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Outils Instagram : les 6 fantastiques ! Comme tout bon Community Manager, vous êtes peut-être à la recherche de l’outil qui vous permettra de gagner du temps, d’optimiser votre présence sur certains réseaux sociaux, d’organiser des concours, de faire du reporting… Bref, d’être efficace.

Outils Instagram : les 6 fantastiques !

Quand on parle d’outils, les listes sont souvent longues, trop longues. On y mentionne plus facilement des outils connus, sans pour autant chercher à comprendre. Pour Instagram aussi, la liste des outils pourrait être longue. Mais pour vous faciliter le travail, nous en avons choisi 6… Voici donc les 6 outils Instagram qui vont vous faciliter la vie : 1. ▶ 10 Stratégies pour Promouvoir votre Application Mobile.

Lancement app

VPN. Voici Boom Boom, un haut parleur différent! Ui Parade – User interface design inspiration & design tools. A2-TYPE. Snail Mail. "Sharing economy" Qu’est-ce que l’économie du partage partage ? Les propagandes de l'innovation. Lancement site. Pebble. Code. Rasperry Pi. Why Tumblr Was a Massive Steal for Yahoo - Adam Rifkin. Webdesign. Apps. iPad. Prendre un peu de temps. Wordpress themes. Video vizualisation. Debrideurs. Search Engine Ranking, Website Ranking - Advanced Web Ranking. POLITOC - Les français parlent aux français.


Nice pics. Cobook - The Smart Address Book for Mac. Happy birthday. Mugs. 22 idées de contenu pour votre blog en cas de page blanche : DO’s and DON’Ts of Social Analytics – Conference material. A better Photoshop grid for responsive web design. Posted on 20 January 2012 • 90 comments In making the move to responsive web design, one of the potential hurdles is the rather awkward maths for calculating the percentage-based widths necessary for fluid layouts.

A better Photoshop grid for responsive web design

If, for example, you’re designing with a 960px grid in Photoshop and you have six columns, each 140px wide, you divide 140 by 960 to get your percentage-based width: 14.583333%. Now, I don’t know about you, but numbers like that look a little scary. It doesn’t matter that there are great calculation tools built into TextMate to do the maths for you; the point is that the final figure looks like an arbitrary number with no immediate relation to either the container’s pixel width (960) or the element’s pixel width (140). Compare that to a container that has a width of 1000px. 1000 is a nice, easy, round number.

La meilleure façon d'envoyer des gros fichiers - WeTransfer.


Instagram. Save My Inbox - Gmail Dropbox Integration. Service de recherche de mots-clés dans les référencements organiques Google et AdWords. Etude de la concurrence des sites internet et noms de domaine. Color Scheme Designer 3. Thirty Conversations on Design, 2010 Edition. By Maria Popova Last year, we brought you Thirty Conversations on Design — an ambitious scavenger hunt for the essence of design through the minds of 30 of the world’s greatest living design thinkers and tinkerers.

Thirty Conversations on Design, 2010 Edition

Now, the Little & Company team is back with Thirty Conversations on Design 2010, this time asking a new crop of 30 two pivotal questions: Om. Below is our collection of Virtual Seminars, now available for free viewing.


Digital Video: Publishing to the Web KENJI KATO, Stanford Publishing Courses New Media Group Wednesday, April 02, 11am Pacific Time How do you get the maximum exposure for your video? Recherche - find a PANTONE Color. Chris Anderson: What I Read. How do people deal with the torrent of information that rains down on us all?

Chris Anderson: What I Read

What's the secret to staying on top of the news without surrendering to the chaos of it? In this series, we ask people who seem well-informed to describe their media diets. This is from a conversation with Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, author of The Long Tail and Free, and founder of DIY Drones and Basically, I have a feed-centric media diet. Things come to me through various means--Twitter, RSS, email. In the morning, I open Google reader. There are three categories: media stuff, business stuff and robotics. Then, I'm not proud of this, but I do check Gawker every morning. Google victime d'abus d'incompréhension dominante - MEDIAS. Create a website with our web design software and CMS.

Kevin Rose - blogg - Email Sucks. 5 Time Saving Tips. PeerIndex. Freckle Time Tracking: Save Time... Earn More. Web Design Inspiration, CSS Gallery.

BD rules

Twitter. PosRank - analyse et rapport de positionnement de site Internet. Projet de veille chez BNP Paribas sur Journal du Net. 15 Applications Twitter pour Tout Savoir sur un Twittos. Twitter Applications Il est souvent pertinent de vouloir en savoir un peu plus sur un twittos que l’on follow ou que l’on désire follower voila donc une série d’outils pour en savoir un peu plus sur le/la Twittos/Twittas de votre choix : 1> WhenDidYouJoinTwitter Pour commencer, un service qui vous donne la date à laquelle le Twittos s’est inscrit sur Twitter 2> MyTweetsWeighsaTon Un service qui analyse la fréquence des occurrences des tweets, et cela vous donne une idée du thème abordé le plus souvent par le Twittos au delà de la Bio.

15 Applications Twitter pour Tout Savoir sur un Twittos

Against Transparency. Against Transparency In 2006, the Sunlight Foundation launched a campaign to get members of Congress to post their daily calendars on the Internet.

