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4 Arab Novels You Need to Read This Month. Manuels d’arabe d’hier et d’aujourd’hui - Étude comparative des manuels d’arabe en usage dans le Maroc sous protectorat français (1912-1956) - Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. 1 On peut citer les études monographiques de Mekki Merrouni (« Le collège musulman de Fès (1914-1956) (...) 1L’histoire de l’éducation au Maroc sous le protectorat français a retenu l’attention d’assez nombreux chercheurs, comme en témoignent plusieurs thèses1.

Manuels d’arabe d’hier et d’aujourd’hui - Étude comparative des manuels d’arabe en usage dans le Maroc sous protectorat français (1912-1956) - Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France


Claude Lévi-Strauss, un moraliste. Panthéonisé de son vivant par son entrée dans la collection de la Pléiade à la veille de son 100ème anniversaire (15 000 exemplaires de tirage initial, un record), Claude Lévi-Strauss sera sur tous les fronts des idées dans les semaines à venir.

Claude Lévi-Strauss, un moraliste

On évoquera les deux disciplines qui ont formé son jeune esprit : la philosophie et le droit. Et certainement celles qui l’ont conduit à son intuition centrale : d’abord répudier le vécu quitte à le réintégrer ensuite dans une synthèse objective dépouillée de toute sentimentalité afin d’atteindre le réel. Celles qui appelaient ses « trois maîtresses » : la géologie, le marxisme et la psychanalyse. On les retrouve d'une manière ou d'une autre dans ce volume d'Oeuvres sur papier bible (2128 pages, 62,50 euros, La Pléiade) qui regroupe Tristes tropiques, Le Totémisme aujourd'hui, La Pensée sauvage, lesdites Mythologiques (La Voie des Masques,, La Potière jalouse, Histoire de lynx) et enfin sa réflexion sur l'art Regarder, écouter, lire.


Dpwing2.jpg (504×479) LIFE. Storytelling for Good Causes. Speaker(s): Andy Goodman, Founder, American Comedy Network Published: February 05, 2007 Download 44 minutes, 20.2mb, recorded 2006-09-08 Stories are part of our history, our identity, and our culture.

Storytelling for Good Causes

More than anything else, stories help us remember. That's the message Andy Goodman has for you and the social innovators over the age of 60 gathered by Civic Venture and the Center for Social Innovation at the Innovation Summit held at Stanford University on September 8-9, 2006. Attendees of the Innovation Summit were all nominees of The Purpose Prize, an award Civic Venture created to celebrate the work of extraordinary people in their second half of life who are using their experience and creativity to lead social change.

To help get his message across and help them remember it, Goodman tells a few stories including his own story of how he got involved in this work. Resources Story Telling As Best Practices and more publications by Andy Goodman Credits: Robb Lepper Bernadette Clavier.


TO LISTEN. I eye. PORTFOLIO ONLINE. PRESS. DIGITOOLS. Pracownia Olszańska – malarstwo, rzeźba, lalkarstwo, batik, rysunek, biżuteria. FullScreen Share this Sound effects Proudly created by The works are created by means of hands and imagination.

Pracownia Olszańska – malarstwo, rzeźba, lalkarstwo, batik, rysunek, biżuteria

Also helpful are patience, a cool head, strong enthusiasm, family support and common sense, as well as aromatic coffee in quantities greater than can be produced in a coffee maker in one go. For painting, I use the paints of renowned companies: Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Astra. Batik is a manual technique of painting with warm wax on the canvas. The works of art. are created in the “lost wax” technology. The works are created in an individual technique.

There is only one copy of each piece of jewellery, invented and designed by myself. Simultaneously to the altar, a new series of brass sculptures is being created. Whew! New website is ready! Barbara Olszańska-Żywalewska There is no better welcome than with a smile, that is why Basia Olszańska-Żywalewska smiles to you from this place. I was born in 1975 in Łapy – a beautiful little town in the picturesque heart of Podlasie on Narew river.


Rising Seas - Interactive: If All The Ice Melted. FEMINISM. The 10 most subversive women artists in history. Artemisia Gentileschi When she was a teenager, this 17th-century baroque artist was raped by a painter.

The 10 most subversive women artists in history

She responded by turning her art into a weapon. In Gentileschi's repeated paintings of the biblical story of Judith slaying Holofernes, the Israelite hero is helped by her muscular servant. As one woman holds down Holofernes on his bed, the other saws through his neck with a sword. Blood spurts everywhere in a sensational image of women taking revenge on patriarchy. Hannah Wilke In her SOS Starification Object Series (1974-82), Wilke was photographed with blobs of chewing gum stuck on to her flesh. Adrian Piper In her Catalysis performances (1970), Piper turned herself into a human provocation in public places such as the New York subway. Georgia O'Keeffe In the early 20th century, Georgia O'Keeffe posed nude for her lover, the modernist photographer and art impressario Alfred Stieglitz, and painted abstractions that have an explicitly vaginal beauty.

Claude Cahun Louise Bourgeois Eva Hesse.

Astuces Pearltrees