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Free Resources. Language. Foreign Language Teaching Methods. About the Site Foreign Language Teaching Methods focuses on 12 different aspects of language teaching, each taught by a different expert instructor. The site contains video footage from an actual methods course held at the University of Texas at Austin. This flexible resource is designed to be used by foreign language teachers as a component of a classroom methods course or as a stand-alone course for independent learners.

“While I was taking this course, I was already changing what I was doing and I can already see the difference. ” - Verónica, beginning language teacher (Spanish) “I loved having a different teacher [for each module] . - Sarah, beginning language teacher (ESL) “People have so many different creative ideas you can draw from and use for your own class.” - Judith beginning language teacher (German) “The more different languages and different types of approaches we saw, the better understanding of teaching languages I got.” - Elena, beginning language teacher (Russian) Languages. The Origin of Words and Names. Dictionaries/Forums. Learning Languages. Communicating at an unknown rate.

Word2Word Language Resources. Translation. Free Foreign Language Lessons. How to learn lan­guages for free? This col­lec­tion fea­tures lessons in 48 lan­guages, includ­ing Span­ish, French, Eng­lish, Man­darin, Ital­ian, Russ­ian and more. Down­load audio lessons to your com­put­er or mp3 play­er and you’re good to go. Amhar­ic For­eign Ser­vice Insti­tute Basic Amhar­ic — Audio — Text­bookLessons with dia­logues, drills, exer­cis­es, and nar­ra­tives will teach you the basics of this lan­guage spo­ken in Ethiopia.

Includes sam­ples of speech, expla­na­tions of basic lan­guage struc­tures, and a vari­ety of prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es. Fea­tures two text­books (PDF) and eleven audio lessons (MP3). Ancient Greek Ancient Greek Intro­duc­tion — Web SiteThe UT-Austin Lin­guis­tics Research Cen­ter pro­vides an overview of Ancient Greek and 10 lessons based on famous Greek texts.

Ara­bic Book­mark our free Ara­bic lessons sec­tion. Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage Bam­bara Bam­bara in Mali — Web SiteLessons from the Peace Corps. Bul­gar­i­an Cam­bo­di­an Cata­lan Chi­nese Czech Dan­ish. Michel Thomas language courses. LingQ - The future of language learning. Home. Travel. Religion/Mythology. Chromoscope - View the Universe in different wavelengths. 2007 February 5 - Comet Between Fireworks and Lightning. Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2007 February 5 Comet Between Fireworks and Lightning Credit & Copyright: Antti Kemppainen Explanation: Sometimes the sky itself is the best show in town.

On January 26, people from Perth, Australia gathered on a local beach to watch a sky light up with delights near and far. Nearby, fireworks exploded as part of Australia Day celebrations. Tomorrow's picture: sun explodes Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (USRA)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech. Psychology. Culture. Politics. Art & Craft. Paolo Buonvino - Rivoluzione (versione B) Photography.