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The Truth About Solar. Researchers figured out how to generate power from falling raindrops — which could solve the biggest problem with solar energy. Tesla começa a produzir em larga escala telhas que geram energia solar (e são mais baratas do que as telhas convencionais) - The Greenest Post. 10 out 2017 A telha solar da Tesla já foi testada, aprovada e agora está sendo comercializada em pequena escala em Fremont, na Califórnia.

Tesla começa a produzir em larga escala telhas que geram energia solar (e são mais baratas do que as telhas convencionais) - The Greenest Post

Além de resistente – Elon Musk garante que o produto dura mais de 50 anos! –, a tecnologia promete ser mais barata do que um modelo de telha comum. Com tanto sucesso, a Tesla anunciou que a produção em larga escala da telha solar já tem endereço: Buffalo, em Nova York. Centenas de funcionários já foram contratados e as máquinas já foram instaladas em uma fábrica de 1,2 milhão de metros quadrados. A meta é produzir, em telhas, o equivalente à geração de 2 gigawatts/ano, apenas nesta primeira fábrica. Jéssica Miwa Mãe do Gael, Googler, jornalista e cofundadora do The Greenest Post.

Thesis Project: Solar Steam Generator using Fresnel Mirrors. - The Beginning of a Direct Solar Economy. Frontpage - Brilliantlightpower. Asa de borboleta aumenta absorção de células solares em 200% Biomimética A luz do Sol que chega às células solares mas é refletida representa uma perda de energia.

Asa de borboleta aumenta absorção de células solares em 200%

Por sua vez, as asas da borboleta Pachliopta aristolochiae têm minúsculos furos - nanofuros - que ajudam a absorver a luz em um amplo espectro, de forma muito mais eficiente do que as superfícies lisas - é por isso que ela é de um preto tão profundo. Em um exemplo clássico de biomimética, Radwanul Siddique, do Instituto de Tecnologia Karlsruhe, na Alemanha, conseguiu reproduzir essas nanoestruturas das asas da borboleta em células solares comuns de silício.

O resultado foi um aumento na absorção da luz pelas células solares de 200%. "A borboleta que estudamos é muito escura. Absorção de luz e geração de eletricidade O ganho de 200% na absorção de luz parece estupendo, e é, mas ele representa um limite teórico, não se traduzindo inteiramente em um ganho na eficiência do painel solar como um todo em termos de sua capacidade de geração de eletricidade. Design Insider - You can take this portable grill anywhere... Chineses criam painel solar que gera energia a partir da chuva também. A placa é capaz de aproveitar os raios do sol e os pingos de chuva, tornando-se eficiente em qualquer condição. 3 de novembro de 2016 • Atualizado às 11 : 58 O sistema funciona graças a uma camada de grafeno incorporada à superfície das placas. | Foto: iStock by Getty Images.

Chineses criam painel solar que gera energia a partir da chuva também

Casa auto-suficiente é a primeira com sistema solar-hidrogênio. Primeira casa auto-suficiente alimentada com um sistema solar-hidrogênio é um novo marco no caminho rumo a uma vida mais verde e sustentável.

Casa auto-suficiente é a primeira com sistema solar-hidrogênio

Cristais podem fazer energia solar ser a principal do mundo. Células fotovoltaicas: a Oxford Photovoltaics, startup saída da Universidade de Oxford, já produz células solares de estruturas perovskitas (Divulgação) Para a energia solar dominar o mundo, faltam duas coisas: que ela seja mais barata e que seja mais eficiente.

Cristais podem fazer energia solar ser a principal do mundo

As duas coisas devem ficar mais fáceis graças a uma nova descoberta da Universidade Columbia. Um dos principais obstáculos para baratear a energia solar é que os painéis fotovoltaicos, feitos de silício muito fino, são difíceis de fabricar. Qualquer nanodefeito de fabricação faz com que a energia se dissipe antes de ser absorvida como eletricidade. Wiring ultra capacitors correctly in an off-grid solar installation. KwSolar – Soluções em Energia. Daniel de São José dos Campos (SP) usa Energia Solar.

Energia Solar Fotovoltaica São José dos Campos (12) 3921-1190. Portal Solar - Tudo sobre Energia Solar Fotovoltaica. Os preços das placas solares variam de acordo com a quantidade, eficiência, fabricante e local de fabricação.

Portal Solar - Tudo sobre Energia Solar Fotovoltaica

The revolutionary redox system that produces and stores energy in the home. Imagine having a fridge-sized box in your home that not only generates and stores electricity on-site, but heats and cools the house, provides hot water and even churns out oxygen and hydrogen to use or sell.

