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Goals and Life Balance

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With Goals, FAST Beats SMART. To execute strategy, leaders must set ambitious targets, translate them into specific metrics and milestones, make them transparent throughout the organization, and discuss progress frequently. In 1954, management guru Peter Drucker introduced “management by objectives,” an approach where employees would agree with their boss on a set of goals and work toward achieving those objectives throughout the year.1 Not even a visionary like Drucker, however, could have predicted how thoroughly goals would come to dominate the modern workplace.

In 95% of organizations, according to a recent survey, employees set goals for themselves or their teams.2 When it comes to setting goals, most managers follow a well-established set of practices. The conventional wisdom of goal setting is so deeply ingrained that managers rarely stop to ask a fundamental question — does it work?

If the traditional approach to goals cannot ensure successful strategy execution, what’s the alternative? Make Goals Transparent. The Surprising Benefits of Writing a Personal Constitution. I am willing to bet that 97% of people don’t have a personal constitution. What’s a personal constitution? It’s just like the constitution of a country, such as the United States. Just like how countries set specific ideal beliefs and systems that they intend to uphold, we can set up a similar set of beliefs for ourselves. These beliefs can set us on the right course in life, and remind us how we should react to every situation. Today, I’ll explain the benefits of creating a personal constitution and how you can go about creating one for yourself.

I’ll also explain what will likely happen if you don’t have a personal constitution. The Benefits of Having a Personal Constitution There are so many underrated benefits of having a personal constitution. First of all, it’s very hard to achieve anything substantial in life without high levels of mental clarity.

Having a personal constitution helps you establish high levels of mental clarity in your life. Think About Your Life’s Purpose Follow Through. Macro-Focus: The Most Important Skill That Can Change Your Life. How To Learn In 2 Days What Normally Takes 6 Months. Research has found that having clarity about your goals is essential to having motivation to achieve those goals. If you’re not clear on what you’re doing, it’s hard to be motivated. Which is why seemingly easy tasks, like sending a fax, could end up taking months.

There’s a lack of clarity on how to do it, so you don’t — until either you have to or it’s too late. Can you relate? Unfortunately, having a lack of clarity is why so many people settle for less than their dreams. Said Robert Brault, author of Round Up the Usual Subjects, “We are kept from our goal not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.” You want clarity so bad that you’re willing to settle for lesser goals, simply because the path to getting your true goal is less obvious. When you’re trying to accomplish something big, you have the why but rarely the how. You have no clue how you’re going to do what you want to do. According to some scholars, fear of the unknown may be the foundation of all other fears. 1. 2. 1.

Generalized Goals Linked to Depression. When to Set Rigid Goals, and When to Be Flexible. To encourage loyalty, customers who purchase wine at the online store Yesmywine receive a stamp in the form of a “Country Medal” each time they buy a bottle. Customers who collect 12 medals over the course of a year receive a reward, such as a free bottle of wine. Sounds like most standard loyalty programs, right?

It’s not — there’s a catch. To qualify, customers must collect their 12 Country Medals in a specific sequence set out by the store. For example, in January they might be told they have to buy a French Chardonnay. In February, an Australian Red. In March, an Argentinian Malbec, and so on. At first glance this loyalty program appears overly restrictive, and as a result seems less likely to attract customers. It’s no surprise that most people report a strong preference for flexibility when it comes to choosing their goals.

But this same logic doesn’t apply when it comes to pursuing goals once we have set them. I trained myself to be less busy — and it dramatically improved my life. What Olympians Can Show Us About Setting Big Goals -- Science of Us. At the United States Track & Field Olympic Team Trials in Eugene, Oregon, 28-year-old Brenda Martinez was in prime position to win her best event, the 800-meter run, which would qualify her for the Olympics for the very first time. But with less than 100 meters to go, a trailing runner tripped and fell forward into Martinez, throwing her off balance. She was able to regain her footing, but not before being passed by a handful of other runners who would secure the three Olympic spots.

It was devastating to watch. Martinez could have been distraught and dejected. She failed (and largely due to bad luck) to achieve her goal of making the Olympics in her strongest event. And move forward she did. It’s easy to see how Martinez could have lost focus and been sucked into a vicious cycle of rumination. Brenda Martinez wasn’t attached to her goal of making the Olympic team. Still, let’s say you persist and accomplish your big, hairy, and audacious goal. Science Says 92 Percent of People Don't Achieve Goals: Here's How the Other 8 Percent Do. Did you know that a staggering 92 percent of people that set New Year's goals never actually achieve them? That's according to research by the University of Scranton. I've done it many times, and if you're like me -- a driven, type-A entrepreneur -- failing to meet goals can set you back and leave you discouraged and frustrated. (I even felt it as I typed that sentence.)

