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The GASTRONOMICON. 2008 Blog: 06/2008. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain I'd like to share the bed platform I've designed for Kermit, my Honda Element. My idea was to remove the rear seats and build a 4 by 4 foot flat platform that meet the front seats when folded fully back to provide a long, wide and flat sleeping area.

I built the platform with basic Home Depot material including 5 steel legs about 10" tall, 47x45" plywood board with lumbar wood to add extra support, and 4 turnbuckles to lock the platform to the floor. On top of the plywood board I put the same kind of material you put under a carpet. Here's the rear view: Here's the front view (behind the front seats). Notice the attention to detail. Lastly, the width of the narrowest part of the trunk space is 47" wide. Cabela's Deluxe Camp Bed. Element Plumbing Platform. Element Plumbing Platform We were looking for a simple solution to building a sleeping platform for camping. We built this out a plywood board, 8 pipes, 16 pipe flanges, 4 turnbuckles/S-hooks/eye-straps, and wood screws. It cost less than $100 to build the platform and is very easy to install and remove.

The whole platform can be bought off-the-shelve at Home Depot. They only tool needed to build the platform was a screw driver to attach the flanges to the board. We bought a piece of 4x8 1/2" plywood at HD and had them cut it to size (48"x47") for free. The inside width of the car in the back is about 48" across, so we had the board cut a little bit smaller, 47", so we could easily slide the board into the car. Time-Lapse Tutorial ‹ digitalartwork. Gabriela's Kitchen. Tangy Raw Apple Cider Vinaigrette (Bite This) Photographer V Blak I am a huge fan of making homemade dressings.

They are extremely easy to make, cost effective and much more delicious, not to mention healthier than the bottled stuff. Think about it. Now I am a true blood New Yorker at heart which means, I must hit the town and dine out a few times a week. This gives me plenty of tasting opportunities and when I run across a yummy dressing…I make sure to ask for the recipe. Sign Up for GreenChefs Bite This Daily Foodie Inspiration Emails Instructions Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with a wire whisk.

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R&D-I-Y | Research and Develop It Yourself. Meditation With Mallika Chopra: An Online Course. When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential centre of our being. -Rudolf Steiner Welcome the hub page Meditation With Mallika Chopra, an online course dedicated to helping you learn how to meditate and practice a more mindful life. Meditation is a simple technique that has physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Regular practice of meditation can help you find more personal fulfillment, inner peace and happiness in every situation. The online course is divided into eight lessons that will introduce you to basic meditation techniques, simple mindfulness exercises and additional resources on how you can learn more about living the mindful life.

Each lesson also contains 1-3 videos from Mallika Chopra. Wichita Jiu-Jitsu Club. Healthy Eating Tips | Summer Tomato - Upgrade Your Healthstyle. Four Pillars of Healthy Eating. 1. Focus on Whole Foods No, we're not talking about concentrating on Whole Foods Market here. We mean "whole foods" – any food in its most essential, pure and basic form: an asparagus spear, a lemon slice, a scoop of quinoa or a fillet of salmon. Favoring a whole foods-rich diet is a simple way to ensure that what you eat is micronutrient dense and free of unnecessary additives. Whole foods are the best ingredients for creating tasty and healthy meals, and diets loaded with whole, unrefined and unprocessed foods may help keep you healthy. Tips for success: Choose whole, fresh, natural, organic, local, seasonal, unrefined and unprocessed foods. 2. Whether you're going gluten-free or love your dairy, meat and seafood, every diet can benefit from a focus on plant-based foods.

Beans, nuts and legumes are great sources of plant-based protein. CineSkates Camera Sliders by Justin Jensen. Update 3: The CineSkates Kickstarter project has come to a close, and the support from our backers has been amazing. We are working to get all the CineSkates sent out quickly, and we are now taking pre-orders on the Cinetics web site: Update 2: By popular demand, we added a new reward level for a ready-to-go CineSkates System for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S! This reward includes CineSkates, the GorillaPod Focus tripod, the GorillaPod BH1 Ballhead, and The Glif iPhone mount... one of our favorite Kickstarter projects!

