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Can we learn a second language like we learned our first? Robert William McCaul, winner (with Marek Kiczkowiak) of the TeachingEnglish blog award, examines the influential ideas of linguist Stephen Krashen, and the implications they have for the language classroom.

Can we learn a second language like we learned our first?

If you've ever doubted whether you're a good language learner, then bear in mind that you've already learned one language very well indeed – your first. But this raises an interesting question: can adults learn a second language in the same way they learned their first as children? And if so, what are the implications for the classroom? Stephen Krashen and the acquisition of languages Perhaps no-one has looked at the question more closely than the linguist Stephen Krashen, who has introduced some of the most influential concepts to the study of second-language acquisition. Krashen sums up the idea in a famous documentary on the subject called A child's guide to learning languages, produced by BBC Horizon in 1983. - Learn Words - English Dictionary. What does it mean to be fluent? - to the English language teacher. A couple of months ago, an ex-CELTA trainee of mine posted this on Facebook: “Recently I spent a bit of time in the UK and on a few occasions told people (not language teachers) I live in France.

What does it mean to be fluent? - to the English language teacher

The question they always seemed to ask is "Are you fluent in French? " I find myself unable to answer this question(…) Those Incredible Interpreters. 33 ways to speak better English. If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way.

33 ways to speak better English

When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. As human beings, we want to participate in group discussions and have an impact on the society around us. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. English is the closest thing we have to an international language. 33 ways to speak better English. Theconversation. Language skills are often trumpeted as a cornerstone of social integration, allowing citizens to participate fully in their host communities.


British prime minister David Cameron recently announced a £20m fund for English language lessons to tackle radicalisation in the UK, for example. Similarly, US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has called for assimilation and English-speaking in the US. Leoxicon: Be like Bill for grammar (and vocabulary) practice. The third person singular of the Present Simple tense is known to be particularly problematic for learners and when the "Be Like Bill" meme took social media by storm last week, I thought that it presents a wonderful opportunity to practise the problematic structure.

Leoxicon: Be like Bill for grammar (and vocabulary) practice

Background If you don't know Be Like Bill, it works something like this: you see in your feed an image one of your Facebook friends has posted which looks like this. You click on the image and after being redirected to the meme generator, you enter your name and gender, and the app generates a similar nonsensical story about you which always ends with "(Mike / Jane / Leo / Farouk) is smart. Se connecter à Facebook. Nick Bilbrough. 12 Principles Of Modern Learning -

12 Principles Of Modern Learning by TeachThought Staff What are the principles of modern learning?

12 Principles Of Modern Learning -

Well, that depends on how you define ‘learning’ and what you’d consider ‘modern.’ Richard Olsen put together this useful visual way, way back in 2013–a chart that lays out three categories of a modern approach to learning–Modern, Self-Directed, and Social. These broad categories are then broken up into four principles per category. Overall, though, defining ‘modern learning’ through inquiry, self-direction, and connectivity is at the core of what we preach here at TeachThought. The four principles of Modern Inquiry Learning, according to the graphic, are Compile, Contribute, Combine, and Change, with their respective Realities and Opportunities shown below. 11 Of The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English. It’s no secret that YouTube is an English language learner’s best friend.

11 Of The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English

Because ESL/ELL teachers have been willing to turn the cameras on themselves, you can find thousands of lessons to help improve your English. However, sometimes it’s difficult to know where the true gold is among all the videos that show up in searches. Hopefully this list of 11 YouTube channels can help steer you toward some of the best ESL/ELL content YouTube has to offer in 2014. 11 Of The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English 1) British Council LearnEnglish This is the official YouTube channel of the British Council. 2) Anglo-Link Run by Minoo Short of the UK, this channel provides lessons that are several minutes long and focus on subjects such as phrasal verbs, vocabulary, and listening skills.

Classroom Language « TEFLvml. A typical English classroom in a Primary school If you are interested in teaching in Reception (Foundation), or Key Stage 1 (Year 1 or 2) in England you need to know certain expressions the teacher uses during the lesson.

