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Phases of Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells. Cell Division Overview Clockwise, from top left: embryonic sea urchin cells, frog skin cells, neuron, 8-cell fish embryo.

Phases of Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells

All of the living organisms on Earth are made up of one or more cells, which are the simplest units of life capable of independent existence and reproduction. Cells have the extraordinary ability to make nearly identical copies of themselves by the process of cell division. Since new cells are only produced by existing cells, cell division is essential for the continuation of life. There are a variety of reasons that might cause a cell to divide: Multicellular organisms grow in size and complexity by making more cells. Two events are required for successful cell reproduction.

File:Complete neuron cell diagram en.svg. File:Average prokaryote cell- en.svg. Explore the nervous system. You are here: home > explore Neuroscience For Kids explore table of contents The World of Neuroscience Brain Basics "Higher" Functions.

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Concepts in Biochemistry - Interactive Animations. The Virtual Cell Website. Spectrum WebScope: @38205. File:Yellow adipose tissue in paraffin section - lipids washed out.jpg. File:Stem-histology-cross-section-tag.svg. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).


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Microorganisms. Let's study the wee ones of the world known as the microbes or the microorganisms.


If you spend your life studying them, you would be a microbiologist. These are the smallest of the small and the simplest of the simple. Some of them, like viruses, may not even be alive as we currently define life. What makes a microbe? We suppose you need a microscope to see them. Rader's BIOLOGY 4 KIDS.COM. Cell Structures - Video on Cells. Cell Structures - Cell Biology. File:Avocado seed diagram-en.svg. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).

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FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. Egg Mature female reproductive cell produced by the ovary, which, after fertilization by a spermatozoon, enables the embryo to develop. nucleus Organelle containing a cell’s genes and controlling its activities. zona pellucida Fine granular coat composed of mucopolysaccharides covering the egg; it allows a single spermatozoon to penetrate the egg, which then becomes impermeable to others. cytoplasm Clear gelatinous substance surrounding the various cellular structures. nucleolus Small spherical body located inside the nucleus, within which the ribosomes, or protein-synthesizing structures, are produced. corona radiata Collection of granular cells that forms a protective crown around the egg.