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It's okay that I don't know where I am going. Some comics/art works about depression. Precision Nutrition Coaching & Certification. 50 Ways to Get Your Life in Order. This is an article by guest writer Mark Foo, author of The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People.

50 Ways to Get Your Life in Order

There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of chaos in your life. Text,life,advice,like,inspiration,quote-4cbe9ccdd83fb21125298c15d4308e5a_h.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 500 × 344 Pixel) 30 Things You Should Do Right Now. 100 Simple Ways to Change Your Life for the Better. May 7th, 2008 100 Simple Ways to Change Your Life for the Better No matter how perfect you may think you are, the fact this there’s always some small way you can improve for yourself and others.

100 Simple Ways to Change Your Life for the Better

101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy. Do the healthy thing, even when it's challenging, inconvenient or considered weird.

101 Revolutionary Ways to Be Healthy

Take pride in that. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's smart or good for you. Enlist fellow trend buckers and create a trend of your own. SpinalStretches.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 800 × 1067 Pixel) 25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence. Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. – E.E.

25 Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Cummings By Leo Babauta One of the things that held me back from pursuing my dreams for many years was fear of failure … and the lack of self-confidence that I needed to overcome that fear. It’s something we all face, to some degree, I think. The key question: how do you overcome that fear? By working on your self-confidence and self-esteem. 30. 100 things to experience before you die. Bucket List: 225 Things to Do Before You Die.

Personal growth

Being. @kkoolook — Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No... #random but #inspirational by @koqoo #kkoolook series by @koqoo.

@kkoolook — Be brave. Even if you’re not, pretend to be. No...

The Awakening. A time comes in your life when you finally get…when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out…ENOUGH1 Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on.

The Awakening

Then, like a child quieting down after a tantrum, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes. This is your awakening. You realize it’s time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change, or for happiness, safety and security to magically appear over the next horizon. Sketchbook 2010 (vol. 2) on the Behance Network. 19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett. 19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett The phantasmagorical and surreal animal sculptures by Canadian artist Ellen Jewett.

19 phantasmagorical animals by Ellen Jewett

Between dream and nightmare, some strange creations born of a symbiosis between organic and mechanical elements, a meeting between fantasy, gothic and steampunk. Some very detailed sculptures in clay on a metal frame. Images © Ellen Jewett / via. Hand Drawing Art Pictures and Ideas. Published on March 2nd, 2011 If we look at the drawing above what we find is pictures of animals. At first glance you may think that these are photograph. But don’t be astonished hearing that all these are drawing. Believe it or not, these stunning pencil drawings are not photographs – they were drawn using only one pencil. These incredibly realistic images show the humble pencil at its best, and are so exceptional that they can detail the fine hairs of a cat and the wisps of a beard. In the art drawings above if you look closely, in some of them the sketcher tried to create hand drawing so lively that when people will watch it they will be in confusion whether this is real or hand drawing.

In these incredible pencil drawings of animals the color black and white is used to make a dramatic effect. Spectacular Moleskine Doodles Explode with Energy. Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes proves that doodling can be so much more than scratching unintelligible scribbles on paper.

Spectacular Moleskine Doodles Explode with Energy

Through his Sketchy Stories blog, Rosanes shares his wonderful world of doodling in a simple Moleskine sketchbook. Equipped with an ordinary Moleskine, a few Uni Pin drawing pens, and his innate gift for drawing, the artist is able to transport viewers to a world where tiny, cartoonish creatures explode with gusto to make up larger entities. Each of the illustrator's complex and crowded sketches are filled with minute details that allow the eye to wander and discover new characters and designs at every turn. Shapes of Conscious. 4_olicommissionbw.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 912 × 600 Pixel) The Worlds Weirdest Book. A truly unique work of fiction, ‘The Codex Seraphinianus‘ is a book that appears to be a visual encyclopedia of some unknown world or dimension.

The Worlds Weirdest Book

Written down in one of that worlds beautiful curving languages, the book by Italian artist, architect and industrial designer Luigi Serafini, explains the odd inhabitants and their colorful behaviors. The book was created between 1976 and 1978 and for the low price of about $500.00 you can ponder over your own copy… then again, if you can’t afford that, check out the video at the bottom. See Also MOUNTAINS OF BOOKS BECOME MOUNTAINS Via: Illustrations on Behance.