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"I was born and raised a Mormon boy in Tennessee. I have never heard of the beautiful religion Islam while I was growing up. When I was 14 years old, I moved to Kansas City and got a job at the local fast food restaurant. At this point, all I knew about I. Pendapat Para Guru dan Ulama Besar Tentang Al Imam Al Quthb Al Ghaust Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alwi... Al hadith said; "la yahibullah ghayrullah" "i dont love others," "but my "SELF"..................... Allah said; "nurun ala nurin" "light upon light" "pure upon pure" "only essence could love d ESSENCE"... "only light (sirr) could love LIGHT (haqq)....... UZLAH ADALAH PINTU TAFAKUR. TIADA SESUATU YANG SANGAT BERGUNA BAGI HATI SEBAGAIMANA UZLAH UNTUK MASUK KE MEDAN TAFAKUR. Kalam-kalam Hikmat pertama hingga ke sebelas telah memberi gambaran tentang keperibadian tauhid yang halus-halus. Seseorang yang mencin.

The Last Great Caliph: Abdülhamid II. KISAH RABIATUL ADAWIYAH Rabiatul Adawiyah adalah seorang wali Allah yang mengabdikan dirinya kepada Allah. Kesabaran dan perjuangan harus dicontohi oleh wanita islam hari ini. Walaupun sejarah hidupnya bermula dari seorang wanita yang tidak mentaati Allah. February 10th 1258: Baghdad falls to the Mongols On this day in 1258, Baghdad - the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate - fell to invading Mongols. The caliphate had ruled the area since the eighth century, descended from the prophet Muhammad’s uncle, and Baghd.

BERBOHONG ITU PUNCA BAGI SEGALA MAKSIAT HENDAK JADI BAIK,? MAKA TINGGALKAN CAKAP BOHONG. BERBOHONG ITU ADALAH TIPU HELAH SYAITAN. BERBOHONG ADALAH CIRI-CIRI SEORANG MUNAFIK. Hanya dengan syarat “Jangan Berbohong” seorang pemuda yg suka MAKSIAT diterima ol. BERPERANG UNTUK HIDAYAH Oleh:- Syeikh Usamah Sayyid Al-Azhari Ketika Ali Bin Abi Thalib Akan Berangkat Menuju Perang Khaibar, Nabi Tidak Mengatakan Agar Beliau Membunuh Atau Menumpahkan Darah Lawannya. Sebaliknya, Rasulullah Berpesan Bahawa Jika Beliau Be. “He guides whomever He wishes to a straight path.” [ Quran Surah Al Baqarah ] The Chinese Emperor’s Poem about the Prophet Muhammad (saw) QURAN 6:151 Say,(to them oh Mohammed) "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. [He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment, and do not kill your children out of poverty; We will provide for you.

Wira Satria. ADA orang yang maksiatnya lancar tapi rezekinya juga lancar, bisnisnya sukses, pelitnya luar biasa. Bagaimana bisa? Jawabannya ada pada hadits berikut ini: عَنْ عُقْبَةَ بْنِ عَامِرٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ: إذا رأيت الله يع. 11 Must-Read Books By Muslim Authors. "Apabila hamba-Ku ingin menemui-Ku, Akupun ingin menemui-nya dan bila ia enggan menemui-Ku, Akupun enggan menemui-nya" (HR Bukhari dari Abu Hurairah)

Be led by your dreams (Lisan al-Din (Language of Faith)) Bismillah. Alhamdulillahi hamdan yuwafi niámahu wa yukafi u mazidah May Allah grant enormous blessings to my guests who had travelled several hundred miles and went straight home after having left me with plenty of knowledge, a dozen of precious books and lots of love. Amazing how Allah could move people's hearts to offer such kind gestures to one another. My lovelies, I just wanted you to know that the lillies are blossoming pretty. Just as my heart has blossomed with fond memories of the beautiful morning we shared. Perhaps, for once I should be selfish and not share much of what we shared LOL.And yes certainly when it comes to spending the special hours with the Lord, we ought to shut everything else up and be selfish. This I quote from one of the books that travelled hundreds of miles with my guests to my house: "This being human, is a guest house.

RUMI: MANA YANG LEBIH MULIA? SETIAP bangunan suci pasti didirikan dengan suatu tujuan tertentu. Sebagian dibuat untuk menampilkan kepemurahan pembangunnya. Sebagian agar pembangunnya dikenal, dan sebagian lagi mengharapkan imbalan-imbalan di akhirat kelak. How Do Sunni and Shia Islam Differ? Photo ’s execution of the Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr could escalate tensions in the Muslim world even further. In the Shiite theocracy Iran, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia, which is ruled by a Sunni monarchy, would face “divine vengeance” for the killing of the outspoken cleric, which was part of a mass execution of 47 men.

Sheikh Nimr had advocated for greater political rights for Shiites in Saudi Arabia and surrounding countries. Saudi Arabia had accused him of inciting violence against the state. Here is a primer on the basic differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. What caused the split? A schism emerged after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, and disputes arose over who should shepherd the new and rapidly growing faith.

Some believed that a new leader should be chosen by consensus; others thought that only the prophet’s descendants should become caliph. How do their beliefs differ? Correction: February 2, 2016. To end terrorism, we should follow the path of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): Dalai Lama - The Siasat... Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama who is also a Nobel Laureate termed the Holy Quran as a Sacred Book which is a priceless Gift of God given to mankind for guidance and welfare of the entire humanity.

According to Karnataka Muslim, the leader express his views at the grand global meet of Buddhists in Mysore. The spiritual leader also lauded the great services of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the mankind. He said that “The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) life is the best example for the entire humanity.” “We should follow the path shown by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in order to establish global peace and to end terrorism and tyranny from the world. The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) message of Peace, love, justice and religious tolerance will always be a leading light for the whole humanity”, he added.

“Thousands of the followers of Buddhism from around the world thronged the venue for their world congregation at Buddhist Monastery in Bylakuppa”, reports Karnataka Muslim. AKAL ITULAH DIRI... Guru saya sentiasa bercakap tentang akal. Mula2 mengaji dulu saya pun tak faham apa sebabnya. Lama kelamaan barulah nampak sedikit demi sedikit apabila saya mengkaji tulisan2 Imam Ghazali. Akal itu adalah DIRI rupanya. Pada diri itulah. Imam Masjid Baru di London dan Kelebihan Ongkos Bus 20 Sen.