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La strategie americaine pour influencer les minorites en France. Confirmation du diagnostic Wikileaks a permis de lever le voile sur ce qui était déjà une évidence : les Américains sont clairement engagés dans une stratégie d’influence de vaste ampleur vis-à-vis des minorités en France.

La strategie americaine pour influencer les minorites en France

Pour les lecteurs de ce blog, et notamment de l’article du 16 septembre dernier Les banlieues françaises, cibles de l’influence culturelle américaine, il ne s’agit pas là d’une découverte mais d’une confirmation : oui, il y a une claire et nette entreprise de manipulation des minorités en France par les Américains. Les opérations mises en œuvre sont scrupuleusement planifiées, suivies et évaluées. Tel est le constat auquel on parvient à la lecture du rapport de l’actuel ambassadeur des Etats-Unis en France, Charles Rivkin, envoyé le 19 janvier 2010 au Secrétariat d’Etat américain, sous le titre : EMBASSY PARIS – MINORITY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY (Ambassade de Paris – Stratégie d’engagement envers les minorités).

SUMMARY (Résumé) « Second, we will employ the tool of example. 6 Lessons We Can Learn From Barack Obama’s Online Marketing Strategy – Web Profits. By Alex Cleanthous : July 23rd, 2008 UPDATE: Click here for a review of Barack Obama’s 2011 Online Marketing Strategy Watching the US presidential coverage on the news always provides entertainment, especially considering how intense the democratic nomination was.

6 Lessons We Can Learn From Barack Obama’s Online Marketing Strategy – Web Profits

While watching one of these segments they mentioned that Barack Obama had raised 100% of his campaign funding through online contributions. He has not accepted any campaign contributions from large companies or lobbyists. Instead, Barack Obama’s campaign has been one of the most profitable in history, with the majority of campaign contributions made online through over a million small contributions. In fact, Barack Obama has raised nearly $200 million online, with a record $55 million raised in February alone, or nearly $2 million per day. That hit my button. It was a Saturday night and I immediately jumped on my laptop and brought up 1.

So the first step was a small yes, just email and zip code. Rolling Stone Politics. 'How'd I get screwed into going to this dinner?

Rolling Stone Politics

" demands Gen. Stanley McChrystal. It's a Thursday night in mid-April, and the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan is sitting in a four-star suite at the Hôtel Westminster in Paris. He's in France to sell his new war strategy to our NATO allies – to keep up the fiction, in essence, that we actually have allies. Since McChrystal took over a year ago, the Afghan war has become the exclusive property of the United States. "The dinner comes with the position, sir," says his chief of staff, Col. McChrystal turns sharply in his chair. "Hey, Charlie," he asks, "does this come with the position? " McChrystal gives him the middle finger. The general stands and looks around the suite that his traveling staff of 10 has converted into a full-scale operations center. "What's the update on the Kandahar bombing?

" "We have two KIAs, but that hasn't been confirmed," Flynn says. McChrystal takes a final look around the suite. He pauses a beat.