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Facebook Twitter - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog. CulturePOP | Ingredients for an Artful Life. Many people say that "The Wire" was the greatest show ever written, with the possible exception of "Breaking Bad. " Seth MacFarlane even pokes fun at the series’ reputation in an episode of "Family Guy. " Since there is no definitive test to determine which is actually the greatest, I'd say a reference in an American, pop culture-themed sitcom provides some credibility. However, many TV fans have been discussing "The Sopranos" recent success in topping the Writer's Guild of America’s "101 Best Written TV Series" list. With "The Wire" coming in at #9, and "Breaking Bad" shortly behind at #13, the young and hot (and sexy) "Game of Thrones" sits back at #40.

Although each of these elite TV drama series have completely different stories, they all have at least one thing in common. Yes, the other shows are original television projects, and “GoT” is an adaptation, but adapting for the screen is a whole different art form unto itself. Design Ideas and Tech Concepts - CribcandyThe Best from Household and Interior Design Blogs Around the World, Every Day.

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