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Palico Private Equity Marketplace. BuiltWith Technology Lookup. No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Healthy, And Creative Teams. The studio mirror is a distinct role and a job title. In our studio Luke’s role was to archive our work and reflect it back to the team in a unique way, much like the documentation of these principles. Pursued with persistence and the eye of a journalist, the Studio Mirror should capture not only WHAT is being made but HOW and by WHOM.

This isn’t simply dumping files on a server but rather curating the content in a way that is compelling and consumable for the team. For example, our studio created a quarterly magazine. You can read ADQ2.1: The Launch Issue here. There are many reasons to identify a single person to own the documentation process. First and foremost, the details of a project are easy to forget, especially when projects last several years. But perhaps the most important value for persistently documenting the collective work of a studio is that it is a sound investment in the future.

Rhys Newman is a designer, artist, cyclist, and founder of OMATA Inc. Community for Businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean | ConnectAmericas. IRIS Metrics | IRIS. STEP CURACAO 2015 | The new midshore reality. Creel | Redeem. Instantly Globally. Cyber Dust | Every spoken word isn't recorded. Why should your texts be? Festival 2015, March 2-4, Fort Mason, San Francisco — LAUNCH Events. Cell Linking.

With Smartsheet, it’s easy to roll up several project sheets into a master sheet by linking cells across sheets. When the information is updated in the source sheets, the summary sheet is automatically updated. Easy, convenient, fast. You can also link information to create dependencies between projects by pulling in project dates from other sheets. It’s an ideal way to keep work flowing, without having to manually cut-and-paste status progress. Learn more about Cell Linking. TriplePundit: Reporting on the Triple Bottom Line & Sustainable Business News.

Creating global connections, inspiring people - Video Oasis Training Brazilie. Crowd Rules. The Heretic Network. On Making Things Happen — The Found. I spent some time thinking about the basic building blocks for business for a talk to the film students at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. I wanted to teach these aspiring artists about business in a way that empowered them to take control of the entire creative process - which at one time or another will inevitably include money and other people, two areas that have often clouded and stunted art (and many other creation processes).

So, how do people create things? Works of art, delicious meals, stable relationships, booming businesses. Going from an idea into physical reality is not a trivial task: this is the essence of being human. The ability to make something not only helps us feel alive, it is literally all there is to do these days, now that we aren’t exactly fighting for survival any more.

A big part of the problem is that the practice of creation has been segmented for specialists. We will start with a linear process, for simplicity: How to Contribute | The Internet Wishlist. If you’d like to contribute to The Internet Wishlist, simply post on Twitter about an app or site you wish to see built and include #theiwl in your tweet. Please note: Not all tweets tagged #theiwl will be posted. Only the most forward thinking ideas will be shared on this site and on Twitter @theiwl. The ideas posted on this website originate from public tweets on To view the original tweet of an idea, click the link on the top right of each post. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch. less Please note: Not all tweets tagged #t… …more If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch. Co.Exist | ideas + impact. HourlyNerd. Nextdoor: Sign up for Nextdoor.

Sharing Information Corrupts Wisdom of Crowds | Wired Science. When people can learn what others think, the wisdom of crowds may veer towards ignorance. In a new study of crowd wisdom — the statistical phenomenon by which individual biases cancel each other out, distilling hundreds or thousands of individual guesses into uncannily accurate average answers — researchers told test participants about their peers’ guesses. As a result, their group insight went awry. “Although groups are initially ‘wise,’ knowledge about estimates of others narrows the diversity of opinions to such an extent that it undermines” collective wisdom, wrote researchers led by mathematician Jan Lorenz and sociologist Heiko Rahut of Switzerland’s ETH Zurich, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on May 16. “Even mild social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect.”

Study participants were asked how many murders occurred in Switzerland in 2006. As Surowiecki explained, certain conditions must be met for crowd wisdom to emerge. See Also: Samen is het een Makkie. Bottlenose - Illuminate The Present. Digg - What the Internet is talking about right now. Alltop, all the top stories. FirstRain - FirstRain. Hire Freelancers & Get Freelance Jobs Online. Home - Daily Crowdsource. 99tests Software Testing Community. Massolution. First Questions | CommunityIntelligence Ltd. Make sense of the arguments for and against | Debate visualisation.