Classroom Language « TEFLvml

You can have a look below and feel free to leave your comment. Sit down on your chair for me! Lovely, I can hear some good sounds! (when Chn read the correct way)Silence means silence! Untranslatable Words. There are lots of moods, needs and feelings that our own language has not yet properly pinned down.

Untranslatable Words

The perfect word – even if it comes from abroad – can help us to explain ourselves to other people – and its existence quietly reassures us (and everyone else) that a state of mind is not really rare, just rarely spoken of. The right word brings dignity to our troubles, and helps us identify more accurately what we really like or find annoying. Here are some favourites among the world’s untranslatable words: 1. Forelsket (Norwegian): the euphoric feeling at the beginning of love. Irish Slang: Top 80 most used expressionsPlaces in Ireland you must see before you diePlaces in Ireland you must see before you die. BBC Radio 4 - Word of Mouth, How Shakespeare Spoke. Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching. Home Oxford Teachers' Club Professional Development Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching Welcome to the online resources for Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching which you can download and use in self-study or teacher-training groups.

Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching

Here you can find: • Sample material from Chapter Two• Discussion Questions• Supplementary Activities • Weblinks to related content on other websites• A personal note from the authors Resources. Nine research facts about L2 phonology that every teacher should know. 1. Introduction In the last three weeks I have been researching L2 phonology acquisition as the teaching of pronunciation and decoding skills is one of my performance management targets for this year. This post, written in collaboration with Steve Smith of and Dylan Viñales of Garden International School, is a ‘prequel’ to a longer and more exhaustive article I will publish in a few days in which I will lay out the approach to phonology instruction I undertake in my lessons.

'The Art of Accents' - part 1. David Heathfield. Tree Interviews - an activity from Spontaneous Speaking by David Heathfield. 'A discussion on language variation and NNESTs' - webinar by Ahmar Mahboob. Great Icebreakers tips from #Toastmasters - Toastmasters International. 'The Art of Accents' - part 1. Communication Illusion and Brain-Based Solution.

Six Amazing Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger. Long writing activities are not very frequently done in class. I tend to think that my students are like me; I need the right kind of atmosphere. Writing requires time, silence and lots of inspiration. Ideally, at this time of the year, I would probably wish to be sitting next to a fireplace with the most perfect instagrammable snow falling outside my window while drinking a nice cup of coffee waiting for inspiration to strike. Unfortunately, there isn’t any snow where I live so I’ll have to make do with a bit of rain and some reddish trees. Note: you won’t find “instagrammable” in the dictionary Inspiration, the most important word when writing and something my students claim to lack. These are some great sites that can help you make your writing stronger. Photo by Tekke 1. Skell is easy to use. 2.Netspeak is a really helpful site to help you write better.

You can find the word(s) you’re looking for by typing signs as seen in the picture below. Preminuo jezikoslovac Bulcsú László. Comment: ISIL jihadi 'speaks more Standard British English than Jihadi John' Release Date 04 January 2016 Following publication of a new jihadi video features an ISIL/Daesh militant with a 'British accent', please see comment below from a University of Reading linguistics expert. British Vs American English: 100+ Differences Illustrated. Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken, various differences are bound to emerge. Despite how much the USA and UK have in common, there are enough differences between their two versions of the English language that someone may not always understand exactly what someone from the other country is saying. Fortunately, the US State Department has created a series of useful graphics to help clear things up.

Show Full Text The US and the UK's imperial histories and modern influence over the world have changed the English language forever. Because it was exported to countries all over the world, it has been forced to accept different. What’s Going On Inside A Dyslexic Student’s Brain? How Music and Language Shape the Brain. Nina Kraus explains how the neuroscience of sound, language and music shapes human communication EVANSTON, Ill. -- Northwestern University professor Nina Kraus shed light on one of the brain’s most complex tasks -- making sense of sound -- during the recent Falling Walls conference in Berlin.

