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Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or...

Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or...
Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or toothpick, shot glass or cup (the smaller the circumference, the less polish you end up wasting), room temp. water, nail polish, tape (optional, but it helps with the clean up) I like to begin by prepping my nails with base coat and one coat of polish. Here I used China Glaze Innocence for a nice neutral base. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Most importantly, have fun! We would love to see pictures of all your water marbling attempts, so get dipping!

Make Your Own Coffee Syrup (Gift Idea) Do you have any coffee lovers on your holiday gift list this year? (If not, feel free to go ahead and put me on your list!) This is a cute little idea for making your own flavored coffee syrups that you can use at home to take your morning cup of joe to the next level. If you are making these as a gift I highly recommend making 2-3 flavors. We made vanilla, raspberry, and caramel flavored syrups. how to: repair a shattered eyeshadow How to repair your shattered eyeshadow. Today I’m going to share something with you, something precious and close to me. It will help you preserve your sanity and hard earned dollars. It might be a little bit of fun for your Monday too, but I don’t want to assume things on your behalf. Have you ever shattered a brand new eyeshadow?

Mermaid Nails Share this image Share It Pin It For our trip to Costa Rica, I wanted fun nails that had an almost tropical vibe. I went back to Marie Nails (where I got this glittery combination) and got a bright tangerine color with graduated gold sparkles on just my ring fingers (which you can see here). It felt just festive enough and I couldn't wait to try out different combinations. Banksy Street Art – Art Finds New Inspirations Banksy is a pseudo-anonymous English graffiti artist. He is believed to be a native of Yate, South Gloucestershire, near Bristol and to have been born in 1974, but there is substantial public uncertainty about his identity and personal and biographical details. His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics.

Windowsill Sprouting my way through the Winter. My orchids are dark speckled and bruised from the cold. The flowery Lantana shrubs are like coarse twine unraveled in a pile on the ground. The tall ornamental grasses, which I love for their swaying grace, stand in stiff bunches like little scarecrows scattered across the lawn. My herbs…oh, let’s not even go there (I think thyme and cilantro are barely holding on). Then there’s the pile of dead and crispy Christmas trees strewn around the fire pit. We like to collect the discarded trees at the end of the season and use them for firewood throughout the winter, but right now, as I look out across the pathetic winter landscape of our backyard, they only add to the overall state of things.

DIY: Make your own Halloween dinnerware - StumbleUpon So now you've seen my interpretation of a Raven themed dinner party, I wanted to show you how I made the dinnerware. If you are like me you probably oogle over the holiday themed dishes but quickly shy away since you don't want to shell out for a whole set just for one celebration. (I don't even have real china so I think its safe to say I won't be buying any themed kind either) So when this idea of making my own for next to nothing came to mind, I just had to try it. Obviously this interpretation is quite macabre but you could totally mix it up to make it your own - think nursery rhymes for baby showers, holiday song lyrics for christmas, bible passages for easter, dirty doodles for hen nights... I could go on and on.

25 Things Women Should Know How To Do I normally don't read mass emails but a good friend of mine sent this to me this morning and I couldn't resist reading the 25 Life Saving Tips Every Woman Should Know. I probably have mastered about 3 of these but now I have a good starting point of what I should learn. I'm not sure that you all will agree with these but I felt that as a member of Girls Guide To I should share this list with you. (And this ecard made me crack up too!) It's because I think too much: Galactic Manicure I loved how my glittery gradient mani turned out so much that I decided to do a variation on it, using the night sky as my inspiration! Here's how I did it: 1. Prep I grabbed deep navy, silver glitter, and gold glitter polish along with my favorite top coat. I also grabbed an orange stick and some nail art rhinestones. 2.

Sagaki Keita (click images for detail) Artist Sagaki Keita was born in 1984 and lives and works in Tokyo. His densely composited pen and ink illustrations contain thousands of whimsical characters that are drawn almost completely improvised. I am dumbstruck looking at these and love the wacky juxtaposition of fine art and notebook doodles. Chain-Chomp This is Chain-Chomp from the Mario Brothers games. I made this because my middle daughter begged me to. LOL. Chalkboard Wall Calendar - Martha Stewart Home & Garden - StumbleUpon Thanks to paint that dries into a chalkboard finish, your board can be whatever size you desire and placed wherever you like. Store-bought formulas come in traditional green and black. But you can also follow our recipe to mix your own batch in any shade.

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