CatalystCreativ. Events. OuiShare Fest 2014: The Age of Communities. MySociety. Huddle: The Enterprise Content Collaboration Platform. Default. MySociety. Certain Inc :: 1-to-1 Meetings. Facilitate Meaningful Connections with 1-to-1 Meetings Implement a 1-to-1 meetings program at your next event: User conferences offer an unparalleled opportunity for customers, prospects, and industry experts to connect with sales teams, product experts, and executive staff. 1-to-1 meetings ensure attendees leave your event with educational goals achieved and connections established.

Designed to ensure top buyers attend events and connect with the right suppliers, hosted buyer programs are outpacing other event types in growth. Appointment matching technology accurately matches participants, while alleviating the event professional's workload. For investor meetings, automated 1-to-1 meetings help connect start-ups or entrepreneurs with the most logical potential investors, legal representation, or marketers to help strategically capitalize their organizations. Enable Productive 1-to-1 connections for events of any size: Loomio | Collaborative Decision-Making. Find Consultants & Experts for Phone Consults & Project Work | Home | InnoCentive.

Blog. By: Haiz Oppenheimer As of March 2014, Airbnb has hit 600,000 current listings of people who are offering to rent space in their homes to overnight guests for a fee. Airbnb is just one of a suite of bold startups that are making profits by changing the way people think about how they buy, sell, share, and trade products and services in their daily lives. Companies like Uber and Lyft use smartphone apps to connect car owners with people who are looking to pay for a ride. Craigslist and NeighborGoods have created markets for people to sell, swap, or loan their unused stuff with each other. Airbnb, Uber, and NeighborGoods are part of the rise of what is being called the sharing economy. In the sharing economy, millions of people are cutting traditional hotels, taxis, and retail businesses out of the equation to earn income and save money by renting out their cars and homes, and sharing expensive items like power tools that they don’t need every day.

Hire freelancers and find freelance jobs instantly | Elance. FARA Africa: Learning and Innovation Platforms for Agricultural Knowledge and Technologies in Africa Sixty five professionals and experts on knowledge sharing and technology dissemination gathered in Mwanza, Tanzania from 1 to 5 October 2012. They were focal points for RAILS and DONATA platforms currently funded by the AfDB/PSTAD project through FARA’s leadership with SROs’ (ASARECA, CORAF/WECARD and CCARDESA) coordinating support. IITA, CIP and ICRA are providing technical backstopping and NRI on M&E process. Participants shared experiences in managing knowledge exchange and innovation platforms.

A field day allowed interaction with farmers, processors, traders of orange-fleshed-sweet potato in the Mwanza district. The workshop highlighted the importance of shared understanding on the value chain approach and variations in actual practice of establishing learning and innovation platforms based on culture, environment and available resources. HelpersUnite | Fueled by talent, creativity and personal connections, HelpersUnite is a crowd-giving community where people can raise funds for creative and cause-based projects and sell tickets to their special events, all in one place. Xobni | Automatic rich profiles + email history + lightning fast search.

CauseVox | The easy-to-use, customizable online fundraising platform for non-profits. Ideavibes™ - The crowd is speaking. Are you listening? Buzzbnk - Positive People Backing Bright Ideas. CrowdEngineering - Crowdsourcing Customer Service. Lots of needs. Invest in the solutions. - 33needs.

Formspring. Center for Collective Intelligence. iQ Company Home. Resources on social entrepreneurship. Collective Leadership Institute. Reframe It. WiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions. Welcome to InfoArmy. Predictive Analytics, Data Mining, Self-service, Open source - RapidMiner. Angie's List | Find a Local Business, Ratings, Reviews, Deals. Still To Come at PredictWise | PredictWise. Collective Intelligence Solutions for Senior Leadership.

The confession of a recovering radical connectionist | I’m a recovering a radical connectionist. I used to believe that the scope of the we-space and the depth of our CI will increase as more of us link up into the nervous system of the emergent Civilization 2.0. I still do but with a significant refinement: the systems and structures of Civ 2.0 already in process have a much vaster variety than I/we can fathom, let alone connect with directly. The new strategy I pursue is based on perceiving that emergence as coming forth from an ecosystem of zillions transformational initiatives and projects. Then I navigate the neighboring niches, looking for naturally occurring functional alignment between my gifts to the whole and theirs.