Here's the thing: If you want to break the cycle, do what the other 8 percent of goal-setters -- the successful ones -- do consistently and exceptionally well. Set goals that are specific and challenging (but not too hard). Research by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham found that when people followed these two principles -- setting specific and challenging goals -- it led to higher performance 90 percent of the time. Basically, the more specific and challenging your goals, the higher your motivation toward hitting them. When you have that much clarity around your goal, your chances of hitting the mark increase dramatically. The Four Burners Theory: The Downside of Work-Life Balance. One way to think about work-life balance issues is with a concept known as The Four Burners Theory.

Here's how it was first explained to me: Imagine that your life is represented by a stove with four burners on it. Each burner symbolizes one major quadrant of your life. The first burner represents your family.The second burner is your friends.The third burner is your health.The fourth burner is your work. The Four Burners Theory says that “in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.” Three Views of the Four Burners My initial reaction to The Four Burners Theory was to search for a way to bypass it. Perhaps I could combine two burners. Maybe I could combine health and work. Soon I realized I was inventing these workarounds because I didn't want to face the real issue: life is filled with tradeoffs.

Essentially, we are forced to choose. What is the best way to handle these work-life balance problems? Four Risk Factors for Burnout—And How to Overcome Them. Work-life balance is one of the aspects of well-being that I have the hardest time implementing in my own life. As a happiness researcher and consultant, I really do try to practice what I preach. But work-life balance is something I often work at for short bursts before I end up backsliding into workaholism. I know that I am not the only one with this difficulty; work-life balance is really tough for many people. I think it’s time we start a conversation about balance, precisely because it is so hard for so many of us to find, and it is so integral to enhancing well-being. Below, based on my experiences, I illuminate four risk factors for poor work-life balance and eventual burnout. 1.

I began to see people struggle a lot more with work-life balance when I entered graduate school, and I’ll tell you why. If you “live to work,” forget to schedule time for non-work activities, and see yourself as someone who is highly motivated and persistent, then you may be at risk for burnout. 2. 3. 4. 8 Key Principles to Succeed | Neil Farber. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. Synergy Map. The Synergy Map method was developed in 1998 by Martin Eppler. It can be used to find synergies between various activities or goals. The synergy map facilitates the visual discussion of the main goals and sub-goals necessary to move the implementation of a strategy forward during a particular time frame.

In this method, goals and activities are defined and prioritized and then introduced into a timing circuit. The objectives will be distributed on the circle according to their temporal component, ie, short, medium and long term and permanent. With the connection of the individual targets are shown with arrows indicating the synergies and conflicts. Each identified goal synergy (i.e., how one goal can help another or how two goals can be used for mutual benefits) and each goal conflict are captured as arrows on the map that connect two goals. The Synergy Map can be used on a personal level or in groups. Solve Problems Like an Entrepreneur by Focusing on the Process. 4 Lean Strategies You Can Use To Innovate Your Life. Wouldn’t it be great if we could extract the strategies that go into developing the world’s greatest technological advances and use them for our own personal development?

The most common methodology used today to bring about these advances is the lean innovation strategy. When Eric Ries released his book The Lean Startup in 2011 his approach to product development created a global movement. Everyone from startups acquired by Google to corporate giants like General Electric and Dropbox have adopted it. Here are four tips for innovating your life by going lean: 1. Vision Leads The Way When Apple first thought of the iPod, Steve Jobs didn’t specifically set out saying he wanted a device with a stainless steel back, a navigating scroll wheel, and storage for your entire music library. As humans, we often disregard our long-term goals because we want immediate benefits for our actions. 2. One thing is certain about innovation; the final product is always much different than the original idea. 3.

One Key To Achieving Goals? Ditch Deadlines, And Make Your Mental Map. If you want to get better at, well, almost anything, it helps to turn to a team that's made it their life's work to break big dreams down into day-sized goals: Everest, the achievement app. What Everest is brilliant at is taking unruly dreams and disassembling them, so that people can assemble them, step by step, day by day, with their actions. In this way, achieving a goal is really about knowing its anatomy, as COO Katherine Krug tells to us over email: The first step is to build a bridge between where you are at this very moment and where you want to be in the future.