The revolutionary redox system that produces and stores energy in the home

That's the vision a team from the University of Newcastle and Australian company Infratech Industries is working towards, and New Atlas spoke to two of the minds behind this potentially game-changing "Swiss army knife" of energy production. The team calls the device a Chemical Looping Energy-on-Demand System (CLES), and it's based on an original invention by Professor Behdad Moghtaderi of the University of Newcastle. Infratech, spearheaded by CEO Rajesh Nellore, has been involved almost from the start, helping out with the technical development of the system as well as plans to commercialize it. An industrial-scale reference plant was unveiled in Newcastle, Australia in early April, designed for a hospital, retirement village or a similar-sized commercial building. Dual modes Payback. Thin plastic overlayer doubles efficiency of rooftop solar panels.

While the latest commercially available rooftop solar panels boast conversion efficiencies around the 18 to 20 percent mark, there are solar cells capable of achieving efficiencies of over 40 percent.

Thin plastic overlayer doubles efficiency of rooftop solar panels

So why aren't these making their way onto roofs? The answer is cost. Faça você mesmo painel solar para produzir energia limpa em casa - Engenharia é: Elon Musk: Tesla's Solar Roofs Will Be Cheaper Than Regular Roofs & Have "Infinity Warranty" In Brief Last night, Elon Musk announced that Tesla's solar roofs would be on sale starting today.

Elon Musk: Tesla's Solar Roofs Will Be Cheaper Than Regular Roofs & Have "Infinity Warranty"

At the time, he also stated that more information on the panels was forthcoming. Now, he has unveiled key details about Tesla's "infinity warranty. " A Notable Announcement Last night, Elon Musk announced via Twitter that orders would begin today (May 10th, 2017) for his revolutionary solar roof hardware. Tesla comercializa telhas que geram energia solar (e são mais baratas do que as telhas convencionais) - The Greenest Post.

02 maio 2017 Depois de anunciar o bombástico supercarregador que abastece carros elétricos em questão de segundos, a Tesla começou a vender um dos quatro modelos de telha solar que já havia anunciado em 2016.

Tesla comercializa telhas que geram energia solar (e são mais baratas do que as telhas convencionais) - The Greenest Post

Além de resistente – Elon Musk garante que o produto dura mais de 50 anos! –, a tecnologia promete ser mais barata do que um modelo de telha comum. Os filmes fotovoltaicos orgânicos da Sunew vão flexibilizar (literalmente) a geração de energia solar. Leveza, transparência e flexibilidade são alguns dos atributos do material, que promete mudar o mercado de energia renovável A imagem de telhados residenciais e comerciais cobertos por placas fotovoltaicas de silício rígidas, retangulares, habita a memória coletiva quando se fala em geração solar. Wattway: A Photovoltaic Road. Solar road. Credit EFEA year ago, France's Ecology and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal announced that within five years it was planning to pave 1,000 kilometers of roads across the country with solar cells. Well, this week the project was inaugurated with its first kilometer "paved" with photovoltaic panels. This first kilometer of road premiered in Normandy and is covered by 2,800 square meters of solar panels, which are able to generate the necessary energy for the operation of the public lighting system of the town of Tourouvre-au-Perche, with 3,400 inhabitants.

The idea behind this project by the French government is to be able to promote sustainable energy and use this technology to supply power to homes or public infrastructure systems, especially in those sectors where distribution is more difficult. The panels can withstand heavy vehicles. “Today, our Wattway process is unique on a global level. Cientistas do MIT criam torres solares mais potentes que os painéis tradicionais. Allegra Boverman As torres solares captam a energia de maneira mais uniforme em todos os momentos do dia. A busca por fontes renováveis de energia vem ganhando novos capítulos de maneira frequente. E a energia solar, apesar de ainda ser de implementação cara, tem se tornado uma boa fonte de estudo e uma alternativa para que deseja fugir das altas taxas das concessionárias.

Em 2012, a revista Energy and Environmental Science publicou um estudo dos cientistas do MIT.'s Free The Sun Campaign for Builders. Land Art Generator Initiative. The Pipe Submission to the 2016 Land Art Generator Initiative design competition for Santa Monica Artist Team: Abdolaziz Khalili, Puya Kalili, Laleh Javaheri, Iman Khalili, Kathy Kiany (Khalili Engineers)Artist Location: Vancouver, CanadaEnergy Technologies: Photovoltaic PanelsWater Harvesting Technologies: Electromagnetic DesalinationAnnual Capacity: 10,000 MWh to generate 4.5 billion liters of drinking water From the beach, a gleaming pipe floats in the horizon. It’s a testament to our time and reminds us about our dependence on water and about our need to appreciate and value this vital gift. It also teaches us that water is plenty and nature provides. We just need to learn to work with it, keep it clean, and appreciate it.

