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Electronica DIY y abierta

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FabLab-Luxembourg/OSCar-v1. Raspberry Pi Competition Results. Muscle Sensor v3 Kit. Description: Granted, using our muscles to control things is the way that most of us are accustomed to doing it. We push buttons, pull levers, move joysticks... but what if we could take the buttons, levers and joysticks out of the equation? That's right, take the electrical signal straight from the muscle and put it into your device. Thanks to shrinking amplifier technology, we can now do exactly that! Measuring muscle activity by detecting its electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG), has traditionally been used for medical research. However, with the advent of ever shrinking yet more powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits, EMG circuits and sensors have found their way into all kinds of control systems. This sensor will measure the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source.

Dimensions: 1.0" x 1.0" Features: Includes: Benjamin Gaulon aka (я) | RECYCLISM :: ReFunct Media v5.0. In the "Practice of Everyday Life" Michel de Certeau investigates the ways in which users-commonly assumed to be passive and guided by established rules-operate. He asserts: "This goal will be achieved if everyday practices, "ways of operating" or doing things, no longer appear as merely obscure background of social activity, and if a body of theoretical questions, methods, categories, and perspectives, by penetrating this obscurity, make it possible to articulate them.

" "ReFunct Media" is a series of multimedia installations that (re)uses numerous "obsolete" electronic devices (digital and analogue media players and receivers). Those devices are hacked, misused and combined into a large and complex chain of elements. Voluntarily complex and unstable, "ReFunct Media" isn't proposing answers to the questions raised by e-waste, planned obsolescence and sustainable design strategies. La Meuhchine : Fraiseuse numérique libre - CNC. En quoi ce projet est-il singulier et créatif ? Éditer La Meuhchine (Machine Electronique à Usage Humaniste) est une fraiseuse à commande numérique qui permet d'usiner des panneaux de bois de grandes tailles.

Les composants de la machine sont faciles à sourcer. Les pièces particulières sont fabriquées avec une fraiseuse (auto-replicabilité) et une imprimante 3D. Le projet est ouvert et piloté par deux jeunes ingénieurs croyants à la dynamique Open Source. Quelle est la plus-value sociale du projet ? Les plans de la machine seront libérés. Quel a été le facteur déclenchant de ce projet ? Le développement de La Coroutine et du m.e.u.h|lab a permis de mettre en lien tous les acteurs du projet. Quel est le modèle économique de ce projet ? - Financement de la première phase de conception et développement par le service civique Français.- Financement du prototype par le collectif Catalyst- Financement participatif (crowdfunding) pour le développement d'une meilleure version. Makey Makey Instrument Sketches. Next week, we're planning to bring Makey Makey out in the tinkering studio and try a modified version of the "sketch-it play-it" workshop that we saw Jay Silver try out at Maker Faire.

Before trying the activity out on the floor we each made a couple of graphite instruments in the learning studio to suss out some of the possible variations. I wanted to share some of the cool ideas that we came up with. Each connection on the edge of the paper corresponds to a different note or drum sound. In the Tinkering Studio next week we'll start with one station set up with a drum kit and another as a spacey sound creator.

I like how some people were inspired to make instruments into beautiful pictures and others wanted to create an interface to be played in a specific way (like Lea's foot drum set). Hex: A copter that anyone can fly! by Benjamin Black. Hex is a completely open source nanocopter kit made by a community of makers from around the world. It's also the world's first consumer electronic product that uses 3D printing technology to achieve personalization. What makes Hex so special: 1. Piloting made easy: With an extremely user-friendly control app, everyone can enjoy the feeling of being a pilot. 2. See the world from a different perspective: Put a camera on Hex and take video from the air, in real time. 3. 4. 5.

New sensors added! Learn more: Piloting made easy! • Smartphone controlled Hex is controlled using smartphones and other mobile devices, so complicated remote controls are not required to get it off the ground. . • Multiple control methods Hex can be controlled using the gravity sensors in a mobile device. . • Utilizing Bluetooth 4.0 for communication • Auto-stabilization See the world from a different perspective! • Camera compatibility. MaKey MaKey: An Invention Kit for Everyone by Jay Silver. TR35: Jordi Muñoz, 25. Un joven mexicano de 21 años afronta un día más de tedioso encierro en su piso de Riverside, California, a la espera de obtener la Green Card, la tarjeta de residencia que le permita estudiar, buscar trabajo o sacarse el carné de conducir en Estados Unidos. Corre marzo de 2007 y Jordi Muñoz, un apasionado de la computación que soñaba de pequeño con ser piloto, acaba de mudarse con su esposa al otro lado de la frontera, dejando colgados sus estudios de ingeniería en el Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior de Baja California (México).

“Me aburría muchísimo en casa, así que empecé a jugar con chips y controladores: pasaba horas haciendo pruebas con el código, navegando y leyendo en el ordenador”, recuerda el joven. Inmerso en este sustrato de conocimiento amplio, actualizado y de acceso ilimitado, Muñoz no solo progresó como desarrollador sino que heredó la filosofía abierta y colaborativa en la que ha basado su carrera como emprendedor, e hizo importantes contactos. DIY AutoLab. Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!

CircuitLab | sketch, simulate, and share your circuits. OpenKinect/libfreenect - GitHub. OpenSolarCircuits. Converting a mill to CNC. Vinciduino. Hardware libre. Vinciduino es un proyecto de “hardware libre”, un clon del próximo Arduino Leonardo. Un proyecto abierto en el que cualquiera puede formar parte de su equipo de diseño, aportar sus conocimientos, comentarios e ideas para desarrollar una placa compatible con Arduino, y programable desde el entorno de Atmel sin necesidad de un programador externo. El proyecto acaba de comenzar y necesita la participación de gente interesada en el “hardware libre” que colaboren en su desarrollo. Si quieres saber más, o estás interesado en crear la próxima placa abierta compatible con Arduino.. sigue leyendo. Vinciduino te necesita! El proyecto se inició hace cuatro semanas en un hilo del foro de Arduino, inspirandose en el Paperduino Leonardo de Inizul que ya enlazamos en este blog surgió la idea de diseñar y crear una placa compatible con Arduino por los usuarios del foro, el proyecto ahora mismo está encabezado por fmalpartida quien ya ha mandado a fábricar una primera versión de Vinciduino.

Open Hacks. Wiring. Flying Drone Can Crack Wi-Fi Networks, Snoop On Cell Phones - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall. Welcome. Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits. InMojo - Make. Share. Live. Open Source Hardware. David A. Mellis: Fab Speakers.

These portable speakers are made from laser-cut wood, fabric, veneer, and electronics. They are powered by three AAA batteries and compatible with any standard audio jack (e.g. on an iPhone, iPod, or laptop). The speakers are an experiment in open-source hardware applied to consumer electronics. By making their original design files freely available online, in a way that's easy for others to modify, I hope to encourage people to make and modify them.

In particular, I'd love to see changes or additions that I didn't think about and to have those changes shared publicly for others to use or continue to modify. The speakers have been designed to be relatively simple and cheap in the hopes of facilitating their production by others. Design Files Structure: fab-speakers.svg (Inkscape), fab-speakers-structure.pdfEagle: fab-speakers.brd, fab-speakers.schBill of Materials (BOM): fab-speakers-bom.pdfSchematic: fab-speakers-schematic.pdfGerbers: Materials (Electronics) Tools. .:oomlout:. Alt® - Ordinateur éco-conçu par META IT. Thingm :: an electronic product studio: Home. LittleBits.