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The 6 Most Incredible Real World Beast Masters

The 6 Most Incredible Real World Beast Masters
Disney movies make hanging out with wild animals look like a walk in a fun, happy, completely predator-free park. But in the real world, being around untamed wildlife isn't so much about carefree singing and dancing and monkeyshinin' as it is about running and screaming. Then coming back later to clean up the poop trail you inevitably left behind. Or it usually is, anyway. These people have apparently chosen to just go the Disney route, like ... #6. To explain this picture of a child cuddling his 20-foot-long snake, we have to tell a story. Fotobank.ruSurprisingly, it didn't end with the kid as poop. Imagine you're the proud parents of a 3-month-old baby. GettyAll that's missing is the colic. So, small. Not Koun Samang's dad, who found a python in his baby's bed and sweetly returned it to the jungle, presumably while giving it a back massage and singing it snaky lullabies. Herald Sun"Hey, what's the worst that could happen?" Herald SunTasting. On, and he rides her like a Hoveround: #5. #4.

Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus This assignment was actually turned in by two English students: Rebecca (last name deleted) Gary (last name deleted) English 44A SMU Creative Writing Prof Miller In-class Assignment for Wednesday Today we will experiment with a new form called the tandem story. The process is simple.

Alive Without Breath: Three Dimensional Animals Painted in Layers of Resin by Keng Lye Singapore-based artist Keng Lye creates near life-like sculptures of animals relying on little but paint, resin and a phenomenal sense of perspective. Lye slowly fills bowls, buckets, and boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and resin, creating aquatic animal life that looks so real it could almost pass for a photograph. The artist is using a technique very similar to Japanese painter Riusuke Fukahori who was featured on this blog a little over a year ago, though Lye seems to take things a step further by making his paint creations protrude from the surface, adding another level of dimension to a remarkable medium.

Gorgeous Animals In ecology, predation describes a biological interaction where a predator (an organism that is hunting) feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked). Every animal knows better hunting for food by nature. Animals are not greedy, they hunt as their desires for fresh food. Some pet animals are also expert hunter and great helpers for human. We decided to collect some amazing pictures of animal’s hunting. We want to share 17 unique wild animal hunting photos.

52 Facts You Can Use To Impress Your Friends Here are 52 facts about random things, nothing you really need to know to make it through a day, but interesting nonetheless. Share these facts with your friends or just impress them with your big brain at the bar. Source: Healthy Brown Bag Lunches For Kids and Adults Be a healthy hero: Pack a daily lunch for yourself and your children. Not only will you give your diet a big nutrition boost, you’ll save money too. We’ve got ten expert-approved, easy-to-pack lunch ideas—five for kids, and five for adults—to get you started. Now get packing! MORE: Six Foods That Could Save Your Life For Kids: Healthy Turkey Sandwich

why did the chicken cross the road? WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? Plato: For the greater good. Karl Marx: It was a historical inevitability. Machiavelli: So that its subjects will view it with admiration, as a chicken which has the daring and courage to boldly cross the road, but also with fear, for whom among them has the strength to contend with such a paragon of avian virtue? In such a manner is the princely chicken's dominion maintained. Hurricane Rescue Story for Pet Lovers The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy they named Ralphie that someone had already taken under their wing but weren't equipped to adopt; Ralphie, scared and nearly starved - joined the rescuers I wouldn't think anything could live thru this...but we were wrong this little lady survived that wreckage ... here she is just placed in the car - scared, but safe :)

Incredible Wildlife Photography Wildlife — By Stephanie on January 11, 2010 at 10:58 am Canada goose protects her young Ever have one of those moments when you think to yourself, “Boy, I wish I had my camera?!” Well, you can enjoy the good fortune of the photographers who were not empty handed when they shot these amazing animal pictures. These high-speed images are treasures that tell stories we rarely get to see – let alone capture – in stunning detail.

French Tattoo Artist Xoïl Tattoos January 16, 2012 | Posted by admin in Featured Artist - 16 Comments Xoïl tattoos out of “Needles Side Tattoo” in Thonon-les-Bains, France. Tabouleh Recipe It’s been a long cold winter and my body’s been aching to eat something vibrant and green. It’s still a bit early for spring vegetables, but Tabouleh is a verdant salad you can put together with vegetables and herbs that are available all year. While it’s a simple salad to prepare with very few ingredients, here are a few key points that separate a great tabouleh from bowl of rabbit food. First, as with all simple dishes, it’s crucial to use the very best ingredients. This means good quality olive oil and fresh parsley.

Too beautiful to be real? 16 surreal landscapes found on Earth These bizarre locations may seem like a series of elaborate movie sets, but they are real destinations that you might want to see for yourself. Photo: Greg Mote/Flickr The Wave, Arizona, U.S. Photo: Shutterstock Travertines, Pamukkale, Turkey Why Every Man Should Own a Dog : Dogology Women, money, and friends come and go, but dogs are forever By Jim Thornton "Remember these rules," said my new housemate Adam about my other new housemate, Diablo, a wolf-German shepherd mix who looked as though he had eaten more jugular veins than Snausages. "Don't make quick moves, don't try to touch him, don't look him in the eye, and you'll probably be fine." I was 6 months out of college and hauling my cheap belongings into a cheaper Salt Lake City bungalow. Adam, an Apache construction worker, explained that he'd rescued his dog from a sadistic drunkard who had beaten the animal half to death with a golf iron.
