- bargain of the century!!))... String Quilting Primer! String Quilting Primer!

String Quilting Primer!

Different looks, different block sizes and settings! (Click here for printer-friendly version) A Special thanks to Marsha R for sharing her pictures of her "Scrap Boxes" quilt! These are her pictures you see below. We both belong to the Stashbusters email list on yahoogroups.comand have both made similar quilts in the past couple weeks. I am addicted to string quilts just as much as other scrap quilts. Let's Begin! This is my bin of strings! Into this bin I toss odd shaped pieces from squaring up backings, tapered ends from trimming up yardage when rotary cutting, anything that I don't feel like cutting down into uniform strips, and anything less than 1.5". String Blocks. You can also tie your string quilts for a really old fashioned look.

String Blocks

Googling "Tying a quilt" will give you several techniques, chose one. (Some people have emailed me that this pattern will not print properly. I asked several friends with different printers to print it, and only one had a problem. I was also able to print it without losing any words or photos. I am sorry if you have problems, but I don't know how to fix it. |Home| Family| Quilts| Blocks| Retreat| Email| Updated January 2, 2009 This pattern can be used for personal use only and can not be used commercially without the owner's permission. String Block Tutorial.

This is a tutorial of how I make string blocks.

String Block Tutorial

I know there are different ways of doing this, but this is my version. There is so much information on the internet that we don't use phone books here anymore so I put them to good use making string blocks. The books we get now have smaller pages and are perfect to use to make 6 inch blocks. I first tear or cut the pages out.