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Andrew Wasson - Official Website An Overview of the Major Scale Modes... Download the Modes Handout PDF In this posting I wanted to cover the topic of the major scale modes. I would like to start by telling you about a great video that's out there called, Modes No More Mystery . . six.cordes : les cours de guitare . Bien le bonjour amis guitaristes!Une fois par semaine j'me propose de vous poster un exercice pour travailler l'indépendance, la précision, l'agilité, et les muscles de vos charmants petites mimines... ainsi vos index et autres appendices de la main deviendrons de vrais bêtes de course! Toutes les semaines disais-je donc, je posterai un exercice à la fin de ce message là, tout en signalant la mise à jour en postant un message dans le sujet.Si vous avez des questions, même principe : vous postez ici et je vous repondrais au même endroit La codification est simple : les chiffres Arabes représentent les doigts de la main gauche (1 index, 2 Majeur, 3 Annulaire, 4 Auriculaire), et les chiffres romains représentent les cordes... ( I la plus aigue, VI la plus grave) Le but n'est pas de sonner beau, c'est même chi*nt à jouer... mais faut bouffer des gammes pour bien jouer Vala on commence tout de suite avec un exercice pour vous mettre en jambe :

- Tracking : Resources and Information Look here for articles on applied recording techniques and mic placement. It all starts here! Acoustic Guitar Tracking the acoustic guitar is a huge subject, because so much contributes to the final sound—player, instrument, room acoustics, mic choice and placement, effects, and more. Here are some timeless articles with solid advice to get you started on developing your own acoustic recording toolbox. 100+ Free Guitar Lessons that Will Teach You How to Actually Play Guitar Guitar Compass features hundreds of free guitar lesson videos. These online lessons are designed to teach you how to play guitar by covering the absolute basics up to more advanced soloing concepts and techniques. The lessons span different difficultly levels and genres like blues, rock, country, and jazz. Each lesson is designed to introduce you to a subject and get to know our instructors and their teaching style. To access more lessons and in-depth instruction, try a free 7 day trial of our premium membership.

Random Song Form Structure Generator Learn How to Write Songs Random Song Form Structure Generator Use this online tool to generate song structures. This will provide you with ideas for creating good song frameworks. To create a new song form just click on the refresh button. Song Structure Parts Defined How-To: Easily Remove the Vocals from Most Songs 2015 Shortcut: When I wrote this article Audacity didn’t have an automatic center-panned vocal canceling effect… but now it does, so rather than do the stereo-separate / invert-one-track / play-both-as-mono trick (and that’s pretty much all there is to it), you should be able to find the Vocal Remover option in the Effects menu – but it’s more fun / interesting and can give better results if you do it yourself! =D I found this trick the other day whilst stumbling the Interwebs and thought I’d do a quick-write up w/ pictures to make it as easy as possible… For this exercise we’re going to be using a piece of free audio software called Audacity, which you can get for Linux, Windows and Mac. Update: If you’re trying this out on a Mac, please make sure you get Audacity 1.3 Beta or newer – the stable 1.2 version appears to have a missing equaliser decibal-range slider which you need towards the end of the process! 1.) Import Some Audio

Kevin Downing's Guitar School - Part 2 Why do guitar students have to learn scales? They mutter that scales are boring to practice, or they would rather play songs, etc. But knowing your scales can get you to the next skill level very quickly by improving two hand co-ordination, speed picking, tone, and even improve your ear. There are many more benefits of learning scales that are too numerous to mention here. Printable Blank Fretboard Diagrams - Right and Left Handed Below are some printable blank fretboard diagrams you can use to mark on your own chords, scales or whatever. I've made them light enough so your marks will show clearly. Create your own exercises and set yourself challenges, such as note and interval memorization. Guitar Theory - Guitar Anatomy Guitar anatomy isn’t exactly a college subject, but it’s still important to know the parts of the guitar. Knowing how something works is important if you want to master it, so lets have a look at the anatomy of the guitar. Anatomy of the acoustic and electric guitar >>