When found, structural coupling happens effortlessly. Like this: Like Loading... Recorded Future - Temporal & Predictive Analytics Engine, Media Analytics & News Analysis. BrainMass. MindCanvas | A research service from Uzanto. What is YAHOO PULSE? Yahoo makes it easy to enjoy what matters most in your world.

Best in class Yahoo Mail, breaking local, national and global news, finance, sports, music, movies and more. Ads Yahoo! Yahoo Inc is currently among the leader companies in web based email communication services measuring millions of daily active users globally. Sign in to Yahoo. Yahoo! If you let them, yes. It is the replacement for the Yahoo Profile. Yahoo! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Yahoo Pulse is Yahoo’s latest addition promising to boost communication tools to the next level. One of the central features of Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Foresight Platform - Solutions - Consensus Point. The Huunu Research platform is designed for research organizations and MROC’s to provide a simple and engaging way to tap into the knowledge of respondents and communities. Quickly and easily identify the best ideas and concepts: Increase the speed with which your organization selects ideas and determine which concepts are most desired by the marketSignificantly reduce your concept and ideation research costsTest more concepts with clearer differentiation among ideasObtain more accurate answers with less effortOffer a more engaging tool for respondents than traditional research methods Huunu is proven to accelerate your time to market and to lower your total cost of research.

Huunu enables companies to quickly arrive at a “consensus” and determine which ideas and concepts are going to be winners in the market. Get the answers in a few days as opposed to a few weeks at a fraction of the cost of traditional research. What is it used for? Is it Accurate? Yes! Want to see more? Zocalo Prediction Markets. Prediction Markets, Social Predictive Analytics, and Innovation Management - Consensus Point. How I4P Is Being Used. 1. Enabling the use of collective intelligence I4P is very excited to announce its upcoming collective intelligence tool, Assembl.

Over the past few years, the methodology behind this tool allowed Jean-Michel Cornu (one of the idea generators at I4P) in collaboration with the Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération in France to write and publish a book about monetary innovation, La Monnaie et Après? That can be purchased on Amazon. The best part? This book was written in collaboration with 300 experts, innovators and citizens from all over the world using the methodology behind Assembl!

2. Imagination for People is currently setting up a partnership with a pan-European source of funding. 3. Imagination for people has already provided the online tools that facilitated the emergence of a grassroots community in Brittany, France. 4. For the past two years, Imagination for People has organized the InnovAfrica forum in West Africa (in rotating capital cities). 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gaza Sky Geeks | The First Accelerator in Gaza. HeroX. A GOOD Experiment. A year ago, I came to GOOD to help the company with its effort to establish a community, rather than just an audience. As I saw it, GOOD's view—once controversial—that living well and doing good weren't mutually exclusive, had become part of the mainstream. How could GOOD take the next step and translate that into impact? How to accomplish impact certainly isn't obvious. The landscape is littered with companies that have failed to do it. Those that have survived have done so through becoming a neutral platform: whatever cause you have they will help you support.

But at GOOD, which represents the values of global citizens, neutrality isn't an option. So our big, hairy, audacious goal is to build a vibrant community of doers that are making a difference in the world. But we don't want to stop there. Procedure: Create an environment where people can celebrate the actions they are taking and encourage global neighboring actions. Here are some Global Action examples: Social Sunburst - An Innovative Platform for Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Social Outcomes. Interested in learning more about Social Impact Investing? Social Sunburst seeks partners and collaborators, in particular in the Pittsburgh area. Contact us today. At Social Sunburst we believe that anyone can become a Social Champion. Our platform makes it easy to join like-minded people in supporting social outcomes or even championing one of your very own.

Social Sunburst welcomes everyone, from local grassroots initiatives to global institutions, to join forces and form outcome-based partnerships by creating social impact bonds, and similar pay for success funding vehicles. Join Social Sunburst and become a Social Champion! Your potential for supporting or creating social outcomes has no bounds. Based on this sign up, we think you'll love... This is a sample text, written as a placeholder. 60 characters. Business Innovation Factory. Ghana Think Tank | Developing the First World. One Billion Minds. The Social Lab. · The world’s platform for change. GoodCompany Group.

Thinkpublic. DESIS Network. StartSomeGood: crowdfunding for non-profits, social entrepreneurs and changemakers. Idea Storm. RelSci | The Relationship Capital Platform | Relationship Science. News Challenge - Home. HYPE GO! Latest news and features on the social enterprise sector | Society. Untitled.