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How To Make Your Own Lotion Bars

How To Make Your Own Lotion Bars
With all the “experimenting” I do on a daily basis trying out new homemade solutions….my hands are in and out of hot, soapy water a LOT! It seems like I’ve never used more moisturizers on my person than I have this past winter. I am CONSTANTLY slathering some greasy goo on my hands, feet, etc in an effort to alleviate the extreme dryness! What is a lotion bar you ask? Hard lotion bars are also very CONVENIENT! But I think what I like even MORE than the convenience…is the simple, natural ingredients that blend to “lock” in moisture. If you’re feeling do-it-yourselfish…Renee is sharing her simple 3-ingredient Lotion Bar recipe with us! Well, as you can see…while they’re not picture-perfect like hers…I was pretty happy with how they turned out! These would make such great gifts! You can even purchase a DIY Kit that comes with every thing you need to make the lotion bar and lip balm! Ingredients: 4.5 oz beeswax 4 oz shea butter 4 oz coconut oil

Homemade Coconut Oil Lotion - Little House on the Prairie Living Recently I got a big jar of Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil in the mail and it was just staring at me on the counter...waiting to be used. So, I decided it was time for me to try out this idea. This lotion recipe is really simple and only takes two ingredients. I think next time I will add a little beeswax to mine as I felt like it was a little too greasy for my taste, at least for a daily use lotion. **Update: I LOVE this lotion and I've realized the more your skin gets used to it the less greasy it is (I must have had trouble absorbing it when I first started). Before we get started - coconut oil is pretty amazing. Alright let's get back to lotion making... Homemade Coconut Oil Lotion What you need: 1 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Where to Buy)1 teaspoon Vitamin E (I just used a few capsules) (Where to Buy) Here's what you need, a mixer, the oil, the vitamin E, and a bowl! What To Do: Measure out your coconut oil and add in the vitamin E. Then....mix! After! No spam here!

Make Your Own Simple Exfoliating Body Scrub Morning Bump! Originally posted on 10/19/2011: I had a proud “Mom Moment” last week when my daughter decided to give making her own Body Scrub a try. Believe me, I don’t take credit for that girl’s incredible intelligence (well, maybe a teeny, tiny bit), but I do like to think I’ve been an example of how easy it is and how much sense it makes to make your own products for home, health and beauty. I’ve never been one to use body scrubs with any regularity. Last week we were making preparations for my son’s wedding when Britta came across the idea of making her own body scrub as a special pampering treatment before the big day. She LOVED the results! The “RECIPE” is basically a 2-to-1 ratio of sugar to coconut oil and as many drop of essential oil as you like. Put the amount of sugar you want in a jar or bowl, add 1/2 that amount of coconut oil that you have warmed up in the microwave for a few seconds to make it liquid and the lavender drops, and stir. Wow! Ingredients: Directions:

DIY Body Wash! Turn a $1 Bar of Soap into Luxurious Body Wash! As you know, I enjoy the Dollar Tree....A LOT. While I was there picking up supplies for our DIY Halloween T-Shirts, I came across a bar of Oil of Olay. I'm not a fan of bar soap but I thought I could turn it into a body wash. Here's what you're going to need: Bar of Soap (any kind)Cheese Grater (or knife if the soap is soft enough)WaterMeasuring cup (1 cup)PotHeat Safe SpoonStoveContainer for your Body Wash Your first step is to grate your soap. I only grated half of my bar. Now, since I didn't want a ton of body wash, I only added 2 cups of water. Place your pot over your stove and turn it on to a medium heat. My skin has been a bit dry lately so I added a cup of coconut milk for added moisture. After your soap flakes or chunks have dissolved, turn off your stove and let your mixture cool several hours. If you add water, heat it up and stir again. If you find your mixture is the right consistency and it's nice and cool, add it to your container! That's all there is to it!

Top 100 Best Love Songs Of All Time Love songs are central to pop music. It is quite possibly the most common topic for pop songwriters. Narrowing the list down is not easy, but these are 100 of the best love songs of all time. 100. Courtesy Fiction Records Robert Smith, leader of the pop new wave band the Cure, wrote this song as a gift to his future wife. Watch Video 98. Courtesy Columbia Kenny Loggins wrote "Danny's Song" as a gift to his brother Danny on the birth of his son Colin. Watch Video 19 Homemade Remedies for Headache Pain The other day the hubster came home from work with a pounding headache. He usually takes Excedrin for headache relief, but apparently that wasn’t cutting it on that particular day. He actually asked me if I would make up one of my “voodoo essential oil cures”. lol. Well, I am no expert, but my SISTER is, and I remembered her posting something on her blog, Camp Wander, about Peppermint and Lavender being effective in getting rid of headaches. That “magic” consisted of putting a couple of teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil into a little roll-on bottle, and then adding a few drops each of the Peppermint and Lavender EO’s. I got distracted with something else after that, but about a half hour later I remembered to ask him how his head felt. After that experience (and numerous others) we have become BIG believers in the power of essential oils in this house….AND in the idea that it’s not always necessary to reach for the pill bottle when you have a headache. Relaxation Techniques

