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History | REVEL | Pearson. REVEL offers an immersive learning experience that engages students deeply in history, while giving them the flexibility to learn their way. Instead of just reading about the past, REVEL empowers students to actively participate in the exploration of history. Media interactives integrated directly within the authors’ narrative enable students to delve further into key events without breaking stride. For example, REVEL’s interactive maps highlighting territorial advancement in mid-19th-century America coupled with Thomas Corwin’s 1847 piece Against the Mexican War help students make connections between western advancement and the Mexican War. By providing opportunities to read about and thoroughly explore history in tandem, REVEL engages students deeply, which leads to a better understanding of how events and connections throughout history have shaped the world we live in today.

Contact Us. Copyright & Open Licensing FAQs. Q: I’ve often heard that copyright law has many exceptions when the work is being used “for educational purposes” and have always wondered what that meant. A: What you’ve described is called the Fair Use doctrine. It’s a principle that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders.

The nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion taken, and the effect of the use upon the potential market are the factors of analysis outlined in copyright law. For example, if you used a small portion of a copyrighted work for nonprofit educational purposes without any harmful intention your case may qualify as fair use.

However, weighing the fair use factors is often quite subjective . If the copyright owner disagrees with your fair use interpretation the dispute may have to be resolved by a lawsuit or the college may need to remove the offending material. The above content is excerpted from the pages of “What is Fair Use?” Training | Learning Media About pages | PBS. Get Your Tech On. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Annenberg Learner. Select a program below, and click on the VoD icon to view it. If you cannot find the resource you are looking for in this list, check our discontinued series list for distributor contact information. Against All Odds: Inside Statistics Shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings.

Video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners. Shows students the relevance of statistics in real-world settings. Video series for college and high school classrooms and adult learners. Algebra: In Simplest Terms A step-by-step look at algebra concepts. America's History in the Making Explore American history from the Pre-Columbian era through Reconstruction in this course for middle and high school teachers.

American Cinema Over 150 Hollywood insiders document American culture through film. American Passages: A Literary Survey American literary movements and authors in the context of history and culture. The Art of Teaching the Arts: A Workshop for High School Teachers. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Enciclopedias Virtuales. OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials.


E-Learning Industry - The leading e-learning portal. Classroom 2.0. Academy of Art University: Overview. In addition to using the tips listed to the right, we encourage our online students to utilize the following resources to maximize their educational experience. Orientation to Online Classes View the Online Student Orientation and learn how to log in, navigate through your classes, participate in discussions, upload your work, and access support services. Online Writing Lab English instructors advise students on their written assignments. Students can send their writing by using the submission form, and an instructor will respond through email with written comments.

Online Academic Support Academic Coaches can help students improve their online study skills. Students can submit a request form which is on the right side navigation bar of their student homepage. Open Learning Initiative | Open Learning Initiative. Equity and Excellence in Higher Education. H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online. JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. For Innovation in the Community College. II - Home. OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials. The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea --

The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Click on each rule for elaboration. Introduction Rule 1: Remember the Human Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth Rule 5: Make yourself look good online Rule 6: Share expert knowledge Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy Rule 9: Don't abuse your power Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes Next page ...Previous page ...Core Rules ...Netiquette Contents.

Online Learning Update. Employers like MOOCs — if they know what one is April 15th, 2014 By Jake New, Editor, eCampus News MOOCs-employers-studentsEmployers are fans of massive open online courses (MOOCs), according to a new study by researchers at Duke University and RTI International. But many first had to have the concept explained to them. “We were interested in exploring how employers viewed MOOCs in terms of whether they would make a difference in hiring decisions or how they might be used for recruiting talent,” said Laura Horn, the RTI’s site principal investigator. Share on Facebook An E-Portfolio With No Limits By David Raths, Campus Technology Students at the University of Mary Washington build their academic identities on their own personal Web domain. Share on Facebook Is Google Eyeing a Satellite Startup? By Share on Facebook April 14th, 2014. Podcasting Resource.

C-SPAN Classroom | Free Primary Source Materials For Social Studies Teachers. WebQuest.Org: Home. eSchool News | Technology News & Innovation in K-12 Education. Online Teaching Tips. Teaching and Learning Excellence | Sponsored by: the UW-Madison Teaching Academy, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning, and DoIT Academic Technology.

EDUCAUSE Homepage | Getting Started with Wave. Socinfotech / FrontPage. Saturdays, September 11 - December 18, 2010, 11a-1p, SLT/Pacific Time on Harvard's virtual island in Second Life - Course homepage - World University and School: Questions? Instructor: Scott MacLeod (not on Harvard's faculty) = Aphilo Aarde (in Second Life) Welcome to the 'Information Technology and Society' on Harvard's virtual island course web site, a course about how the Network Society has developed, vis-à-vis long-time Berkeley and USC Professor Manuel Castells' research on the Information Technology revolution. This virtual course is 'placeless.' *Class in Second Life (how to get 'there,' etc.) Getting Started in Second Life - Watch this video tutorial.

Create a Second Life avatar. Class participants may add to this wiki to shape the course together. Podcast Instructions. Socinfotech / FrontPage. Academics.umw. Advanced Online Assessment Techniques - E-Learning Faculty Modules. From E-Learning Faculty Modules Module Summary Assessment methods are very domain-field specific and often very particular to various instructors and practitioners in a field. This module highlights some of the strategies that are commonly used in assessing learners in a measureable way to both inform the teaching and learning and also to evaluate learner performance. This module focuses on current capabilities in learning / course management systems (L/CMSes) for automated and manual assessments. Takeaways Learners will... Gain perspective on how assessments in a domain field are arrived at and perpetuated (from a universe of possible assessments).

Module Pretest 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Main Contents In terms of good design, a learning sequence is defined first by its learning objectives (the measureable goals of the learning) and learning outcomes (the knowledge and skills that learners will have after they have completed the learning sequence). 1. 2. Low-Value Assessments High-Value Assessments. OUCH! Security Awareness Newsletter. Forums. Resources | Centre for Teaching Excellence. Center for Teaching and Learning UTB/TSC.