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Ecotect Tutorials. Ingress. RenderLights. Definitions. 3DVIA Studio. Architecture. Architects. Architectural lectures. Joshua Klein on the intelligence of crows. Augmented reality related. Qatar Arch. Augmented Reality Apps. PhD-Master. Bjarke Ingels Group. Snohetta. 10 Ways to Create Videos Without Installing Software. Creating videos used to require that you own expensive equipment and software.

10 Ways to Create Videos Without Installing Software

Fortunately, that is no longer the case. In fact, now there are many tools you can use to create videos online. Here is a collection of some of my favorite tools for creating videos online. WeVideo is a collaborative online video creation tool. In the video editor you can upload your own media clips or use stock media clips to produce your video. Masher is a great, free, tool for creating video mash-ups. Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. Flixtime is a video creation service that is quite similar to Animoto. Photo Peach is a service that allows you to quickly and easily create an audio slideshow, with captions, from images in your Flickr, Picassa, or Facebook account. Movie Maker. Urbano. Generative design. Fractals. Aseem Inam - Associate Professor. The Geometry of Bending. THINK.urban. Tutorials. PARAMETRICISM.

New Find Pushes Age of Stone Tools Back A Million Years. The genus Homo is no longer the sole primate lineage known to have used stone tools to consume the meat of large mammals.

New Find Pushes Age of Stone Tools Back A Million Years

New research pushes that skill back nearly a million years. Large fossilized animal bones with ends shattered for sucking out marrow and cut marks deliberately made with sharp stone tools have been found just a few hundred feet from a previously uncovered Australopithecus afarensis skeleton. The bones are roughly 3.4 million years old, and connect the earliest evidence for using stone tools and eating large game to our Lucy-like ancestors.

Previously, the earliest evidence for using tools to cut the meat off large animals was attributed to early Homo in the Gona region of Ethiopia around 2.5 million years ago. This find from a different region in Dikika, Ethiopia, , shows the behavior was around at least a million years earlier. The ability to carve meat off large mammal carcasses likely put Australopithecus in competition with dangerous scavengers, Alemseged says. Science. Society of Plant Signaling and Behavior. The Society for Plant Neurobiology was formed after the First International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology was held in Florence in 2005.

Society of Plant Signaling and Behavior

This, and each of the subsequent symposia, were scientifically energizing and exciting, drawing a diverse array of participants. Plant Neurobiology describes a newly named, but also old and fascinating field in plant biology addressing the physiological basis of adaptive behavior in plants. Perhaps this field could be called "Sensory Biology in Plants" or something similar.

However, these names don't quite cover topics like plant cytology and anatomy, adaptive plant behavior, signaling and communication in symbiosis and pathogenesis, or newly emerging topics like for instance plant immunity, plant memory and learning, plant-plant communication, as well as plant intelligence. For a better understanding of the world around us, it is important that we develop and share the growing understanding of plants as dynamic and highly sensitive organisms. Grasshopper. Interesting. Scholarships for students at AA School. Each year the Architectural Association awards more than 70 scholarships and bursaries to undergraduate students studying on RIBA/ARB-recognised courses.

Scholarships for students at AA School

Scholarships are offered to First, Second and Fourth Year applicants who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need. These scholarships are available for three and two years respectively, subject always to continuing progress. All applicants to the main undergraduate course are eligible to apply for a scholarship, regardless of nationality or background. Any student in receipt of a scholarship is not eligible to apply for a bursary. Please note that scholarships are not available for students on Foundation or Visiting Students courses. Application procedure A summary of the scholarship application procedure can be found here.

Physics. Math Articles. Plant Intelligence. Energy & Resources. BLOG - architectural rendering and illustration blog. Grasshooper. Curso Processing. Processing. KINDLE BOOKS ARCHITECTURE. Various stuff 5. Tool. Experimentacion y software. 7 Subtle Grunge Pattern Textures. Plant Intelligence. Grasshopper. Architectural Design. KANGAROO. GALAPAGOS. Collect. Experimentacion y software. Tool. Collect. Architecture & Design. Architecture. AOL Tech. Free 3D models, materials, textures and tutorials for Rhinoceros, 3DS Max, C4D and all other programs. 3D - Virtual Reality. How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld. (Editor's note: David Wang is an accomplished iPhone hacker and member of the iPhone Dev Team.

How to Install Android on Your iPhone - PCWorld

Tinker with your gadgets at your own peril--we're not responsible for what happens if you brick your iPhone, however unlikely that may be.) Maybe you want to liberate your iPhone from Apple's clutches. Maybe you just want to tinker with something new. Either way, you've seen Android running on the iPhone, and you want to try it for yourself. Rendering Recources. Ray Tracing and 3D Links - 3D Model Sites. Back to main link index Starship Modeler A plastic modeling resource that has pictures and blueprints that can also be valuable to the 3d modeler.

Ray Tracing and 3D Links - 3D Model Sites

Categories include star trek and star wars as well as babylon 5, 2001 and 2010, space 1999, mecha, and real spacecraft. Architecture. Simulation Software. GH components. Archi'blogs. Architecture. Urban Innovation. Spatial patterns | land use. Neighbourhoods. Smart cities. Brainstorm and mind map online. 600+ Photoshop Textures Making Brushes. Download Download 10 brushes Download 19 brushes Download Download 50 Grunge brushes.

600+ Photoshop Textures Making Brushes

Architecture japonaise.

Pearltrees videos

Getting started.