Against Transparency

"The Punch-Clock Campaign" collected pledges from ninety-two candidates for Congress, and one of them was elected. GE, Entreprise 2.0....depuis 1989. visualization. In a paper entitled "Visualizing Social Bookmarks", Joris Klerkx and Erik Duval describe how it's often hard in most social bookmarking tools to discover implicit structures between tags, users and bookmarks. visualization

This is mostly due to the flat nature of tags, and an intrinsic trait of folksonomy in opposition to traditional hierarchical structures. In an effort to solve this problem, the authors designed a system that "attempts to visualize these structures, so that end users can explore the social bookmarks in a playful, efficient and flexible way. " In this work, a cluster map visualization application is customized to enable users to explore social bookmarks in the system. 20 Essential Infographics & Data Visualization Blogs. In the tradition of Inspired Mag’s huge lists, here goes a new one – all the blogs with cool data visualization eye candy in the same place! Enjoy and leave some comments with suggestions, questions and so on.

Information is Beautiful Visual Compelxity. Winner of the Personal Visualization Project is… Like what you see here?

Winner of the Personal Visualization Project is…

Subscribe to the feed to stay updated on what's new in data visualization. Last week was the end of our FlowingData personal visualization project. I asked readers to collect data about themselves or their surroundings and then visualize it some way. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Web données

Why the App Store is working just right. Edible Apple has an interesting analysis up about this Newsweek article claiming that App Store developers aren't getting rich.

Why the App Store is working just right

Newsweek basically claims that all those success stories we've heard about App Store developers have a darker side: if they aren't already buried in costs from developing that hit app, they're desperately scrambling to rise above the noise and get another one's sales up on the App Store. [For a similar perspective to Newsweek's, check out this post from Ged Maheux at the Iconfactory.] Edible Apple replies that that's true, but a closer inspection of the numbers shows that these devs are actually making plenty of money -- while their costs are going higher than they expected (one example has a developer paying over $100,000 to make $200,000) there is still money to be made.

What developers are actually discovering, says Edible Apple, is that the App Store isn't a gold rush -- it's a business. - In-App Purchase now available for free apps. From Apple, via a developer mass-mail: Now you can use In App Purchase in your free apps to sell content, subscriptions, and digital services. You can also simplify your development by creating a single version of your app that uses In App Purchase to unlock additional functionality, eliminating the need to create Lite versions of your app. Using In App Purchase in your app can also help combat some of the problems of software piracy by allowing you to verify In App Purchases.

Ray Ozzie is wrong about smartphone apps. Microsoft exec Ray Ozzie, at a lunchtime session with bloggers at its PDC conference told the bloggers that apps won’t be a differentiating factor on smart phones. He is wrong. Totally wrong. Why is Mike Arrington so passionate about his Droid (we argued about it for 39 minutes on the Gillmor Gang last week and then we went to the beach together on Sunday and argued about it some more in private).

I’ve talked about this before. Et où l’on reparle de l’efficacité d’Android Market… Philippe • le 21 novembre 2009 à 20:09 21 novembre 2009. Téléphonie mobile, défense d’entrer. Vendredi va faire son retour dans les kiosques avant la fin de l. FriendFeed ou l'art du mailing... Vous êtes sur Twitter, Facebook, Flicker, Delicious et même Youtube ? Affaires Polanski - Mitterrand, Finkielkraut distille sa haine : Vertus démocratiques de l’Internet - La vie des idées. Web : la fin des moteurs de recherche? : Pew Study Reports That Internet Users Are Becoming More Status U. A new Pew Internet And American Life Project study is being released today which reports that internet users on a whole are becoming more likely to update their statuses online (on social media networks).

The report says that 19% of internet users say they use Twitter or another service to share updates about themselves, or to see updates about others. When Pew surveyed the group in April of this year and in December 2008, 11% of internet users said they use a status-update service. Updating status online is a learned behavior for most internet users. It’s not something users tend to do naturally but these statistics shows that people are increasingly looking to Twitter, Facebook and other sites to update their status, which is definitely noteworthy.

The full report is embedded below. While the survey seems to revolve around Twitter, it’s unclear if respondents were referring to Twitter or Facebook because of the way the question was framed. Google and Microsoft in twalks to license twitter data to improv. According to sources at All Things D, Twitter is in advanced separate talks with Microsoft (Bing) and Google about the prospects of striking data-mining deals. The deals would see Twitter provide the two giants with licenses to use Twitter data to improve their respective and competing search engines. Twitter Blog. Bing Goes The Dynamite! Community management. Groundswell. 40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook. Digital marketing company Razorfish has just launched its third annual FEED survey of 1,000 "connected consumers. " The survey is focused on online consumer behavior. This year Facebook and Twitter feature prominently. 40% of respondents "friended" brands on Facebook, while 25% reported following brands on Twitter.

What's more, Razorfish found that consumers access brands on Twitter and Facebook mainly for deals and promotions. Of those who follow a brand on Twitter, nearly 44% reported that access to exclusive deals is the main reason. On Facebook or MySpace, 37% said that access to exclusive deals or offers was their main reason for friending brands. Over 1/4 of respondents reported having followed a brand on Twitter, which is encouraging news for companies wanting to use Twitter to promote themselves. 43.5% reported following a brand to get "exclusive deals or offerings," which again is a statistic that companies should take note of. Six Social Media Trends for 2010 - Conversation Starter - Harvar.

30 Places to Watch Free Movies Online. The History of the Internet in a Nutshell. Microsoft a perdu 560 millions de dollars en ligne en 2009 - Jou. Google Apps commence à menacer sérieusement Microsoft office. 7 Apps We're Falling in Love With. Google Wave vs Twitter at conferences. Les filles plus férues de réseaux sociaux que les garçons ? Pourquoi Didier Lombard doit démissionner de France Télécom. Les ratés d'une modernisation à la hussarde à France Télécom, pa. Pression, management par le stress ? - L'homme qui fait trembler.

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