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Territoires en mutation

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Cours: GE12 - Géographie et économie des territoires. Retrofitting.

Ville verte

Post-carbone. Suburb. Suburban Transformations ___ Paul Lukez. Transform x. Center for Applied Transect Studies. The central transect-based planning and regulatory tool supported by CATS and used by numerous urban design firms and municipal planning departments is the open source SmartCode.

Center for Applied Transect Studies

The SmartCode, a concise template released in 2003 and continually updated, is a model ordinance flexibly written for towns, cities, regions, and private developments. It requires calibration for local conditions. The SmartCode v9 and Manual was published to aid calibrators and planners and is available from New Urban News. SmartCode Version 10, due out in 2013, has a modular structure making it easier for a jurisdiction to assemble the precise code it needs.

Général. T?F. Design With Co. Design With Co. About the Hypothetical Development Organization. The Hypothetical Development Organization, founded in 2010, is dedicated to the recognition and extension of a new form of urban storytelling.

About the Hypothetical Development Organization

Members of this organization begin the narrative process by examining city neighborhoods and commercial districts for compelling structures that appear to have fallen into disuse —“hidden gems” of the built environment. In varying states of repair, these buildings suggest only stories about the past, not the future. As a public service, H.D.O. invents a hypothetical future for each selected structure. Serie Architects. Dossiers. Logement Design pour tous. Intro to Emergent Urbanism. Mathieu Helie has been writing at a blog he calls Emergent Urbanism.

Intro to Emergent Urbanism

His most recent post is the first part of a series that will be published as an entire article entitled “The Principles of Emergent Urbanism” at International Journal of Architectural Research. This first part of the series, and hopefully the entire published article gives a great introduction to the concept Helie names “Emergent Urbanism.” In my opinion as a Market Urbanist, Mathieu’s most remarkable contributions to urbanism revolve around the concepts of “emergence” as it relates to urban patterns, particularly with regards to Hayek’s ideas about “emergent order” or “spontaneous order”. Urban Planning, Entertainment & Film Case Studies. The Culture Now Project: Empower the Periphery.

The Hope for Suburbia. « At the Helm of the Public Realm. Mobilité. : l'actualité française et internationale de l'urbanisme, de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'architecture pour le plus grand nombre. PechaKucha 20x20. Laboratoire Analyse Architecture :.

Il Piano Territoriale Paesaggistico Regionale. The Culture Now Project: Empower the Periphery. Wild West Side - Société d'architecture de travail. The Wild West Side is our proposal for the creation of an entire new neighborhood in Manhattan, designed in collaboration with Balmori Associates, Landscape Architects and Fritz Haeg, Artist.

Wild West Side - Société d'architecture de travail

To be built on top of the Hudson Yards, an undeveloped rail yard running 8 blocks on the Manhattan’s west side, the Wild West Side is a model for the future of New York City in its ambition for sustainability and programmatic diversity. Designed to take advantage of the latest in Green technology, the Wild West Side creates an ecological infrastructure that links the buildings, streetscapes and park to become a neighborhood that is its own natural living system, unplugged from the services of the city. The Wild West Side Park is a richly textured magic carpet that responds to the architecture, infrastructure, topography and ecology of the site to create a collection of super parks, extending and building upon the linear concept of the High Line Park to its south. Urban Lab Global Cities (ULGC) Unit Brief and Methodology. Unit Brief Our profession is becoming deeply involved in the race to mitigate climate change.

Unit Brief and Methodology

Cities are increasingly larger producers of CO2 emissions; over half of all CO2 emissions originate within the cities. The main challenge of urbanism and its architectural components is to address the role of energy and all related environmental and sustainable issues. Glimpses of New York and Amsterdam in 2040. | by Levent Ozler- New York and Amsterdam are exploring their long-term futures.

Glimpses of New York and Amsterdam in 2040

Each city is affected by shifting demographics, changes in climate, energy transitions, and global economic patterns. City Life Could Change Your Brain for the Worse. Between the crowds and the noise and the pressure, city life often seems to set one's brain on edge.

City Life Could Change Your Brain for the Worse

Rotterdam 2012 – 2014. La ville volante, une utopie dégénérescente ? L'imaginaire conduit à dépasser les limites de la réalité, en attestent les projets de ville volantes.

La ville volante, une utopie dégénérescente ?

Les 10 villes les plus agréables du monde. BBC - Dimensions - Accueil. Territoires en Transition France. La ville, recette contre le réchauffement? Une des clés de la lutte contre le changement climatique se trouve dans les villes.

La ville, recette contre le réchauffement?

C’est la conclusion d’une passionnante étude publiée par des urbanistes de la Banque mondiale (1). Les chercheurs ont passé en revue les données disponibles sur une centaine de grosses villes de la planète. Avec des écarts parfois surprenants. Evolution des émissions moyennes de CO2 par habitant et taux d'urbanisation, de 1965 à 2005. On voit notamment l'urbanisation rapide de la Chine, de l'Inde et du Japon, et l'impact des politiques suédoises et allemandes © Hoornweg et al. Scenarios pour une ville post-carbone. Hier inconcevable – sauf pour quelques visionnaires isolés – la perspective d’une société « post-carbone » est aujourd’hui discutée et prise en compte jusque dans les instances internationales les plus prestigieuses : les Nations Unies, le G8 (ou G20), la Banque Mondiale, l’OCDE, la Commission Européenne … La mission Prospective du ministère de l’Écologie vient quant à elle d’engager un exercice de construction de scénarios qui sont présentés dans cet article.

Scenarios pour une ville post-carbone

Phosphore Eiffage 3.6 Beta 4. Rapport_ONERC. Eloge de la ville dense ou le déclin du paradigme urbain américain » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Philippe Gargov revient sur les propos d'un économiste de Harvard qui a remis en question le modèle des suburbs pavillonnaires, emblématiques du rêve américain, lors de l'émission de satire politique Daily Show. Article - Il faut repenser la ville dans son ensemble - Villes - Le : Supplément partenaire. Metropolis II ou la mainmise de l’automobile sur nos villes et sur nos vies. Metropolis II est un projet artistique un peu fou réalisé par l’américain Chris Burden. Urbain, trop urbain. PROJETS URBAINS ET RÉALISATIONS ARCHITECTURALES. Home. Home. Portland Plan. Thames Hub. BIG Wins the Stockholmsporten Master Plan. BIG + Grontmij + Spacescape are the winning team for the Stockholmsporten master plan competition to design an inviting new entrance portal into Stockholm at the intersection of a newly planned super-junction.

Click above image to view slideshowCompetition-winning design for the Stockholmsporten master plan by BIG in collaboration with Grontmij and Spacescape The planned Hjulsta Intersection 15 km north of Stockholm where two European highways, the E18 and E4 Bypasses, converge into a three level intersection, amounts to the largest infrastructure project in Sweden, required due to the growth and development of the capital. Welcome to Masdar. The build process - One Brighton - one & two bedroom apartments and studios. Villages Nature. Environnement: Densité d'intersection & rénovation des banlieues. Bimby » Build In My BackYard.

Rurban. Theresponsivecity.