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Alex Dalmau on Behance. Main : Adam Ferriss. Germainverbrackel. Marie Codina — Graphic Designer. Maiko Gubler — Visual Arts - Imagery & Sculpture. All Nippon Airways. AKIRA — a work by Katsuhiro Otomo — has won fame worldwide.

All Nippon Airways

The iconic blazing-red motorcycle ridden by the hero, Kaneda, symbolizes the world of AKIRA and attracts fans who dream of someday riding such a bike. Two enthusiasts who brought the fantasy Akira Bike to reality are Mr. Tejima, its owner, and Mr. Ushijima, the president of the BSU motorcycle shop. The fabulous bike they produced was officially approved by Mr. For over a decade, Mr. The motorcycle has a 250cc displacement, yet its driving sound is relatively quiet. ©MASH•ROOM All rights reserved. a gathering spot for grownups where old games are available mega-size robot who saves the peace in Kobe city TOYOTA x STUDIO4°C collaboration begins a new PES Project called “Next Generation” manga master who “visualized” children’s dreams Suguki pickles.

Virginie Tan (optimisé pour Google Chrome) DMY 2013. Filq - Home. BLOW. The sugar lab. Watch the world in realtime. Violleau Tom. Gabrielle Sallé-Osselin. ECHOS « Découvrez de nouvelles créatures. How Far is it to Mars? Lance-pierre géant, mitrailleuse télécommandée, pistolet à ressort : l'arsenal improvisé des rebelles syriens. Archigram Archival Project.

G R I M E S. Byrongraffiti: nicevagina: bestrooftalkever: Wtf Tumblr that is the cutest muthafuckin shit I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life.


Index of / TOM KAN - DIRECTOR. PHOTOGRAPHER. GRAPHIC DESIGNER. Gary Panter. Champion » A4 couleurs. Battery powered LED lights are getting popular for their versatility.

Champion » A4 couleurs

In general, it has been found that LED lights have gained immense popularity for being energy-efficient and durable as compared to traditional bulbs. They also do not emit the same amount of heat as that of the traditional filament oriented light bulbs; however, they emit the same amount of light that you have received from the contrary. Battery powered LED lights are in demand as they can be used by you anywhere. You are not required to have an outlet for their operation. Being operated on batteries, they are portable and can be easily installed anywhere you need light. Courtesy™ Idmatic - Drew Ryan. Mads Berg's Illustration Portfolio.

Matrioska - josep-lopez. Shipshape » Dittmar. The Design Kids is an organisation that aims to bridge the gap between students and industry in the Australian Design scene.

Shipshape » Dittmar

This is achieved through events, exhibitions, and collaborations. Invited to participate in their inaugural 'Terrible Twos' exhibition alongside Toko, Naughtyfish and a slew of local talent, Dittmar teamed up with Lulu Ruttley Matthew Roland Bannister to represent the compound word 'Shipshape'. The final result was a fun resource piece for the common creative; discerning advice to keep your design mind shipshape. Which are: Dealing with the Deadline Feeling anxious about that pressing deadline? Connecting the Collaborative Economy. Au revoir, homophobes ! Face. Formes Vives, l’atelier. Buzette » english. We, Geoffroy Pithon and Carmen Bouyer, are currently studying Graphic design and Sustainable Design in fifth year at l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) in Paris.

buzette » english

Last October we were brought together by a profound need to reconnect with nature and the earth in our urban environment. We feel the urge to combine durability, credibility and poetic in our work in order to influence more positive ways of living in the city. Those who have meet this challenge, like city beekeepers, urban farmers, explorers of the urban landscape,…* fascinate us. We ask ourselves: What can the arts bring to the game? Achat d’occasion, récup, partage : les Français se débrouillent. Alors que se tenait hier la première Journée mondiale du partage (Global Sharing Day), plusieurs études publiées récemment font le point sur le phénomène, et les communautés s’organisent pour valoriser ces nouveaux modes de consommation.

Achat d’occasion, récup, partage : les Français se débrouillent

[RYU] PAPERMAG. Visva. Hedof. Keith Haring. L'Établisienne, un lieu pour rénover, fabriquer, réparer, personnaliser... à Paris : atelier en libre-service, co-working, cours et stages, dépôt-vente. Bienvenue sur le site de L'Interloque.

Donner au lieu de jeter - Site de Dons. Just Share It : La métropole du prêt-à-partager. EVERYTHING YOU LOVE TO HATE™ Andreas Hidber's Portfolio. Design : design. Sa robe est rouge grenat, ses courbes sont idylliques, son nom est inscrit dans la légende. De mystérieuses lignes argentées illuminent sa silhouette. Katja Gruijters Fooddesign. Katja Gruijters is food designer van het eerste uur.

Katja Gruijters Fooddesign

The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press. Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University.

The Work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press

He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Business Week as the "Galileo of graphics. " He is now writing a book/film The Thinking Eye and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. Popular. You should follow Designspiration on Twitter and Facebook for site news. — Shelby Designspiration Search Color mediumsmalllarge Discover Ads via The Deck.


Retrouvez Radio Talkie dès le 3 avril à midi sur le web. Saint Marie Records. 26 Tracks 17 Previously unreleased The first compilation release by the sonically driven label Saint Marie Records.

Saint Marie Records

Specializing in Shoegaze, Dreampop and Electronica. Featuring one track from all 26 artists on the label. Metropolis: Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, Heinrich George, Fritz Alberti, Grete Berger, Olly Boeheim, Max Dietze, Günther Rittau, Karl Freund, Walter Ruttmann, Fritz. Anna Maria Sibylla Merian. - Grand-Hornu Images. Calvin Ross Carl. CHEVAL BLANC. Pokemon&fashion. Alice Lagarde. Axel Delbrayère - PROJETS.

Design Fodder. Wedo Studios. Untitled. Atractivoquenobello. Untitled. Le journal du très grand Paris. [Prospective] La France, futur pays des robots? La France se dote d’un nouveau plan pour fédérer la filière robotique française : “France Robot Initiative”. Un nom qui n’est pas sans rappeler l’ex France Initiative et qui veut participer au développement de cette industrie en France afin d’endiguer une fuite des cerveaux et des entreprises françaises à l’étranger. L’annonce a été faite par Arnaud Montebourg, ministre du Redressement productif, lors du salon Innorobo à Lyon lors duquel 300 robots sont présentés dont 20 inédits en France.

Le ministre insiste sur les atouts que pourraient revêtir ce domaine pour les entreprises françaises tant dans les services à la personne que pour les robots industriels et les drones. Une déclaration qui s’appuie sur un marché florissant de 3,5 milliards de dollars en 2010, alors que le marché mondial atteindrait 100 milliards en 2020. 4,4 millions d’euros de ce dispositif intégreront le plan “Start PME”, provenant des fonds pour les investissements d’avenir. Moaroom. PIERRE JORGE GONZALEZ / JUDITH HAASE / ATELIER ARCHITECTURE & SCENOGRAPHY. Hugh Dutton Associés. Ecosistema urbano . blog.

What Design Can Do. Maddyness - Le Magazine des Startups Françaises. Cilwood. Hipster Branding. STUDIO bLOg. Nouvelle Fabrique. Nouvelle fabrique. Choisissez un modèle de petites voitures à moteur à élastique qui sera découpé avec la fraiseuse numérique. Laboratoire d’Urbanisme Agricole.

Hackez les villes. O.S.T. Collectif. Advanced Architecture, Complex Geometries and Digital Prototyping. CONCEPTBOOK, Architecture & Design news. Parckdesign. HOME. Place au changement Opus 2. Wiithaa, the upcycling network. Le Gorafi News Network. Travaux et actualités de Gautier Favier étudiant en Design de Produit Mobiler à l'école Boulle. site en construction. Flakesix. Paddle8: Fine Art Auctions. Zapdesign - L'actu design en quelques minutes. Gabrielė Meldaikyte. CKAB. So radical man. VeloViet. Photo - The 9/11 Epic Ride 3 WEEKS BEFORE It was a Tuesday like all the others, and a morning that started like most.

I was at work in Pomona, California, ready to begin my day researching a project that I was working on. I was in my office, trying hard to tune out the slight commotion across the room... A shout brought me out of the focus from the software code on my computer screen. I rushed out to the nearby open area where someone had plugged in a small TV... and stared in disbelief as a plane flew straight into a high rise building.