Multiple pools of hot and cold, crystal-clear saltwater invite visitors to experience a ritual that takes them away from the stress of daily life. Water never leaves our planet. How to Build Your Own Solar Panels in Only Two Hours and Have Free Electricity For the Rest of Your Life! By Rich M. ,AskAPrepper Solar is inarguably the most commonly chosen form of alternative power.

It is relatively easy to install, costs nothing to operate (once installed) and works pretty much anywhere. There is also abundant sunlight available for conversion to electrical power. Portal Solar - Tudo sobre Energia Solar Fotovoltaica. Portal Solar - Tudo sobre Energia Solar Fotovoltaica. Tesla Powerwall 2 has no competition – comparison with LG Resu and SonnenBatterie. As we reported when Tesla officially unveiled the Powerwall 2 last week, the new battery pack is a game changer in home energy storage. The new price point for twice the energy capacity and the integrated inverter are hard to beat specifications for the competition, which had significantly increased since Tesla introduced first generation Powerwall over a year ago. In order to get a better idea of how disruptive the new Powerwall 2 can be, we compared it with some of the other important residential home battery pack solutions. The price points of most solutions have so far made them unavailable to most markets in the US.

Like Tesla’s first generation Powerwall, other companies have concentrated their efforts on markets with higher electricity rates, like Australia and Germany. How Data And Machine Learning Are Changing The Solar Industry. Like most sectors, the solar industry is rapidly embracing ways to analyze and crunch data in order to lower the cost of solar energy and to open up new markets for their technology.

The rise of data tools—algorithms, machine learning, sensors—are driving investments in, and acquisitions of, solar startups, while entrepreneurs are launching new companies that are using data to solve various solar industry problems. Meanwhile, big companies are spending money on tracking, monitoring and evaluating data from solar projects worldwide, helping to lower the cost of generating energy from the sun. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the solar sector is the latest to embrace the value of data.

Other traditionally non-digital sectors, like the auto industry, oil and gas, and agriculture are turning to managing data as a necessity to keep their technology competitive and their companies in business. 99mpg. Alemães criam revolucionário concreto solar e agitam o setor de construção civil - TEM Sustentável. Elon musk solarcity. With Tesla's historic acquisition of SolarCity now pending, Elon Musk has announced two new solar products, including one that could disrupt the roofing industry. Tesla and SolarCity could change the roofing industrySolarCity Twitter As Electrek reported, during a conference call with investors Tuesday, Musk and SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive said they were working on creating a roof made entirely of solar panels—solar shingles, if you will.

You’ll Never Believe How Cheap New Solar Power Is. Solar energy has grown 100-fold in this country in the past decade. Globally, solar has doubled seven times since 2000, and Dubai received a bid recently for 800 megawatts of solar at a stunning “US 2.99 cents per kilowatt hour” — unsubsidized! For context, the average residential price for electricity in the United States is 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. Solar energy has been advancing considerably faster than anyone expected just a few years ago thanks to aggressive market-based deployment efforts around the globe.

Película solar torna carros elétricos autossuficientes – CicloVivo. As células solares podem cobrir de 3,5 a 7,5 metros quadrados dos carros. 6 de julho de 2016 • Atualizado às 11 : 52 A energia gerada diariamente é suficiente para rodar, em média, 80 quilômetros. | Foto: Divulgação A empresa chinesa Hanergy é especialista na fabricação de painéis fotovoltaicos. Canada's energy superpower status threatened as world shifts off fossil fuel, federal think-tank warns - Calgary.

Canada's status as an "energy superpower" is under threat because the global dominance of fossil fuels could wane faster than previously believed, according to a draft report from a federal government think-tank obtained by CBC News. "It is increasingly plausible to foresee a future in which cheap renewable electricity becomes the world's primary power source and fossil fuels are relegated to a minority status," reads the conclusion of the 32-page document, produced by Policy Horizons Canada.

Read the full report here: PDF link. 100% Clean Energy Economy Is Much Closer Than You Think. Imagine: Your workday is done and when you walk to the parking lot, the first thing you do is unplug your vehicle from the office building where it’s been soaking up electricity from rooftop solar panels all day. You hit the road and, as usual, there are no delays. With all the cars networked together, traffic moves seamlessly, like a flock of birds, using as little energy as possible. On the ride home, you switch to autopilot so you can check your phone to see how your house has been performing.

