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Peoplemovin - A visualization of migration flows. Выписка из ЕГРЮЛ и ЕГРИП, предоставление данных баз ЕГРЮЛ по ИНН и ОГРН. Бухгалтерская отчетность. Справочная Служба Юридических Лиц. Données | La Banque mondiale. Home | Open Data Portal. 0 Have you ever wondered… which of Europe’s countries has the greenest energy supply? Or which of its economies are growing fastest? Or which organisations are lobbying the EU? Or how EU public funds are being spent? The EU gathers and generates data about these and about many other things. This data is like a digital echo of the world around us which we can use to improve our understanding of important issues and to make better decisions. The Open Data Portal gathers a huge range of data from different EU organisations and makes it available in one central place for anyone to use, whether you’re a journalist looking to check some figures, or a policy researcher writing a report, or a developer creating a useful website.

The portal is still under development and we’ll be adding more data and new features in the coming months. - Ejerce tu derecho a saber. Solicita información. Très Grand Equipement Adonis | Accès unifié aux données et documents numériques des sciences humaines et sociales. ISIDORE - Accès aux données et services numériques de SHS. Accueil | Portail mutualisé de données locales. Reinventing business research | UNdata. Eurostat Home.

World Bank Group. | Opening up government. The U.S. Government's Official Search Engine. Welcome to - Europe's Public Data - Welcome - Open Data Search.

Home. Accueil - NosDonné Public Data Explorer. Open Government Data Wien (OGD)