Update 1: Wow! We reached the funding goal incredibly fast! Thanks for checking out my Kickstarter project! What are CineSkates? CineSkates work specifically with the GorillaPod Focus tripod. What rewards are available? What's the money for? When will rewards ship? What makes CineSkates so cool? How do you use them? Will there be future CineSkates products? What is Cinetics? What is the Cinetics Lens Cloth? Are CineSkates patented? CheesyCam » DIY Video and Photography Projects. Compare Local Prices and Save Money | ShopLocal. Android Mom: OurGroceries App Review. I like to shop with a list, which I've read keeps your grocery bill down. My friends said I'm too high tech to keep my lists on scraps of paper, so I'm on a search for the best Android Grocery List App! So far OurGroceries from Headcode is my app of choice. The best feature is being able to share lists among multiple phones. So my husband can add things to the list himself from his phone (now if only he could do the shopping too!).

Apparently this works between platforms too, i.e. between Android and iPhone if your family has both. I like that I can have multiple lists; grocery, Target, Costco, ToDos, etc. You can enter recipes and build a list off of recipes, if you are into that sort of thing too. While OurGroceries markets itself as a Grocery List App, I'd say it is more of a general list App. Price: Free. CogniFit™ Brain Fitness And Memory Programs, Brain Training. Whichbook | A new way of choosing what to read next.

MyQuotes. 786 868 1076 1466 524 1353 1608 1019 2548 1404 148 523 253 231 3040 680 408 524 1033 1022 428 2921 1027 651 561 1503 645 312 218 3726 859 3768 701 433 668 1562 661 929 206 1462 266 1029 289 2811 397 1316 613 981 739 178 227 591 406 994 5021 1287 1002 2045 2799 719 877 3822 2442 3780 579 453 2591 1729 3733 879 1113 1907 2083 2441 868. Make Breakfast Burritos in Bulk for Cheap, Tasty Mornings. How to De-Crapify Your Home: A Start-to-Finish Guide. Oatmeal in Jars: Make a Week of Breakfast in 5 Minutes | Apartment Therapy The Kitchn. We know you are always looking for healthy, make-ahead breakfasts, and I keep thinking about my all-time favorite: Steel-cut oatmeal.

With a little forethought and a few Mason jars, you can make enough steel-cut oats for a whole week in just 5 minutes. The result? Monday through Friday, you have a jar of wholesome oatmeal all ready to go. Pop it in the microwave at work and breakfast is served! Healthy and full of fiber, with a nutty creaminess that puts the mush of other porridges to shame, steel-cut oats are simply one of the best breakfasts you can eat. Some people get around this by cooking them in the slow cooker (here is a great recipe with buttermilk and apricots) . • How To Cook Steel-Cut Oats for Breakfast the Night Before Basically you combine oats and water, bring them to a boil, then cover and turn off the heat. Here I offer an idea: Do this just once on Sunday night, and divide the oatmeal between five jars. Previous image Next image Collect your jars and other equipment. 1. Live and Work on Your Own Terms. How to Forecast Weather | Ever wondered how to forecast the weather without actually using instruments? Check the Clouds: Clouds can tell us a lot about the weather. For example, they can tell us if it’s going to be warmer on a particular night by simply being there. That’s because they prevent heat radiation from escaping. They can also tell you whether there will be rain and whether there will be bad weather in general (when you see clouds moving in opposite directions of each other). Check the Humidity: If you’re one of those people whose hair gets all curly when it gets really humid out, you know exactly what this is about.