The prestigious annual gathering features significant discoveries or “breakthroughs” by 20 of the world’s leading scientists and social leaders across a wide range of fields. During her 15-minute talk, Kraus explained how she was able to solve a major problem in the field by devising a new way to measure what happens in the brain when it’s processing sound. “The sounds of our lives change our brain,” said Kraus, an inventor, amateur musician and director of Northwestern’s Auditory Neuroscience Lab in the School of Communication.

Tea4teacher. Please scroll down for the table of contents Dear ELT News readers, The Person-Language Bond II. Very Creative Way to Teach Someone Arabic Alphabet in 28 mins. - Br. Wisam Sharieff. British English and American English. Tongue twisters. These are Europe's most useful second and third languages. Europe is a diverse and beautiful continent with the languages to match. 20 Extremely Well-Mannered Insults To Use On Your Worst Enemy. Number 15 Is Genius. Pronunciation Skills Videos with Adrian Underhill. Literature is GREAT - Part 1. Poets, playwrights and novelists, Britain is famous for its literary talent. From Chaucer’s 'Tales' to J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter… so much of the world’s greatest literature has come from Britain. Leoxicon: Colligation and a bottom-up approach to grammar. 10 Of The Best Language Apps.

How We Speak Reveals What We Think, with Steven Pinker. Transcript My name is Steve Pinker, and I’m Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Helping students learn better. How language changes over time. The 10 Oldest Languages Still Spoken In The World Today. Can I make my brain as plastic as a child’s? – Rebecca Boyle. Five years ago, in a new city and in search of a new hobby, I decided to try playing a musical instrument for the first time. I had never learned to read music; in my grade school, the optional orchestra class was offered at the same time as the optional robotics class, and I chose the latter.

BBC - iWonder - The Longer View: Great speeches. Uk.businessinsider. EFL Mind Maps. Can We Guess Your Age By Your Vocabulary? Harvard linguist points out the 58 most commonly misused words and phrases - Business - MetroWest Daily News, Framingham, MA - Framingham, MA. Can you pass English 101? [QUIZ] Home. MA in Digital Technologies for Language Teaching – Distance Learning. Why study Digital Technologies for Language Teaching? Can We Guess Your Age By Your Vocabulary? BBC Radio 4 - Fry's English Delight, Series 6, Spelling, David Crystal on the evolution of spelling. EFL Mind Maps. A Word on Grammar: At the End or In the End? Explicit cookie consent. All languages have evolved to have this in common. Ten Top Tips for Teaching Pronunciation with Laura Patsko - #1.

What does a Business English language lesson involve? 15 Untranslatable Words You Wish Existed in English. 11 words we should start using more often. Language in Focus. MOOC Description: Linguistics 102 - Speech Science. The Language of Choice and Support. Exploring Original Pronunciation. Inventor's paradox. Oral Presentation Skills :The STRUCTURE. Writing in the Disciplines. Transitional Words and Phrases. Top 10 Terms Students Need to Know to Be Successful on Standardized Tests. 8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language. Transgalator. The Checklist to Becoming a Faster Learner. Language in pictures from Macmillan Dictionary. Rad na studentskoj vizi.

80 Amazing Benefits of Language Learning (Part 1) 20 Misused Words That Make Smart People Look Dumb - » Correcting People’s Grammar: Just Don’t Do It. Top 100 Language YouTube Channels 2015 - Voting. How to learn 30 languages. Six songs that will improve your Spanish and Portuguese. The psychology of accents. 10 Ways to Bounce Back from Quitting a Language. INFOGRAPHIC: A world of languages - and how many speak them. Explicit cookie consent. Log into Facebook. Amazon. NATECLA - Contribute to Language Issues - Contribute to Language Issues. 8 words the Irish gave to the English language. Rakesh Bhanot, Teaching More Than Just English. Top 100 Language Facebook Pages 2015 - Voting. Amazon. Onlinelanguagecenterblog. The future of global English - coping with culture. 25 maps that explain the English language.