Map out all the things that need to successfully happen to get where you want to go. Write it down or truly visualize it. That's gorgeous: the long-term goal doesn't live in the distant future, but in the present. Okay, so after we've mapped out the component parts this resolution, how do we hold ourselves accountable? Why you want a schedule, not a deadline The deadline technique doesn't quite work for long-term goals. How to Get Back on Track After Disappointing Yourself. Achieve Your Goals: The Simple Trick That Doubles Your Odds of Success. We all have goals. And what's the first thing most of us think about when we consider how to achieve them? “I need to get motivated.” The surprising thing? Motivation is exactly what you don't need. Today, I'm going to share a surprising research study that reveals why motivation isn't the key to achieving your goals and offers a simple strategy that actually works.

The best part? Here's what you need to know and how you can apply it to your life… Before we talk about how to get started, though, I wanted to let you know I researched and compiled science-backed ways to stick to good habits and stop procrastinating. How to Make Exercise a Habit Let's say that — like many people — you want to make a habit of exercising consistently. Here's how researchers discovered the “one thing” that makes it more likely for you to stick to your goals… In a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, researchers measured how frequently people exercised over a 2–week period. For example… Making Change Happen, on a Deadline.

Fixes looks at solutions to social problems and why they work. The PreFabricated Building Parts Production Enterprise in Addis Ababa is a state-owned company that makes concrete walls and other structures, mainly for the Ethiopian government’s low-cost housing program. Public-sector construction companies in the third world are not generally known for energy, flexibility, risk-taking or creative thinking. PreFabricated, in other words, does not seem like the kind of business that would or could do astonishing things in a hurry. Like many companies in AIDS-wracked Ethiopia, PreFabricated had an AIDS policy, which included extra pay for its H.I.V. positive workers so they could buy more food.

This was a startling idea. Rapid Results InstituteRapid Results team members traveled to a village in Ghana, where they later built a school at half the typical cost and lowered student absenteeism from 49 percent to 16 percent. Rapid Results is an eccentric idea. How To Set Goals For The Life You Actually Want. It’s a commonly accepted sentiment that setting goals will lead you to success. Many of us believe life will be better by reaching those goals, so we make our plans, put our nose to the grindstone, and work our butts off until we’re there. Many high achievers I’ve worked with over the years reach their goals, but they end up missing their lives in the process--and not in a trivial “I’m-working-too-hard-to-have-friends” kind of way.

No, they reach their goals and discover they were the wrong goals and the wrong path to get there. No one taught them how to set goals that would give them the life and the career they wanted. Here’s how to set the right goals for the life you actually want: 1. The first step to setting goals that will bring you an awesome life is to stop setting goals that will bring you a sucky life.

Most goals are about a destination. 2. Instead of setting life goals, think about setting a life direction. Ask yourself: How do I want to spend my time? Now set your goal. 3. Businessinsider. If your goal is important enough, you’ll stay motivated long enough to see it through. That’s the hard truth about inspiration. It’s the one thing you lose just after you stop looking for it.

When your goals aren’t important enough — when they don’t really matter all that much to you — you struggle to stay motivated long enough to see them through. You stutter step. You stop and start and stop again. Which is probably a clear indication that your goal isn’t all that important to you. And while you might object to hard truth at first blush, it is hard to deny how quickly your life changes when you really want to change.

When you need to change. You might talk about wanting to get healthy, but once you find yourself dying of diabetes you’ll start changing your eating habits a whole lot more quickly. Whether it’s a wake up call with kids, your job, money, your personal relationships or your health — you start changing for the better when a goal really means something to you. Change that. How to Find Your WHY. Why Mission Statements Are BS. Shhh! Keeping Quiet May Help You Achieve Your Goals. Embrace Work-Life Imbalance - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. From dismal science to language of beauty – Towards a new story of economics | Degrowth 2014. Lifehacking is just another way to make us work more.

Against Productivity — The Message. Bring back the 40-hour work week. Burnout Self-Test - Stress Management Techniques from Mind Tools. Locke's Goal Setting Theory - Understanding SMART - Goal Setting Tools from 5-Steps to Goal Setting In The Modern Age. Use Self-Doubt to Your Advantage. Why Setting Goals Could Wreck Your Life. How To Set Goals That Will Keep You Fulfilled And Focused. Why Your Life Needs A Mission Statement.