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Hasson italic qbfoxsm (2) by Sakura of America. Italicexemplarslanted sakuramarker sm (2) by Sakura of America. Skisser & Text. Så var det fredag igen och helg!

Skisser & Text

Hoppas din vecka varit fin... Min vecka har varit fylld av skisserier. Jag älskar typografi och håller på att skapa en hel del. Både beställningar och till kommande satsningar. Förhoppningsvis kommer det lite roligheter innan jul levererat från mig och en annan kreatör... Bjuder därför på skisser av mig från veckan och mitt arkiv.... Trevlig Helg! Kram Stina


Letterhead Fonts / Rare & Unusual Letters For The Professional Artist. Fin text till kort. Nu skulle jag vilja att Emma, Alfreds mamma, inte tittar på denna LO... men det gör hon ju såklart ändå.

fin text till kort

Den är egentligen hemlig till hans tredje födelsedag den 4 mars. Men så har jag gjort den till en utmaning hos Veckans skiss och för att kunna delta där behöver jag länka till en blogg där den finns att se... så, då får jag ju lov att göra det, då *S* Bilderna är från Annandag jul, då vi var i Mellansjö och grillade korv. LO-n ser ju helt platt ut på fotot här ovan, men det är den inte.

Jag har försökt att göra den lite mer "luftig" genom att inte limma fast allting ända ut i kanterna. 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts. One of the trends in creating site designs are in Hand Drawn Concept.

45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts

It gives a playful and fresh feeling to the design that appeals to the audience. Talking about Hand Drawn Design, using a Hand Drawn Fonts is mostly a must to match the design. On this matter I have listed down 45+ Most Wanted Beautiful Free Hand Drawn Fonts. These are some of the most popular hand drawn fonts that are used on the web and they are all free to download. Most of these are available under a Creative Commons License so make sure to check details before using for commercial use. If you want more of these, we have collected useful freebies for you to check out and download for free.

FFF Tusj Grutch Shadedw Pointy Sketch Rockwell. Best Free High Quality Fonts Ever Downloads. Scrapbookey fonts. LAMPA: free font on Behance. Joyful Juliana Font. For the Love of ART!! Hello!

For the Love of ART!!

My name is Cindy Feeney and I am the author of a very new blog called LOVE THOSE KINDERS. I am so honored to be a guest blogger on Crystal’s wonderful and FUN blog! Thank you Crystal! I am in my 17th year of teaching kindergarten! I can’t believe it myself – time has flown and so many things have changed since I began 17 years ago! One thing that I love to do is to incorporate drawing, cutting, gluing, and writing into every thematic subject that I can!

Obviously my students do not start the year being able to create the projects they do now! At the beginning of the year, we do a shape search. From the beginning lesson, I ask my students to add some words to their picture. There are SO MANY skills involved in drawing and cutting techniques! Here are a few pictures of some of the fun projects that my students have done this year! Here are some examples of the “How to Draw” illustrations I give my students to help them follow steps to draw or cut. Lettering. Roliga handstilar - L r dig skriva snyggt och roligt. Här får du först tips på några roliga handstilar.

Roliga handstilar - L r dig skriva snyggt och roligt

Efter det följer lite inspiration på hur du kan använda det handskrivna på kort m.m. A little lime: poppies & leaflet pattern. The kids and I made it through our volunteer event last week - cooking for 45 people!

a little lime: poppies & leaflet pattern

Fortunately we had 2 helpers (including my son) which made a huge difference and kept my stress levels just under the highly dangerous zone! We got rave reviews, and all I can say is I'm glad it's over and I can concentrate on drawing again :) This weekend I finally got around to drawing out a pattern inspired by what looks like a wood carving (though it looks to perfect to be hand-carved).

I've had it pinterest board for a while - the actual pin is a dead link, but you can see the image from my board here - I love it, such beautiful flow from one section to the next - I couldn't get quite that look, maybe with more practice :) I have dubbed the pattern "leaflet". More poppies! The pattern step out: I found it a really forgiving pattern - it didn't matter if my curves lined up exactly at the start, or if some of my s strokes were a bit off (my concentration has a tendancy to wander!)

Free fonts created in 2012. 25 Free Handwritten Fonts For That Personal Touch. Card Ideas. New fabrics/colors added!

Card Ideas

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