Tejas solares fotovoltaicas, el futuro de la energía solar en viviendas. Allá por 2009 fue presentado el proyecto “Tejas Solares” en la Universidad de Minho y la Universidad Nova de Lisboa. With Transparent Solar Panels, Windows Could Harvest Energy Too. One day we’ll be able to plaster more surfaces with solar harvesters, if the idea of transparent solar concentrators lives up to its potential. Researchers from Michigan State University report that they've developed transparent, luminescent concentrators that can be placed on windows, your phone screen—anything with a clear surface—without blocking the view.

Richard Lunt, assistant professor of chemical engineering and materials science at MSU’s College of Engineering led a team that developed small organic molecules that absorb certain wavelengths of sunlight invisible to the human eye. “We can tune these materials to pick up just the ultraviolet and the near infrared wavelengths that then 'glow' at another wavelength in the infrared,” Lunt explained in a statement. “Because the materials do not absorb or emit light in the visible spectrum, they look exceptionally transparent to the human eye.” Image: G L Kohuth/MSU. A máquina que transforma o deserto em vidro. 7-Day Solar, Really. Is that even possible? VISIONS — CTRL+P Australia's Largest Solar Cells. Mass-produced, printable solar cells enter market and could change everything.

Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles is a Success! V3SOLAR. Solar skirmish: V3Solar defends its technology against naysayers. Compare Best Solar Panels. Super Solar Cells. V3 Solar Cell. V3Solar's Spinning Cone-Shaped Solar Cells Generate 20 Times More Electricity Than Flat Photovoltaics. 5 breakthroughs that will make solar power cheaper than coal. Obama calls for big clean energy push. In U.S., there are twice as many solar workers as coal miners. South African team may have solved solar puzzle even Google couldn't crack. Saudi Arabia: Oil Kingdom Becoming Solar Powerhouse. Solarbras Energias Renováveis. Olhar Digital: Projeto do Google calcula potencial de telhados para gerar energia solar. ?fb_action_ids=969468686406690&fb_action_types=og. Reshaping the solar spectrum to turn light to electricity. AES Brasil Sustentabilidade - Saiba como zerar sua conta de energia.

Brasileiro zera conta de energia após instalar sistema de energia solar. Como fazer um aquecedor solar caseiro de garrafa PET? DIY Solar. Solar FREAKIN' Roadways! (This Invention Will Change The World, Just Watch) GoSun Grill: A Breakthrough Solar Oven that Cooks at Night by Patrick Sherwin. DIY Solar Water Heater For About $30 In PVC Supplies And Paint. Shipping container with rollable PV panels inside could become an instant 100kW solar plant. UK scientists develop super-black material that absorbs 99.96 percent of surface light. Build Your own Portable Solar Generator for less than $150. Researchers develop solar cell with world record 44.7% efficiency. Flexible Solar Cells Reach Record Efficiency of 18.7% A new dimension for solar energy.

IBM solar collector magnifies sun by 2,000x (without cooking itself), costs 3x less than similar systems. Stanford researchers develop self-cooling solar cells. Calentador solar gratis con botellas PET ~ Ecoexperimentos. This glass sphere might revolutionize solar power on Earth. Solar-powered aircraft unveiled for round-the-world flight. “Supercritical solar” can compete with fossil fuels. Texas Utility Doubles Large-Scale Solar, Says It Will Be Coal-Free By 2016. The GoSun Solar Stove really is a revolutionary way to cook. What if solar got fossil fuel subsidies? How to make a 'perfect' solar absorber. Solar power is growing so fast that older energy companies are trying to stop it. How To Build a 400sqft Solar Powered Off Grid Cabin for $2k. Nicole Kuepper: Low-cost Solar. MIT Energy Storage Discovery Could Lead to 'Unlimited' Solar Power.

Here Comes the Sun: America's Solar Boom, in Charts. Solar and Renewable Energy Products: Solar Power, Wind Power, Self-contained solar PowerCube generates electricity, purifies water, and throws WiFi anywhere on Earth. What If Solar Were Subsidized Like Oil? Now Elon Musk Is Building the World’s Biggest Solar Panel Factory. Revolucionária Esfera Solar - 35% mais Eficiente na geração de energia que os painéis solares atuais -

Today's Solar Panels Can Power The World, MIT Study Finds. Novo sistema gera eletricidade sem precisar de lâminas rotativas. Brasil faz placa solar mais eficiente a custos menores.