Natural mosquito repellents (NaturalNews) Mosquitoes can be a nuisance when trying to enjoy the outdoors, especially if you're trying to host guests. The faint buzzing reminds us of those pesky pricks we receive when we least expect it. Soon thereafter the itching and swelling begins as our bodies react to the foreign attack. Sometimes deadly, the mosquito bite is more of a nuisance than anything. The itch and swelling can last anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks. Carbon Dioxide/ Lactic Acid: When we have been exercising or working vigorously, our bodies give off more carbon dioxide. Dark Clothing: Mosquitoes are highly attracted to dark clothing. Fruity/ Flowery Fragrances: Another thing that attracts mosquitoes are certain scents. Moisture: When perspiring, mosquitoes are drawn not only to the chemicals that are released as a direct result of sweating, but also to the humidity around our body. Forget using commercial varieties of mosquito repellent. Some oils include: 1.

The End of Acne - Finally! While doing research today, I came across some very interesting information that will likely put an end to acne for everyone. All you need is four key ingredients: Honey, baking soda, powdered oats and coconut oil. This article describes the role of each, with references to scientific studies, in controlling your acne. Controlling acne is actually easy. First, learn how it works. How it Works: Honey is known for its antibacterial properties. The most important part of this information is the honey. The baking soda is included for its abrasive properties. Dead skin cells that can plug your pores are easily removed with baking soda. Oatmeal has long been recognized as a beneficial ingredient to skin care. The oatmeal is soothing and anti-inflammatory. The last ingredient, coconut oil, is an emollient. The Routine: Try this once or twice a day for just one week: Do not use any soaps, scrubs, creams, lotions, astringents, moisturizers, pimple creams or anything on your face. Resources: 1.

Things that make me smile... NATURAL REMEDIES GURU - consciousazine Consciousness, Fore Front Matters, Humanity, Uncensored News, art(downloads!), Health matters, great awakening, these New Times, Change Times, Free/valid/new Information, Environmental Integrity, Environment, the animal holocaust and Bio Diversity matters, the New Age, the ways of the old and the ways of the new, Civil Rights movement, Technology, Conscious Evolvement, Evolution, Inter-Generational Equity, Permaculture Farming, Sustainable Living, Journalism, Genesis Singularis, Social matters, Science, New/Forefront Information/Novelties, Lore Data Base, Pictures, Ascentive pictophotology, Meditations, Wellbeing, Humour, Soul Exteriorization, Paradise Earth Creating, Artistic Autistics, Individuality, Spirituality, Awakening, Awareness. consciousness

Honey and cinnamon cures - do they really work? Here's what you need to know (NaturalNews) Hopeful newcomers to holistic health marvel at reports about honey and cinnamon as a miracle cure-all. On the other hand, alternative health skeptics scoff at the notion of cinnamon and honey as medicine, pointing out that the plethora of articles about the curative benefits of this food duo originated with a 1995 article in the tabloid newspaper Weekly World News. The truth is that cinnamon and honey have been used to promote health for centuries, but their efficacy depends largely on a lifestyle of energetic activity and whole foods.In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), cinnamon is viewed as possessing heat or yang, and is thus used to cure ills stemming from excess yin or coldness. Honey, in this system, is viewed as a neutral substance, balanced between yin and yang. Honey possesses natural anti-bacterial properties. Drinking honey and cinnamon in lukewarm water results in them moving through the bladder and cleansing it, as well as clearing infections there.

Natural Hair Dye, homemade hair color, for fashion sheep and trendsetters Making and using your own Natural Hair Dye is waaaaay more fun than anything you can buy out there. And we’re not even speaking of the safety aspect, those store bought chemical hair dyes are packed with?…yes, 1000 points for you: Chemicals!! This is for all who want to keep it natural, obviously. These homemade hair dye recipes contain pure natural ingredients. And yes, it will take you a bit longer to get to the same sort of result, because these natural hair color recipes are not as concentrated. Not only are they easy and fun to make, but also very affordable or downright cheap and you probably have the ingredients already somewhere in your kitchen cabinet Adding color never hurt anyone Not for Sheep… We want to make a point about Skin Tone and choice of color, at least what others lead you to believe; your new hair color should complement your skin tone. E.g. But of course you can also use these homemade hair color recipes to cover or slightly accent your current style. How to do it:
