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Calibratethedensitometer.jpg (JPEG Image, 375 × 467 pixels) A DAY AT THE PARK | Kostas Kiriakakis.

Creepy crawly cool

The Pioneer Woman | Ree Drummond. Rise Big Sur | Music, Movement and Play Festival in Big Sur. Faith. Goals. Web series. IfWeRanTheWorld. Puppet Building Tutorial: Ratchet. A Highlight and Note by Tina Trubbel from a Personal Document. Smile project. Webcomics. Victories | Inspiring action for a green and peaceful future. We share these victories with our dedicated supporters around the world. In 1971, a group of activists set sail to Amchitka Island, Alaska to protest nuclear testing. As Bob Hunter, one of the crew members put it, "Whatever history decides about the big picture, the legacy of the voyage itself is not just a bunch of guys in a fishing boat, but the Greenpeace the entire world has come to love and hate.

" Since then, with a combination of daring action, solid science, and political pressure, Greenpeace has revealed the threats, confronted the villains and forced the solutions necessary for a green and peaceful world. We’re 100 percent supporter funded which means our fights are your fights. Our 250,000 members in the United States and 2.8 million members worldwide provide virtually all of our funding through individual contributions. Your support provides the backbone of our organization and is invaluable to our efforts. Thank you for making all this possible. 2013 Victories Oceans Victories!


A Highlight and Note by Tina Trubbel from a Personal Document. Spiritual Poetry by The Traveling Poet, Apollo Poetry ( Bracelet of Light ) Ben Harper - With My Own Two Hands. Porcelain Black Ft. Lil' Wayne- "This Is What Rock N Roll Looks Like"