Check the Animals: Birds only fly in the sky when they expect fair weather ahead. Look at the Rainbow (but only in the west) and look for a Red Sky: If you see one in the west, it means a major storm front is coming. Check the Air: If it smells like a compost heap, expect some rain soon. Check the Moon: Seen any red moons lately? Check the Wind: A Few More Ideas: Famous Buddhist Quotes & Sayings. Dear Young Me, Dear Young Me, Being smart actually makes your life harder. Don't think you'll be able to skate through life like you scammed your way through school. And stop being so depressed, you can work through your pain without shutting off, I promise. -Older Me. sleeping around just isn't worth it. no one cares that you haven't slept with anyone. -Me He isn't worth it and he's not the one. -older me Its okay to completely breakdown but then you have to seriously let it go.

Dear Pure Me, People won't think you're cool if you're the class slut. -~Slightly Older You Dear young me, listen to your mom...she is right about everything. -slightly older me You've dated a lot of jerks, you've been slapped around, and your heart has gotten managled..but don't let that get in the way of falling in love. - love again, trust again. You look fantastic, you are sexy and have a great body. How to Meditate - Guided Meditation Techniques - Buddhist Meditations. Emergency and Disaster Information Service. You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi. How to Set Up the Ultimate Desktop Recording Studio.

Consider it another marvel of the digital age--or the latest evidence that the beautifully difficult, soul-taxing art of music creation has irretrievably slid into the hands of talentless idiots. Either way, with the help of a computer, a few peripherals, a variety of entry-level software and two weekends' worth of struggle, I have produced my first single.

It's hardly a secret that musical production has been striding boldly into the digital age over the past three decades. Software that enables instruments to interface directly with PCs was pioneered in the 1980s, and current programs pack all the goodness of a full production studio into a laptop, with virtualized instruments, amps, effects, mixing boards and multitrack recording machines all onscreen. This has had a profound effect on the music industry--lowering the barrier to entry to the point where a small band with a computer, a microphone and a few instruments can produce studio-quality recordings. Multitrack Recording Plug-Ins. Detox Foods | Detox smoothies. Toxins-free for life Looking to increase your energy levels, to lose weight, get clearer skin, prevent premature ageing and to help preventing diseases?

Then look no further! This 5 days step-by-step detox will help you implement long-lasting healthy habits that yields results. Price: $47 Price: $27 Smoothies are a great way to boost your fruits and veggies daily intake. Flat Tummy Rich in digestion supporting ingredients, this smoothie will help prevent bloating and digestive stress that can sabotage your tummy flattening efforts. 3/4 c. papaya 3/4 c. sliced peaches 1/2 pear, sliced 1 tsp fresh ginger 2 mint leaves Water to thin Skin Saver Antioxidants in berries are known to help to fight wrinkles and other skin ageing signs. 3/4 c blueberries 3/4 c pitted cherries 5 strawberries 1/4 avocado, peeled and pitted 2 tsp wheat germ (optional) 2 tsp ground flaxseed Water, to thin Peanut Butter Energy Booster This protein-rich and minerals-filled smoothie will give you long-lasting energy.

Bone Lover. Lyric Writing Exercises: a 5-Day Workshop. Guest post by Maria Rainier If you’re anything like most songwriters, you’re all too familiar with that frustrating sensation of being stuck in a rut. You know it’s important to write something – anything – every day, but there are times when that just seems impossible. Maybe you don’t have enough energy, you might be too critical of your first attempts, or you could be missing out on the muse. Whatever the reason, you can still get your daily writing done in a productive way if you introduce new exercises into your routine.

Day 1: Research Mix & Match The first step is to give yourself something interesting to work with. Day 2: Collaborative Brainstorming Contact a friend by chat or email. Day 3: Titles & Nuggets Using what you’ve written from the previous two exercises (or relying on your notebook), construct some potential song titles. Day 4: Songwriting Surgery Now, pick a popular song that appeals to you and completely rewrite the lyrics. Day 5: Open Season Related Articles. 101 Zen Stories. 15 sites web developers and designers should know. Creating a good website isn't an easy task, but there's a few tools that can definitely make your developer or designer life easier. In this article, I have compiled 15 extremely useful website that any web developer or web designer should have bookmarked.

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Lojong. Essentials of Buddhism - core concepts. 47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit.

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