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20 Animals You Won't Believe Actually Exist. One of Them Will Haunt You Forever. - Funniest Pics on the Internet - brainwreck. This Is Literally The Best Commercial Ever Made. Prepare To Smile! SuperBowl commercials are being released this week, and we think that this one from Bud Light is the best!

This Is Literally The Best Commercial Ever Made. Prepare To Smile!

You are going to love it! Please SHARE if you did! Thanks for watching, kittie lovers! In Quebec, a Rescued Stray Dog's Fur Was So Matted and Dirty It Was Barely Recognizable as an Animal. Did you know that homeless animals outnumber homeless people 5 to 1?

In Quebec, a Rescued Stray Dog's Fur Was So Matted and Dirty It Was Barely Recognizable as an Animal

It’s not surprising to see an unwanted animal roaming the streets in even the smallest of towns. This is a heartbreaking reality we live with, but sometimes people find a way to help those dogs and cats in need. A group in Canada, the Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals, found the dog you see below on the streets. You Think You Know Animals… Til You See Them Under An X-Ray. The Penguin Shocked Me. - Viral Tales. If you own a pet, you’re probably very comfortable with them.

You Think You Know Animals… Til You See Them Under An X-Ray. The Penguin Shocked Me. - Viral Tales

Your dog, cat, rabbit or snake is most likely named something like “Fluffy” or “Captain Hammer.” You’re comfortable with Captain Hammer, in fact, you could pick him out of a lineup. Harrison Bergeron. French Translation from Avice Robitaille.

Harrison Bergeron

Hindi Translation by Ashwin.Urdu Translation by RealMSRussian translation THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. Marge Simpson Brought To Life. Staggering Beauty. Alarming Ring by Meng Fandi. Alarming Ring.

Alarming Ring by Meng Fandi

A Pregnancy Test Can Save A Man's Life. A Guy Took Two Lighters Apart. What He Did With Them Seems Impossible… You Shall Have Bike Lanes Wherever You Go. Some cities are slow getting around to approving bike lanes; others don't bother. Here is a way to carry your bike lane with you wherever you go: project it onto the road with fricking lasers. Alex Tee and Evan Gant of Altitude write: This Young Mother Is Giving Up On Her Kids And I Don't Blame Her. Meet Stephanie Metz, she is a mother of two young boys in western South Dakota.

This Young Mother Is Giving Up On Her Kids And I Don't Blame Her.

Best Environmental Ads - Powerful Environmental Ads. Oddity Archive. 27 Mind Blowing Facts They Didn’t Teach You At School. Strangers That Look Like Twins. I’m not a lookalike!

Strangers That Look Like Twins

Is a project by photographer Francois Brunelle. The series features photos of strangers who look like twins. The resemblance between these unrelated people is seriously uncanny. Kinda makes me want to meet my doppelgänger! Genetics Are Awesome (14 Photos) The Average Female Faces Around the World. To determine the average female face from each country, scientists from Face Research have blended hundreds of photographs of women faces…

The Average Female Faces Around the World

I present to you, the evolution of human. Altered books. Cut the bindings off of books found at a used book store.

altered books

Find poems in the pages by the process of obliteration. Put pages in the mail and send them all around the world. Lather, rinse, repeat. This site is a chronicle of a very specific set of collaborations between the artists listed below working on the titles listed below. *loves = referred 200+ people our way loved us on August 21st, 2005. Lefthandedness. Being left-handed is like being in a secret club.


How Does Homeopathy Work? The Pixar Theory. Every Pixar movie is connected. I explain how, and possibly why. Several months ago, I watched a fun-filled video on that introduced the idea (at least to me) that all of the Pixar movies actually exist within the same universe. Since then, I’ve obsessed over this concept, working to complete what I call “The Pixar Theory,” a working narrative that ties all of the Pixar movies into one cohesive timeline with a main theme. This theory covers every Pixar production since Toy Story.

That includes: A Bug’s LifeToy Story 2Monsters Inc.Finding NemoThe IncrediblesCarsRatatouilleWall-EUpToy Story 3Cars 2BraveMonsters University The point of this theory is to have fun and exercise your imagination while simultaneously finding interesting connections between these fantastic movies. Mantis Shrimp. Labs - Multicolr Search Lab. Tumblr Gets Deep (21 Pics. Around three o’clock in the morning, the night bloggers come out to take their shift on Tumblr. And then things get weird… via via via via via via via. The Best Places to Buy Cute, Cheap Clothes Online. Picture this: You'd love to score a few amazing statement necklaces and super cute maxidresses for that vacay coming up — but can't even imagine finding the time to get to the mall between now and then, and you definitely can't break the bank.

Check out our guide to the best online shopping resources for amazingly cute and totally affordable clothes and accessories. Death by Caffeine. We’ve used the very latest research to determine what’s appropriate for your body weight. Escape From The Fishing Community Island. Cod inspire potentially life-saving cold storage tech for human blood. Polymers similar to the proteins found in this Arctic cod could dramatically improve the cryogenic storage of blood How is it possible that cold-blooded fish such as cod can live in Arctic waters without just freezing solid? Fear the Beard: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Facial Hair (Infographic) : Discovery Channel. Ever wonder if growing facial hair has a purpose beyond making it easier to play “Spot the Hipster” at trendy urban coffee houses?

Emotions_and_facial_expression_by_cedarseed-ds1wwv.jpg (3650×3033) - StumbleUpon. Time lapse map of every nuclear explosion ever on Earth. GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! Another Side of History. TimeLine Map of the Great Ideas & Minds. Speed-graphic1-01.jpg. 27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts In 2012.

We may never have our flying cars, but the future is here. From creating fully functioning artificial leaves to hacking the human brain, science made a lot of breakthroughs this year. 1. Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm. 20 Amazing Chemical Reaction GIFs. Everpurse - The Purse That Charges Your Smartphone. 20 Animals You Won't Believe Actually Exist. One of Them Will Haunt You Forever. - Funniest Pics on the Internet - PicStache. Posted Apr 24, by Val Liarikos The Red-Lipped Batfish walks around the bottom of the ocean floor walking on its fins. Yes, these things can walk. Ultra-realistic Fantasy Dolls. It's Scary How Real They Look. Welcome —