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A detailed explanation of why Christians don't accept gay marriage. Image Credit: Keoni Cabral via Flickr For those genuinely interested in understanding.

A detailed explanation of why Christians don't accept gay marriage

Given the nature of the discussion following the gay marriage ruling last week, one thing that's clear to me as a Christian who opposes gay marriage is that very few secular people - and sadly, by no means all Christians - really understand why Christians take the position we do. That's why there is so much being said that doesn't really reflect what Christians think. Some say we hate or we judge. Others say we are against love. None of that is true, but maybe it's understandable that you jump to those conclusions if you're not familiar with the Bible or with the details of Christian doctrine. What I want to do here is lay out an explanation for the basis of Christian opposition to gay marriage. First, a few caveats: This explanation is going to reflect my particular denominational bent, which is Pentecostal. With that said, let's start by establishing a basic point about the Bible.

Love. How To Be Happy in a Relationship- 10 Habits of Happy Couples. What does it take to be happy in a relationship?

How To Be Happy in a Relationship- 10 Habits of Happy Couples

If you're working to improve your marriage, here are the 10 habits of happy couples. 1. Go to bed at the same timeRemember the beginning of your relationship, when you couldn't wait to go to bed with each other to make love? Happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times. They go to bed at the same time, even if one partner wakes up later to do things while their partner sleeps. 10 Ways to Make Your Relationship Magically Romantic. Creating magical moments in your relationship is something everyone thinks about, but few people do. Perhaps it's because they actually can't think of exactly what to do. Here are ten "acts of love" that you can do with and for your partner to bring a little more romance into your relationship. 1. Make your morning time special by bringing your partner a cup of coffee while he or she is still in bed. If you're willing and able you can also serve them breakfast in bed. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why Should You Stop Talking To Your Husband? – Love and Respect Podcast Ep. 017. Wives, would you like to learn a way to motivate your husband and know that he feels close to you in a meaningful way?

Why Should You Stop Talking To Your Husband? – Love and Respect Podcast Ep. 017

Husbands, would you like to understand yourself better and why you may not do relationships the same way as your wife? Listen in this week as Emerson and Jonathan discuss how a wife can move towards her husband with less talking, even no talking, through spending shoulder to shoulder time with him. Listen to the podcast HERE.

Access it on iTunes HERE and on Stitcher HERE. Timestamps 01:36—Emerson reviews the Relationship Challenge from last week’s episode. 04:50—Laying some groundwork for today’s discussion. 05:53—What determines the quality of a relationship for a man? 07:32—The counterintuitive and countercultural truth. Sex With an Ex Husband or Ex Wife - Marriage Missions International : Marriage Missions International. Yes, I know, this is a controversial subject, and trust me when I say that I wish it wasn’t one I’d ever have to deal with now or in the future.

Sex With an Ex Husband or Ex Wife - Marriage Missions International : Marriage Missions International

But the reality is that we are often posed the question of whether a person should have sex with their ex-husband or ex-wife —if that is something God would sanction since they were once married. So here goes. In broaching this subject, first I need to say that I realize there will be many who will say that divorce is not an option so there are no “exes” involved, which will spiral the question into a whole different direction. And yes, if you don’t recognize divorce as something that is permitable, then I can see why you would think that. But I am not going to go into that territory here —not now or in any other part of this web site. At Marriage Missions, we don’t and won’t debate that issue. That is why I was excited when I came across an article this morning, which addressed this subject, and confirms what we believe, as well.