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Elfwood - Science Fiction and Fantasy Art, FanArt & Stories

Elfwood - Science Fiction and Fantasy Art, FanArt & Stories
Follow us: An all new Elfwood coming Monica at Sat Mar 8 If you have followed Elfwood on Facebook you will have noticed that we're working on resurrecting Elfwood into a brand new site. We're all working very hard on it and are very excited to show you the new site and let you all play with it. You can follow ... More

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ça s'est discuté <blockquote class= »twitter-tweet » lang= »fr »><p>C&#39;est énorme je suis officiellement un cybercriminel</p>&mdash; Olivier Laurelli (@bluetouff) <a href= » Février 2014</a></blockquote> Mise à jour : l’avocat d’Olivier Laurelli a annoncé, jeudi, « le pourvoi devant la cour de cassation » pour contester ce qu’il nomme « cet arrêt inique ». Pour le blogueur, hacker et journaliste Olivier Laurelli, alias Bluetouff, le verdict est tombé, mercredi 5 février, et nul ne sait s’il faut plutôt en rire ou en pleurer. Pour avoir téléchargé des documents non protégés trouvés via Google, il a été condamné à 3 000 euros d’amende, pour « maintien frauduleux dans un système de traitement automatisé de données » et « vol » de documents, rapporte le site Numerama. Bluetouff décide donc de télécharger 8 000 de ces documents internes, relatifs à des données de santé publique.

Heavenly Sword Weapon, Character and Environment Concept Art By – August 14, 2007Posted in: Heavenly Sword, PlayStation 3, Screenshots, Sony About the Author Matt Litten is a 28 year old from-the-womb gamer turned video game reviewer/blogger and current editor/owner/operator of Pro Cyc MyStudio 20 – Tabletop Photo Studio review So what does an avian photographer knows about product photography? Not much, but a good image is all in the lighting and background. With the right equipment, product photography is in fact very simple, and twice as straightforward in a consistent lighting photo studio. A professional light tent with balanced lighting and seamless background can be costly, up to thousand of dollars, and is out of reach for small profit auction retailers or ecommerce that regularly add product images to their online catalogs. What we have for review today is an affordable product with an infinity virtual backdrop that the manufacturers claim can be used by anyone, regardless of experience, to get high quality product shots –- the Pro Cyc MyStudio20 Tabletop Photo Studio. (setup video after the cut)

Le parchemin de Nyogtha Un mystérieux lieu de culte Perché en hauteur, sur un plateau ou une falaise, vos personnages pourraient bien découvrir cet endroit mystique. Une drôle de construction à été érigée à même le sol, ajustée pierre par pierre avec une grande précision. oeuvre en_ligne Par Jean-Michel Le Baut Si Lorenzaccio avait ouvert un compte Facebook à quels groupes appartiendrait-il ? Qui seraient ses amis ? Des lycéens bretons redonnent vie ainsi aux personnages de la pièce de Musset. "L’usurpation d’identité se confond ici, savoureusement, avec l’imposture littéraire", prévient Jean-Michel Le Baut.

September 2007 Wallpaper from the Top Cows, Comic Book version of Witchblade. The series originally starred Sara Pezzini, a NYPD homicide detective who comes into possession of the Witchblade, a supernatural, artifact with immense destructive and protective powers. Through the Comicbook series Sara struggles to hone the awesome powers of the Witchblade and fend off those with a nefarious interest in it.

Stephen Hansen Allure 8" x 10" x 5" cast resin, edition of 25 $ 600 Ascent of Man 18" x 21" x 8" cast resin, edition of 25 $2,400 Balanced Diet cast resin, edition of 25 22" x 17" x 14" $2,800 Bold Architectural Statement painted & cast resin, ed. 1012” x 12” x 3” $ 900 Des géothèques de lieux intéressants sous Google Earth Voici quelques sites qui indexent les lieux intéressants repérés sous Google Earth (avec leurs coordonnées et captures graphiques). The World According to Google Si comme moi vous avez déjà passé des heures à faire votre e-globe trotter sur ce logiciel, vous ne serez pas déçus du voyage.

gouv. à l'Elysée Le ministre du Budget, Bernard Cazeneuve, appelle les ministres à faire des économies drastiques. Ceux-ci redoutent une «purge» dans tous leurs budgets. C'est un épouvantable casse-tête. Creature Spot - The Spot for Creature Art, Artists and Fans I did this in the spring on commission. Pretty large size for me, so it was a real challenge balancing the amount of detail and keeping a good flow moving throughout the image without creating a nightmare for myself. It was for an office environment, so I tried to keep the creatures rather humanesque and benign in nature.

Making A Good Confession I was terrified. My hands were as cold as ice. What was the priest going to say when I told him that I had not been to Confession in over 30 years? Why do Catholics practice fasting and abstinence during Lent? Explain that Lent is the 40 days before Easter in which Catholics pray, fast, contemplate, and engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline. Catholics do these things because Easter, which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, is the greatest holy day of the Christian year (even above Christmas) and Catholics have recognized that it is appropriate to prepare for such a holy day by engaging in such disciplines. (Archbishop Fulton Sheen noted that the Protestant attitude is summarized by the line, "First comes the feast, then comes the hangover," while the Catholic attitude is "First comes the fast, then comes the feast.") The reason Lent lasts 40 days is that 40 is the traditional number of judgment and spiritual testing in the Bible (Gn 7:4, Ex 24:18, 34:28, Nm 13:25, 14:33, Jon 3:4). Lent bears particular relationship to the 40 days Christ spent fasting in the desert before entering into his public ministry (Mt 4:1-11). Abstinence from certain foods is also a biblical discipline.

Five Manifestos for the Creative Life by Kirstin Butler How a numbered list can start a personal revolution. Some days everyone needs a little extra encouragement. The words or lines or colors don’t want to come, or worse, we don’t even want to sit down to create. That’s when we turn to these inspiring manifestos, any one of which is guaranteed to give our uncooperative creativity a sharp kick in the pants.
