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Curried Pork Potstickers with Soy-Ginger Dipping Sauce by Mary Anne & Mariel. Mariel here.

Curried Pork Potstickers with Soy-Ginger Dipping Sauce by Mary Anne & Mariel

Many moons ago, my husband and I spent an incredible year living in Hong Kong. We were in our mid-20s, unmarried and unmoored from all those wonderful anchors of adulthood. Feeling restless and in search of adventure, we both decided to part with our jobs and experience life away from the east coast, so we bought plane tickets and booked a hotel room in Causeway Bay…for 3 nights. I’m not exaggerating when I say that’s the extent of our pre-departure plan-making. It turned out to be one of the best years of our entire lives and later, after returning to New York, we flew back to Hong Kong to get engaged. It’s also the place where I cultivated a deep and abiding love for dumplings. You can’t throw a stone in Hong Kong without hitting a delicious dim sum dive; there is no visiting this sparkling city without partaking in some sort of dumplinged lunch, brunch or dinner.

Note: There is a print link embedded within this post, please visit this post to print it. 2. How to Make a Simple Little Cheese. I’ve been a fan of New England Cheesemaking Supply ever since I picked up a copy of Ricki Carroll’s book, Home Cheese Making .

How to Make a Simple Little Cheese

Having followed her instructions for everything from 30-minute Mozzarella to Halloumi to Manchego, my copy of her book is proudly well-worn. I asked Jeri Case at New England Cheesemaking if she would help put together a guest post on cheesemaking, and she was happy to oblige! We at New England Cheesemaking Supply Company are proud to support you in your pledge to eat healthy food. Andrew has been one of our guest bloggers several times and we’re big fans of his website. We want to take this opportunity to tell you that you don’t have to be a gourmet cook to make your own cheese. In fact, just recently we received a recipe from one of our customers, Nancy Ferland, which will be featured in our November Moosletter.

This recipe is absolutely foolproof! So, try it and we think you’ll be hooked. A Simple Little Cheese Be sure not to use “ultra-pasteurized” milk. The best taco seasoning recipe ever. Perfect Iced Coffee. Iced coffee is my life.

Perfect Iced Coffee

When I wake up, often around the time party animals on the west coast are just heading home, I start each day not with a cup of freshly brewed hot java, but with a tall, blessed glass of creamy iced coffee in a glass. I’ve been an iced coffee freakazoid for years and years. To say I couldn’t live without it is an understatement. It gives me the tools I need to cope. Iced coffee is a complicated thing, and there are many different approaches. 1. Given the previous set of facts, one would assume that the logical solution would be to brew hot coffee, then transfer the brew to the fridge, allow it to cool, and use it to make iced coffee from there.

There are reasons this method results in a smoother, richer, more delicious concentrate than simply brewing strong coffee and refrigerating it. (Note: I’ve totally adapted/tweaked coffee/water amounts to suit my own tastes. I start with a big ol’ container. Rip open a pound of ground coffee. Pour in the coffee.

Hi, Julie! Recipage. 100 Calorie Snacks. Not sure if beef jerky counts as true junk food, but apparently it's…